

Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I got this as impulse buy since it's usually not my thing, but had tons of fun tonight just solo queuing. Made level 6, only played as Mercy which is kinda fun and easy for a noob.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I got this as impulse buy since it's usually not my thing, but had tons of fun tonight just solo queuing. Made level 6, only played as Mercy which is kinda fun and easy for a noob.
If you pay $40 you can't go wrong on PC. At $60 it isn't worth it imho. TF2 is just as good and it's free.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
How is D'Va any good? When she gets blown up it's over. She has very low health.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
How is D'Va any good? When she gets blown up it's over. She has very low health.
Good at clearing out cramped areas with boost+ulti.

Roadhog needs a damn immortan joe skin. And did they nerf his shotgun? Dont recall getting a single instant kill from hook+full blast tonight.


<Silver Donator>
Need more random disconnects in this game. There's almost a point where I actually get a streak going and that must not happen.


How is D'Va any good? When she gets blown up it's over. She has very low health.
Her gun when in zero suit/plugsuit mode is actually surprisingly good (rapid fire, fast projectiles, no damage falloff) but you need to GTFO from combatright awayand shoot from middle-long range with it.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Good at clearing out cramped areas with boost+ulti.

Roadhog needs a damn immortan joe skin. And did they nerf his shotgun? Dont recall getting a single instant kill from hook+full blast tonight.
I don't think he was tuned since beta, but don't forget to throw in a quick melee after your shotgun blast to pile on some more damage after a hook!


FoH nuclear response team
Had a bunch of matches that wouldn't start last night but otherwise had some fun. Looking to get back on tonight after work.

Played Torbjorn for the first time and his right click is insanely powerful.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How is D'Va any good? When she gets blown up it's over. She has very low health.
Her pistol does insane damage, just need to have good aim since 0 spread. You can charge her Q (mech suit) back up quickly if you land pistol shots. D'Va isn't considered top tier for competitive but in SoloQ she's fine. Her boosters provide a small knockback, useful for pushing an enemy away from an objective or just disorient them so you can kill them easier. Her passive is a "get out of jail free" card. Her Ult is a free heal since when you call your mech you are restored to full health.

Just don't run into a ton of enemies alone with her, she's better as a flanker and for harassment. Ult is good for zoning. I like to hop on D'Va to take out Pharahs since you can fly like them and even knock them back during their ult to save your team, also a Pharah can't escape a D'Va too easily. Also good for getting to the hard-to-reach snipers perched on a ledge.


Had fun games grouped with McFly last night, think we won all but 2 games?

do not pug in this game. Just do not. It's like a wow battleground - it's going to be you trying to tell people they need to capture an objective, and even when you somehow manage to do well, it'll go into overtime and you'll lose.

Absolutely hate overtime.
i've 100% solo queued so far and no problems, don't worry too much about winning and its not a big deal. you'll get teams with good players who know what to do, and sometimes you'll get noobs who play like its team deathmatch. grouping up has its own issues, like preferring matches against other similar sized groups - no big deal if its just 2 but then you get sweaty games or go up against a full 6 man premade, which won't happen with solo queues.
Agree with Spronk. Right now the games don't mean anything. It's casual mode. Competitive is being reworked, so no meaningful ladder right now. Practice, learn heroes, learn maps, don't worry much about winning. Competitive has its own stats so you don't have to worry about your KDA in Quick Play either, the only stats people will care about will be Competitive stats.

In Beta you had to be level 25 to enter Competitive, so right now leveling up to that point is the only real goal so you can jump into ladder games once it's released.


Also, as I've mentioned before for the Betas, to be most successful you'll want to focus on mastering only a few heroes. I'm basically sticking with S76, Reaper, Mei, D'Va. Don't expect me to heal your ass if we group


Tranny Chaser
I do like how, like TF2, they give useful roles to people who cannot hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun. I've been focusing on Lucio, Torbjorn, D.Va. and Symmetra and at least feel rather effective.


FoH nuclear response team
I do like how, like TF2, they give useful roles to people who cannot hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun. I've been focusing on Lucio, Torbjorn, D.Va. and Symmetra and at least feel rather effective.
Nothing like going balls deep into a room trying to get that last shot on a player only to get gangbanged by some Symmetra turrets.


A Mod Real Quick
I definitely played Pharah (sp?) the most followed by Reinhardt. Still learning all the heroes as I didn't get any time in beta.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I do like how, like TF2, they give useful roles to people who cannot hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun. I've been focusing on Lucio, Torbjorn, D.Va. and Symmetra and at least feel rather effective.
LOL, that's me, which is why I played Mercy last night.

I'll try others, but I find her to be a good way to learn the game, maps etc... without worrying too much about my bad aiming.