

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Im sucking at the game. Not use to the keybinds yet. What's a good key for the melee attack? V doesn't work well for me.


Toe Sucker
Every game i've played has been extremely one sided since the invites went out... it makes it pretty insufferable regardless of what side you're on.

It's actually kind of unreal how much it kills the fun when matches are this consistently one sided lol


Vyemm Raider
Xenxex#1202 - usually Lucio or the rare Hanzo(rare bc im terribad at anything thats not Lucio!)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You may all sleep well, im not in as usual.
And as usual i wont be out buying their game like i did since WoW beta (where wouldnt get in as well).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wow I got in. Crazy.

I was in the weekend test a while back and I loved the game but man it's painful on my old man reflexes.
Tank classes are your friend then


<Silver Donator>
Im sucking at the game. Not use to the keybinds yet. What's a good key for the melee attack? V doesn't work well for me.
I have mine on mouse button 5 and F, I tend to press F more often though.

Roadhog is definitely buffed, hook stun lasting longer means you don't hook genji/tracer and they go "lolnope" but the real big change is the reload change. You now reload halfway into your animation(for everyone), which means you can now hook way earlier than before while reloading(or heal up) and not fuck it up. His reload was especially bad before so the change helps him a ton I find.

Oh and they fixed his shotgun firing way to the right at point blank. Now comes out of the center. So all in all, great buffs.


Trump's Staff
Not in, no surprise. One of my best friends is so I may just have to murder him for his bnet account.

Worst part is I think I'll be deployed when this releases


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Every game i've played has been extremely one sided since the invites went out... it makes it pretty insufferable regardless of what side you're on.

It's actually kind of unreal how much it kills the fun when matches are this consistently one sided lol
I've had a couple of close matches. The funny part is it seems for unorganized pubs it seems to favor the defender way, way more than the attacker. So many times my team just spawns and zergs the defense point and just die 1-by-1. I try to achat saying to regroup to no avail. They will just zerg in and we'll get massacred because we have no coordiation.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I do wish there was a bit more "feeling" or doing damage. I get the reticle changes when you damage someone but there is almost no other visual feedback. It also doesn't seem like enemies slow down at all when you hit them. Maybe I'm just used to CS since that was my go-to FPS but it feels more natural for a movement penalty to be suffered on shot. As it stands right now if you aren't strafing the entire time while firing you're probably the ultimate bad since it doesn't appear like movement even matters for your accuracy.


Still a Music Elitist
So I've been paying close to zero attention to this game but I know I'm going to be playing it a ton when it comes out. How big is the learning curve? The amount of classes seems really overwhelming. I'm worried I'll play one class for 15 minutes, hate it for that 15 minutes, and never play it again because there are so many other options.

To give you an idea, I think I have 30 total minutes played on Scout in TF2.


Toe Sucker
I don't think theres a large learning curve at all in terms of classes, you'll learn what everybody does very quickly since theres only really two abilities per class and their weapons/health pool.


<Silver Donator>
Well I don't know about the learning curve, if you mean knowing what everyone does, it goes pretty quick, it's only like 1/4 of LoL or Dota hero pools and the heroes have less skills too. If you mean actually learning to play every hero, then yeah it's long but you'll most likely stick to what you like. The great part about having so many is you don't get bored as fast and you can find something that's very specific to your tastes, rather than a more generalist approach like support > medic in TF2. Some heroes have higher learning curves than others too. Like for example Hanzo and Genji take a while because they have some weird quirks, but others are fairly straight forward.

I've played the game I don't know, probably 100ish hours or so? And there's still a bunch of heroes I've never played an entire game. I think I've never picked Widowmaker even once other than a skirmish while waiting for another game. I don't think I've ever picked Junkrat. Was the same in dota/lol/hon/hots and so on, some stuff just doesn't appeal to me so I don't even bother with it. There's enough choice with the stuff I like.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So I've been paying close to zero attention to this game but I know I'm going to be playing it a ton when it comes out. How big is the learning curve? The amount of classes seems really overwhelming. I'm worried I'll play one class for 15 minutes, hate it for that 15 minutes, and never play it again because there are so many other options.

To give you an idea, I think I have 30 total minutes played on Scout in TF2.
Really within your first death of any class you have the fundamentals down. This is a Blizzard game so nothing is overly complicated in terms of "easy to learn." Every class gives you an overview of what they do when you hit "F1" which tells you what their LMB/RMB/LShift/E/Q all do. Now again since this is Blizzard it really does have the "easy to learn difficult to master" aspect where just because you know what the skills do doesn't mean you know when/where/how to use them optimally.

Since I have maybe a grand total of 3 hours played I can already say I'm pretty comfortable being able to talk about: S76, McCree, Widowmaker, Roadhog, Junkrat, Reaper, Tracer. And mostly because those were just the ones I was sticking with instead of having to learn game mechanics while simultaneously learning hero mechanics. I haven't touched the supports yet which seem to be the most overall complicated.


Molten Core Raider
Got a tikiman skin for the fat guy from my level 3 box whatup. So far favorites definitely Mercy & Widowmaker.


Toe Sucker
I really like Zenny's Djinn skin so far. Most of the characters i play don't have a skin yet
The one I got was pretty cool though I just don't really like playing Reaper all that much.

I kinda wish you could sell stuff for credits. I'd rather have a sick POTG pose for Genji than a skin i'll rarely use lol



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I got the underwater Winston skin with my first loot crate and crap since. I haven't even played Winston yet.

@Needless I think duplicate items automatically get converted into credits