

A Mod Real Quick
Almost every game last night the other team went double winston + Lucio to stop us

Yeah this is getting tiring real fast


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Go Bastion. Or just a Reaper. Double Winston is really only extremely dangerous at coordinated levels of play where they can overlap their AOE and fixate the same target. At that point Reaper kind of stops working but he can deal with 2 Winstons each mostly individually.


Played a few games this morning and got some huge rank gains:


I usually get half or a third, with the occasional 2/3rds and lots of 1/20ths for winning vs leavers.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think a reasonable nerf to mercy's ult would be to add a cast time to it so it's able to be interrupted and/or make it so taking damage pushes back the cast time each time mercy gets hit while trying to cast the ult. This way positioning and timing are more vital to getting a rez off and she couldn't just swoop into a group of enemies and resurrect 3-5 teammates quite so easily like she can now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wonder what would happen if you rez at like 50-75% HP instead of 100% and keep everything as-is. That way if you Graviton combo and wipe 4 players Mercy can't just swoop in and go "Lol nothing happened here."


A Mod Real Quick
Go Bastion. Or just a Reaper. Double Winston is really only extremely dangerous at coordinated levels of play where they can overlap their AOE and fixate the same target. At that point Reaper kind of stops working but he can deal with 2 Winstons each mostly individually.
I did go reaper. It's just a really annoying comp to play against


Molten Core Raider
Yeah the kids saw what the pro played in the weekly team meta report video. 2 Winston, 2 Lucio and 2 tracer. I see monkeys and multiple Lucio everywhere.

Will be the meta till next week. When the good team will find way to counter this.

Link for it. Interesting but the data the guy get is from teams that play togheter for a while. It's not like pugs can get that cohesion.

There was a image I saw somewhere form yesterday with 2 team running excat same comp.


Golden Squire
Right now my biggest pet peeve is teams that don't actually push the point. They just stick around the perimeter because they're afraid to die and I say "Don't worry if we all go you probably won't die." Of course they ignore me.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
My favorite in comp is going Mercy because no one else will. Have the gold healing with approximately 35% of team damage healed etc. And the only person on my team with a card and 30 seconds prior the retards who have zero situational awareness blame the loss on me not healing.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think a reasonable nerf to mercy's ult would be to add a cast time to it so it's able to be interrupted and/or make it so taking damage pushes back the cast time each time mercy gets hit while trying to cast the ult. This way positioning and timing are more vital to getting a rez off and she couldn't just swoop into a group of enemies and resurrect 3-5 teammates quite so easily like she can now.
Apparently it had a cast time at one point pre-release and nobody played her. I think making it take more time to charge is the way to go. People rezzing back with 50% health like somebody said here might be the way to do it too. Maybe it rezzes both sides of the team? I dunno.


<Bronze Donator>
Been seeing lot of varya + pharah or junkrat. Started playing varya but feels weak unless I'm super close or great at aiming my rockets. The ultimate is great when coupled with another ult though, takes forever to get to 100%. I still love mercy I tend to hold my resses until at least 3 people are in range to be ressed =P but she does recharge fast so I'm leaning towards popping it on 1-2

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
So, apparently I'm an idiot for not doing this sooner, but I just switched to running low graphics and toggled some settings so that I'm getting 144 hz instead of 60. My gsynced framerate went from 60ish to 120-140. Between that and changing to a green reticle my aim has improved 500%.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
To fix some of the OT horseshit, they should require heroes to be within the "touch" zone for 1-2 seconds before it counts. This would mean Tracer rushes basically stop since they can't just dash in + recall within milliseconds to reset the counter. D'Va rush still viable but not as bad as Tracers anyway.

Also I agree that there should probably be a change to how KoTH counters work. Continuing to count while contested is a bit of an issue imo but turning it off completely would make the maps unbearably long. Probably should incorporate a way to cap when you have superior numbers.

As example: Red team capped the point and have 2 members on point. Blue team has 3 members on point. The counter will stop for red and capture progress slowly increases for blue team. Speed of capping to be determined by how many more players you have on the point. If Red team maintains more players than Blue however, then their total progress keeps increasing, like it does now.

This also prevents the Tracer rush from preventing a cap even after losing a fight.


Just played a payload where my team got the double-shaft. Both teams on Gibralter take all 4 points rather easily. Mine loses the coin flip. We hold at the entrance until OT.... they win 1 fight and push it to victory entirely during OT.

With my proposed change above, this situation would still have occurred most likely, but maybe strat would be slightly different if having more members on payload meant cancelling out the OT.. idk, just shitty way to lose


A Mod Real Quick
So, apparently I'm an idiot for not doing this sooner, but I just switched to running low graphics and toggled some settings so that I'm getting 144 hz instead of 60. My gsynced framerate went from 60ish to 120-140. Between that and changing to a green reticle my aim has improved 500%.
A lot of pros run at lower settings because you can hide turrets/bastion in foliage and you can't see that on high settings


<Bronze Donator>
KoTH just needs to not go up while contested. It's the most common sense change, I can't believe it hasn't worked like that from the start. Do that and go back to bo3 instead of bo5 if you have to because the rounds get longer, or adjust the time it takes to get to 100%.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
KoTH just needs to not go up while contested. It's the most common sense change, I can't believe it hasn't worked like that from the start. Do that and go back to bo3 instead of bo5 if you have to because the rounds get longer, or adjust the time it takes to get to 100%.
As mentioned in my post, I really don't think this change is viable at all. 1 Map could last forever almost. Just look how long OT can be stretched already, which is to get just 1%... you could potentially have hour(s) long matches to get it to 100%... Tracer/D'Va rushes would make it hell.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The amount of people per team on the point making a difference is probably a good change, make it like payloads where up to 3 can sit on the point and keep it at max speed. Each enemy on the point slows the gain until it 0s out if the teams are even on the point. Have Overtime work on a similar metric... or as some have suggested, have OT be "charged" by being on the point, instead of a flat timer that starts if someone touches it.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
have OT be "charged" by being on the point, instead of a flat timer that starts if someone touches it.
This makes the most sense to me. A Tracer tagging the point and then being instagibbed by a full team shouldn't be worth anything.