

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hooking people into holes is the best thing.

Also, fuck Mei.
I like those, but I get tired of being hooked through a wall/floor or other object. Maybe 10% of the time it actually stops me , otherwise I watch myself travel through the object.


what Suineg set it to
So yea this game has some interesting 'choices'. I run around the corner to see McCree as Reaper. I brain him with the shotgun (point blank so I see it's not a miss and he's in a corner) he flash bangs me. I shit out of dying but then he's at full health still and I have 7 shells. So, the game decided the stun stopped my shot pellets but not my ammo count?


<Silver Donator>
I'm done with this game until they do something about the net code. Its infuriating.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Thanks for the games tonight. I was avoiding at first because I'm desperately trying to learn the rest of the cast because I feel pigeoned holed but this Sunday was just all around terrible for me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm done with this game until they do something about the net code. Its infuriating.
Are you referring to how it will let you be hooked/shot/stunned/etc based on what the aggressor sees rather than the defender? I've been killed so many times in the past two days when I was already inside a building/behind a wall/etc. Very frustrating to watch the killcam and see that I'm not even close to where I just was on my screen.


Turn on the performance stats and look at your ping. When I play with work friends, they are all out in cali so I get a 120-130 ping. When you add in ticrate delays it is a long time.

When I play by myself or with you guys I'm around 80 and there's a huge difference. I still get shot through walls and chained through catwalks and the like but what I mainly notice is my abilities fire more.

As Mei, I often hit my self heal freeze ability, hear it go off, then die, and on the kill cam you see no sign of it. On the lower ping games I get it to go off much more often when it is close.


Molten Core Raider
I'm enjoying the game a lot so far. I have most fun when I duo with one of my friend. Usually when we try to play with more the game put us VS pre-made and our small group is not really ready for that.

I play Lucio, he play Zarya and it's a pretty solid duo. I'm trying to get my Lucio wall riding to the next level and I'm improving quite a lot latelly.


FoH nuclear response team
Anyone having issue with shots not doing damage? There was a Widowmaker going ass to mouth on me yesterday and none of my rockets did damage to her and my knock back didn't move her either. Even on the kill cam it showed the rockets and knock back hitting her and it did fuck all.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
S76 is really, really good. His doesnt have a weakness? He can aoe dmg (ult basically provides this and rocket attack) do good damage to stragglers, speed to cap points and escape, AND can heal. If you can learn to burst fire for long range kills you basically have a hero that can be useful in any game.
76's main weakness is the long cooldown on his helix which is the most reliable way to confirm kills, long range combat and melee ranged combat. Generally if he gets jumped and misses his Helix he's toast. He's also not great at dealing with heroes such as Genji, Tracer, Winston or Reinhardt.
As the 500th best S76 in the game, I concur with Tenks.

Seriously though, he's very well balanced, does have weaknesses, and sometimes you might even see S76 stacks which seem OP. C9 actually did a S76 stack in the tournament this weekend. With the AoE healing it is actually viable but enemy team still has options, such as going Winstons/Reins/Roadhogs

S76 gets shut down by shields. A well played D'Va can block out an entire S76 Ult with her E. Rein/Winston shields are also problematic but can be more easily flanked. He also gets shut down by hard CC such as Roadhog hook and McCree flashbangs. Genji and Tracer are also very problematic, but a Tracer will get 1-shot if S76 lands the helix rockets on her. If you whiff the rockets then Tracer wins usually.

Even though S76 can Sprint, he does lack mobility in terms of gap closing and elevations. He can "snipe" targets out of the sky but at the same time is vulnerable to aerial attacks from a Pharah.

S76 is also vulnerable to snipers.

So yes, plenty of weaknesses. Why he's strong is because he's the perfect TEAM player. His AoE damage is useless in a 1v1 but great in team battles, his Ult also weak when alone but great in the heat of battle. S76 just shines in big fights due to sustain and consistent damage. if he's singled out then the 1v1 usually comes down to hitting with helix rockets.

