

Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think the game needs class switching simply because there are so many X > Y > Z > X counters in this game. Heroes that are a direct response to another hero. So if they did do locked-in class restrictions you'd dread having first pick because whoever you chose they'll just choose the direct counter.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This Seagull guy is pretty damn legit at the game. Seems to know the actual game far better than Summit instead of just relying on personal accuracy and twitch.


<Silver Donator>
This Seagull guy is pretty damn legit at the game. Seems to know the actual game far better than Summit instead of just relying on personal accuracy and twitch.
Yeah, he's playing lucio atm and wall riding a lot, fun to see. He's meleeing Pharrah out of the sky.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, he's playing lucio atm and wall riding a lot, fun to see. He's meleeing Pharrah out of the sky.
Its funny because the various classes really show off how different skills translate to different characters. IMO his Pharrah is pretty sub-par. But I've seen Quake players do insane shit with him. Not sure what Seagull played in TF2 but he played Lucio at a crazy level and played him very, very similar to how a Scout plays. I'm pretty sure Widowmaker will be most like a CSGO skillset where it is mostly about instant reactions when someone pops out of a corner you're covering.


Seagullis at least top 3 NA soldiers in TF2, and he's surprisingly not a dickbag. Played with him a few times way back in the day in scrims but our team quit a long time ago.

Pharrahs rockets are far more similar to Quake than they are in TF2. In TF2 the splash damage is acceptable and generally what you're going to want to go for. (shoot feet get kills), in Quake as well as Pharrah the rockets are only really effective with direct hits. You can pick away at their health of course but it's not much. Stermy (amazing quake player) was playing Pharrah the other day and just wrecking shit constantly.

As for class restrictions people keep suggesting: I don't think it's a bad thing but I don't like it at all. The characters currently feel like they all have a counter or two so switching characters once you get to a certain point of the map where your character doesn't shine, but it did shine in the beginning, is something I don't see going away.
Comp TF2 had restrictions but they are somewhat loose. For example: generally a team layout is 2 soldiers / 2 scouts / 1 med / 1 demo
but you could offclass at any time you wanted, but classes like demoman/heavy and medic are always restricted to one per team. Everything else was capped at 2 of the same class per team depending on the league.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if and when a competitive mode came out they did something very similar to characters, but they need to leave the ability to change characters in the game.


Class restrictions sounds like something the competitive community would have to come up with and police themselves in the future. I wouldn't want Blizzard to futz around with requiring compositions in game.


Trakanon Raider
People suggesting locked classes probably don't play much TF2. There are a lot of comments wanting to equate its core design to moba principles, such as you pick your character to start the map and that's it. When at its core this seems to be a lot more FPS than Moba, even if there are ultimate skills. Likewise, Smite is more Moba than FPS for a contrasted game.


A lot of people suggesting locked classes don't play FPS games at all. (most streamers currently tbh)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
But there are only 9 classes in TF2 compared to Overwatch which already has what like 20? So it can fit in this game better than in TF2. And I think people may be taking class restrictions a bit out of context. At least I haven't heard many people want you to lock in your class in a draft-mode style. They just don't want you to be able to stack multiples of the same hero on your team. I feel the constant ebb and flow of heroes and counter-heroes will make Overwatch more exciting once it gets a bit more figured out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


So the stats are nice, but I don't quite get the purpose of the Synergies/Counters/Countered by section at the end. He can debuff for 150% damage, so any damage class should be on the 'synergies' list, he can only heal one person so any tank should be there too. His debuff is good against tanks, so that's why he's listed as a counter for them, what about Pharah? I assume it's because his orbs are accurate and fast, but it's missing info. For countered by, it just looks like all the damage classes... again, not enough info there.


Toe Sucker
i'd assume it just 'synergizes' with characters that couldn't necessarily '1 shot' a target? or kill a target in 1 clip but with his debuff they would? (not sure why roadhog is there though unless debuffed hook + shot/melee combo would definitely 1 shot somebody i guess?

Widowmaker wouldn't 1 shot anybody (except supports + tracer) unless its a headshot, but with an extra 50% damage it would pretty much kill anybody that isnt a tank regardless of where it hit. Probably would even 1 shot any of those tanks with a headshot too with the debuff

definitely handy to see those specific stats on his HPS/debuff information though. I wanted to give him a shot


Bronze Knight of the Realm
We're also only 1 week in and no real high level games are being played. Shit the Blizzard Devs is probably the best team in Overwatch and devs are generally terrible at their own games. So outside of actual factual numbers counters/synergies/compositions are just conjecture.


Toe Sucker
A fully charged Widowmaker snipe does 170 body damage or 310 headshot damage.

If Zen puts his orb on the target it's going to boost it up to 255 body damage or 510 headshot damage.


This means two things.. it'll 1 shot any non tank class in the game unless they have armor from torbjorn with a body shot.
It'll kill every character in the game that doesn't have armor from torbjorn with a headshot except Roadhog lol

Now i'm curious what absurd damage would be done if mercy was channeling her right click on widowmaker too lol


Tranny Chaser
I do like the team aspect of these games which reward synergistic opportunities. Two people who can't eagle-eye a sniper shot across the map can nevertheless make significant contributions as meaningful support to enhance the guy who can.


<Silver Donator>
A fully charged Widowmaker snipe does 170 body damage or 310 headshot damage.

If Zen puts his orb on the target it's going to boost it up to 255 body damage or 510 headshot damage.


This means two things.. it'll 1 shot any non tank class in the game unless they have armor from torbjorn with a body shot.
It'll kill every character in the game that doesn't have armor from torbjorn with a headshot except Roadhog lol

Now i'm curious what absurd damage would be done if mercy was channeling her right click on widowmaker too lol
Seagull was saying they stack multiplicatively, so if you have both, you can melt down tanks and shit super fast. On the infographic, the explanations for the stuff is on the reddit thread it's from, it's just basic stuff. Synergizes well with high damage dealers, melts tanks, get countered by high burst heroes cause he's made of paper. Pharrah I think is mostly because by orbing her, which is easy to do since it's like no aiming, she dies in one shot to some of her traditional counters like McCree and Widow, which makes her a lot weaker. Most people can land a few shots on her, with the orb on, that usually results in a kill. Those are just suggestions and not exhaustive lists, they're just there for really dumb people.

The rest of the info is interesting however cause there's no numerical values anywhere in the game, which kinda sucks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The rest of the info is interesting however cause there's no numerical values anywhere in the game, which kinda sucks.
That seems to be Blizzard's MO these days is to abstract away hard figures. It is annoying. Like in HotS block absorbs auto attacks 'periodically.' Just fucking tell me when it refreshes Blizzard.


Toe Sucker
Yeah i don't like those vague descriptions either, it's pretty annoying lol. I understand that they want to keep the game 'simple' but they should allow you to toggle some sort of advanced tooltip information or whatever to see exactly what the shit does.


Toe Sucker
Seagull's Lucio is so sick too hahah
I need to utilize his wall shit more, i alwaaaays forget about it