Online PvP games aka Games similar to Travian


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I played Travian pretty seriously years ago, my alliance almost winning the server. I'm not crazy about Travian 4 and now that I travel full time I don't get to game much so something I can log into and play would be great. What games similar to Travian are out there that are actually pretty decent? Thank you ahead of time for any help.


Silver Squire
I played quite a bit of Lord of Ultima with a crew from FoH a while ago. We managed to get in the top 4 alliances on our server. I'm not sure how the game is anymore but it was nice while it lasted.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I found Tribal Wars. It seems to be most Travian like but more popular . I think I'll check out a Lord of Ultima also.


I just started Tiberium Alliance -- a C&C online game:

Started on the newest server (opened 9/13) and picked as starting location the south-most slice of the world. Which side you pick apparently doesn't have an impact on whom you can team up with, but I picked GDI.

Not sure yet about its lasting appeal, but there's certainly a lot to do early on. Upgrading buildings happens instantaneously and so do attacks -- but you have to wait for resources (including to attack).


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Can you do invites to get people to start near you in that Soriak?


Can you do invites to get people to start near you in that Soriak?
I don't think so. Location in this game matters, from what I gather so far: players have to try and move to the center, which is dominated by enemies. So you have to make progress to get closer. But if you start on the same server and in the 6 o'clock slice (it'll make sense on the screen), you should be pretty close. There are open spots near me.

Also, you can move your base once you're a couple hours in. You won't produce resources for 2hrs or so, but can move up to 40 fields. I think the idea is that as you level up, you'll take your base further in where, I presume, higher level enemies are.

edit: I think the benefits from being near others don't materialize until later. If you're in an alliance with someone, their territory is considered friendly and it costs you fewer "command" points to move through for attacks. Also, you can defend nearby allies' bases, which I suspect is useful in PvP. You can't be attacked for a week, so there's that (might drop if you attack someone else, but everyone around me is shielded as well). Hopefully by then we're all closer to the center.

edit2: Looks like the game has a referral link now:https://alliances.commandandconquer....6orpxG6GsG3xIw
Only in-game rewards from what I understand; the game is actually fun.


Is there an alliance created for this C&C game to join? I started on the newest server and the southern section, one of my missions now is to join an alliance.


We could create an alliance of our own. Any thoughts? I suck at naming things.

edit: I think you just click on Alliance in the top menu and enter a name + abbreviation. Mistwalkers [FOH]?


There are a Chrome and a Firefox plugin that adds some useful features to the game -- see here for link:

Collecting all resources in your base with one click, for example (I think that's part of one of the included scripts). Also a button to "simulate" battles so you can practice your attack setup prior to sending troops. Not a problem early on, but starting with level 7 or so, they actually have some meaningful defenses and you probably won't win in just one round. At least I don't seem to have enough ammo to knock out the headquarters in one go.


Giving this a try using the referral link up there and based in the 6o'clock slice.

Bit of a waiting jump when it asks you to improve your main base to level 8, looks like it needs tons of resources. Have completely destroyed two camps so far but hesitant to jump into a level 4 camp without really knowing wth I'm doing.

Will hold off on joining an alliance in case this has a burst of popularity.

I posted in the flashgames thread in screenshots but I've been playing quite a bit of Wartune lately, that's a browser based game with city building, jrpg-ish fighting and pvp guild battles and duels etc.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I played this a while back, got fairly high level and just petered out. The issue is you need to get with other people interested in actually playing, else you just end up hopping from alliance to alliance looking for it. One of the main benefits from being in an alliance early on is you can move your base(s) into any "alliance space" within the spacing restrictions. Alliance space being any land held by anyone in your alliance. This is important because the only land you can move into is open land (claimed by no players or NPCs) or alliance land. Also, (imo) it pays to be aggressive early on. Be merciless and kill everyone around you lower than you. It will keep them off your camps (resources) while stealing their resources. I'm very much a survival of the fittest type when it comes to these games /shrug It's always served me well.


Is there a way to apply to join an Alliance? Or do you need to get invited? My name ingame is 88zx88 if it's the latter. Also, is there any kind of strategy we should be employing while developing our bases?


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I want to play this but my work laptop hates it due to the flash I'm guessing.