In a 1v1 S76 loses to almost everyone other than Healers/Snipers and the 50/50 chance of 1-shotting Tracer. Against tanks he can really only 1v1 Winston. To kill a Winston you need to keep running INTO Winston. Winston's attack needs Line of Sight, running away from Winston just means you get electrocuted easily. Run into Winston to continually break sight and you win easily.

1v1 are obviously more favorable for S76 if you jump them first and land rockets but I'm just talking straight up 1v1 duel without the element of surprise.

Overall he's very solid and balanced with clear strengths and weaknesses and a S76 stack actually isn't too terrible since he's the perfect TEAM player.


Anyone having issue with shots not doing damage?
Yes I've noticed it when playing Phara. Bouncing people all over the place with rockets and their health staying solid. I think sometimes they have big shields from Lucio and it just doesn't show up on their bar. That's my guess anyway.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Seriously though, he's very well balanced, does have weaknesses, and sometimes you might even see S76 stacks which seem OP. C9 actually did a S76 stack in the tournament this weekend.
I think they only did that to hide strats. They only pulled it out against far inferior competition.


I'm not sure if it's true but I read one of the reasons for wall hooks is that the game decides whether you connect with hook when you press the button and then plays the animation. The time between a "hit" and the animation completing allows you to move behind a wall.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
His hook does appear to be hitscan. You don't seem to need to lead with it which sometimes leads to the feeling of a black hole attached to the end of it. But it can also intercept players that seem to walk infront of it so it may lock onto a target but also allow itself for collision as it acts as a projectile. This is also why as a Genji you can sometimes Shift away from the hook and it goes out for an absurd range.


A Mod Real Quick
I find S76s main weaknesses to be when you run out of ammo with him (and it happens quickly) you are basically a fish out of water. You can sprint away, but most people will be able to gib you. I find him to be extremely well-rounded and a great S76 player can really destroy a team. I started playing him over the weekend and he's my favorite assault character now. It used to be Pharah, but there's plenty of better Pharah's out there over me.

I got Zenyatta's legendary skin (Djinnyatta) so I decided to play him a bit. After some videos I found I was playing him all wrong (trying to be a healer debuffer), when you go offensive support and go a bit aggressive he's absolutely insane. Definitely under-utilized, and a good Zenyatta is frustrating to play against.


A Mod Real Quick
Also I hooked someone as roadhog but the hook didn't register when I actually grabbed them, they were able to run inside a building and the hook only pulled them against the wall. Kind of shitty, but it seems rare it acts like that.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hm I don't know if I'd recommend posturing Zenyatta aggressively. He has no escape and can die if the wind picks up. Since his attack has no damage fall off and are 100% accurate he seems to play better as a sniper in the back lines. The biggest problem is flanking is such a part of the game it is really, really hard to just "stay back" with him because you'll get a Genji/Tracer/Reaper fucking up your shit. That or WM will just bodyshot you to death.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Roadhog hooks are absurd but just like with McCree flashbang, it's a needed ability. Hard CC is required to keep a lot of the more mobile heroes in check. It's balancing the damage that needs work. McCree and Roadhog shouldn't be able to 1-shot you during the hard CC. That's my biggest beef. The CC should give them an advantage in the fight, but 1-shotting is just silly. They can 1-shot basically anyone but tanks, that's a huge percentage of the cast that just gets fucked over. Roadhog isn't as big an issue though simply because hooks are harder to land, Flashbang is stupid easy though. Keep the stun but tune his Fan the Hammer damage. He still does stupid long-range damage which which is fine if his close-range is tuned better.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I feel like simply moving a hero out of position is almost good enough but then Roadhog is also custom fit to finish his target afterwards. I always kind of felt the hook pull back should be a bit more wild and the hero is thrown behind Roadhog.

McCree simply needs his fan damage lowered. Probably to like 30 a shot or something. Something major needs to happen with the guy. Even if you nerf Fan he can still kill most heroes (200HP ones that is) with a Flash and headshot + bodyshot. But right now McCree lacks a clear downside outside of extremely far range combat. He's a better close quarter hero than Reaper and a better mid range hero than 76 when played well.