

Molten Core Raider
After playing AvP for a long ass time, it looks like they took the concept of wall crawling from the Aliens and added it.


what Suineg set it to
I don't think so, they plan to patch at least once after each Blizzcon.


Toe Sucker
Of course they will, and instead of balancing a broken character they'll just completely gut them like they do in hots lol

This game is really enjoyable though even without any kind of leveling system not being implemented yet. Most characters are really unique which is nice


The problem of being one of the best in the business at balancing competitive MP games?



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Make me an argument against them not being the best at balancing competitive MP games. I should note I don't consider WoW Arena a competitive MP game. I also don't consider textless gifs a valid response.


2 Minutes Hate
You're the one who made that statement, you defend it. I just find that hard to believe since outside of Starcraft; I really don't see them having any real real estate in the competitive MP marketplace. Maybe one day with HOTS but I doubt it and I can't really seriously consider Hearthstone either.

I mean if you want to say that SC was the most balanced RTS; sure. But how do you compare that to FPS, MOBA or any other genres.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ok I'll defend it.

SC2 doesn't really require defense. It is the most balanced RTS to date. I'll just let the graphs back that one up.

Balance report

Brood Wars requires a bit more defense. It isn't a perfectly balanced game and most will still argue it was balanced by circumstance, unintended bugs and still revolves around maps. But ignoring all that the win rates for the matchups still stay in the 60/40 realm. If one race needs is particularly struggling in Korea the map makers will make maps to favor them. Lately Terran has been the most powerful race during Brood Wars' resurgence in Korea but you could make a very easy argument that the fact is simply the Terran players are better and when a high accomplished Protoss (Bisu, Shuttle) actually play it shows the discrepancy isn't very large. There are just simply more high level Terran players.

Warcraft 3 TFT you could argue wasn't quite a pure RTS so it is difficult to determine some statistics. Due to the fact or RNG based item drops sometimes a map can be won or lost simply in the creep phase. Orc dominance is a pretty well known fact but lately it seems like there have been some meta shifts to deal with the blatant OP of the Grunt. If it is the most purely balanced RTS on the market that is probably false but all four races are still considered competitively viable even if UD is more of an afterthought (but can still work.) Finding modern win rates is nearly impossible since the only region actively playing WC3 is China and it is really hard to find any information out.

Now we'll move on to HotS. We still have to rely upon 3rd party information to figure out win rates but currently the highest winrate hero is TLV with 55.5%. The lowest winrate hero is Abathur 41.8%. Since the latter is mostly players just have no fucking clue what the hero is doing lets move to the second lowest which is Illidan at 44.1% (though you could make a similar argument for him.)

Lets compare that with it's competition. League shows Brand at 56% win rate at the highest and Azir at the lowest with 42%. The high/low are within enough margin I won't throw out the lowest like Abathur since the next lowest is only a 1% difference.

And then on to DOTA. #1 Omni with 60.75. Next is Abbadon with 59. Lowest is Oracle then Wisp with 40 and 40.5.

So if we're just taking pure win rates as an argument for balance HotS is no less and no more balanced than it's MOBA competition.

Then you can move on to other games. Is CSGO balanced? Hardly the same handful of guns are the only ones you ever reliably see.

Smite shows similar stuff where it is within the 60/40 balance realm.


That guy
Make me an argument against them not being the best at balancing competitive MP games. I should note I don't consider WoW Arena a competitive MP game. I also don't consider textless gifs a valid response.
Saying Blizzard is good at balancing pvp while discounting WoW arenas is like saying Hitler wasn't that bad if you discount the Jew murders


I'd love to see this game being competitive, its a joy to watch
It most likely will if given the support by both blizz and the community, and currently it seems blizzard wants to push it towards competitive.
I only say that because it really is fun to watch, and it feels very easy to follow so any ol' retard can jump in on tournament days and root for a team and not be bored within 4 minutes. Plus the style of the game will hold up in several years and watching old highlights won't be offputting.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The game will be infused with Blizzard money. No one gives a damn about Heroes and Blizzard is still standing that up as a competitive game.


2 Minutes Hate
Where are you pulling those win percentages from for LOL? Are you selecting a specific skill range? The whole game? Azir is a pretty mechanical intensive champ, it's always going to have a low win rate in public games but it has gone through cycles of being pick/ban in the meta during pro play.

Just to abstractly compare win rates in heros/champs to whether the game is balanced is odd. You can for sure discuss whether or no certain champs are balanced but I don't know how you compare that across games. League, I think, has pretty decent balance because if it didn't, it wouldn't succeed globally the way it does.

In any case, it's a silly discussion because it's impossible to give anyone the "most balanced esport game" title. I would say that both DOTA and LOL have issues but from a macro point of view are pretty well balanced as the games continue to grow and evolve.


2 Minutes Hate
It most likely will if given the support by both blizz and the community, and currently it seems blizzard wants to push it towards competitive.
I only say that because it really is fun to watch, and it feels very easy to follow so any ol' retard can jump in on tournament days and root for a team and not be bored within 4 minutes. Plus the style of the game will hold up in several years and watching old highlights won't be offputting.
I agree. This is the first Blizzard game that I enjoy watching on a stream and watching people make plays. I just hope they support it properly with competitive ladders inside the game itself. I hope they learned from HOTs.