

Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I find DVA effective if you fly into people and use your melee and guns in close. I only stationary turret to build up ult.


Molten Core Raider
Finally tried DVA, how did that go live. So horrible. Like with no reload I suppose if you somehow survive a bit you can down folk while reloading. But really would be much better off with a more conventional reload balanced around perhaps unloading on folk then jump jetting out, because current gun relies on time in the fight to unload any damage. Would like to see something a bit more mid range capable on a reload.
Trust me there were many, many, many, many, many topics on her underperformance in the beta threads, which went unanswered by every blizz employee on the payroll, for weeks, possibly months. The last 3-ish months of closed beta were all focused on tuning tracer/genji/symm/torb/bas/zen/<insert support/dps class here>. They completely ignored tanks, they completely ignored how irrelevant tanks were except for Reinhardt and to an extent Winston (who has promptly nerfed thanks to hero stacking), and how damaging their current ult-charging algorithm is based on damage done, meaning if you didn't have a shield (Rein) which negated damage, you were helping the enemy team charge their ults versus being useful in your role (as a tank.)

This is still a huge issue, and probably one of the reasons Competitive / Ranked has been delayed.

But yea, D.Va has nothing going for her aside from mobility, and being fun to play. Her ult is garbage - even when they did their LOS payload revamp which enabled certain heros to be able to perform their roles properly (Lucio not being able to heal teammates due to payload LOS, junkrat tire ignoring LOS now, etc) they still, STILL managed to forget D.Va's ult being shit-tastic due to being able to huddle on the other side of the payload, or you know, anywhere there is a polygon that blocks LOS.
Her movement-hindering while firing is the biggest complaint next to not being able to fire while Defense Matrix is up. Why have a mobile initiation tank when her mobility is all but sacrificed the moment you start shooting? Do they expect her to just run around in front of the enemy backline punching people and getting shot in her overly large head critical hitbox?

Sigh, anyways...


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I was wondering about that when I heard Seagull talk about it. It seems kind of silly that a tank doing the job of tanking damage (like Roadhog for example) just allows the opponents to build up ult meters and make plays. Seems like that is counter-intuitive to how the roles are supposed to work.


Molten Core Raider
Well they can once again allow tanks to charge their own ults from taking damage (which I believe is how it was in alpha) or they can make tournament mode ults charge based on a timer, and slightly influenced by doing your "job" as denoted by the role your hero plays (attack/defend/tank/support). DPS will of course charge faster by doing damage, tanks will charge faster by taking or blocking damage, supports charge faster by healing or what not, and defenders charge faster by staying on objectives / getting objective kills.

Who knows... I'm sure they have a lot of brainy people working on it, but then again they've let it get this far... so maybe not.


Murder Apologist
So judging from all the socials and twitch activity on this, is it safe to say OW hasn't flopped like a lot of cunts said it would?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
DVA is more a counter-based hero. Almost her entire HP pools is in armor. Unfortunately the most common heroes you'll see every fucking game because they're OP is McCree and Widow and neither of which really care a whole ton about armor. She's good versus low damage high rof heroes like Tracer and Winston.

I would be interested in seeing possibly making it so she could choose to evacuate the mech. There are some times being in pilot form is better than being in mech form.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was wondering about that when I heard Seagull talk about it. It seems kind of silly that a tank doing the job of tanking damage (like Roadhog for example) just allows the opponents to build up ult meters and make plays. Seems like that is counter-intuitive to how the roles are supposed to work.
I think its a tradeoff with the heroes. Like Rein's shield doesn't generate ult chage but Roadhog does with his massive HP pool and insanity sized headbox. The ult charging used to be sillier where taking damage and giving damage charged ult. So there were times it was actually a good idea to not shoot people to generate their ult.

Someone did post a while back to make ult charge based upon HP% removed. So taking anyone 100-0 would generate the same charge. I'm still not sure how well that would work but I wish they gave it a shot.


Trakanon Raider
Remove the fucking movement slow, give her an ammo count, and let her shield absorb refill her spent ammo and she'd probably be fine. The damage her cannons do combined with the insane snare on them is just ridiculous and you can't really expect to kill anyone with it.

Zero suit D.va beats meach D.va 1v1 in basically every situation, which should be plenty enough of an indicator how fucked her mech guns are.
As a Mei main I love running into D.va. She always seems to think she can 1vs1 me at close range because I am not a tank and I just end up smashing her and then walling her retreat off when she's in human form. That's just one situation of course, but I never find myself afraid of D.va no matter who I play. Symmetra and Junkrat are my other 2 mains and I never ever fear her with them either. I will kill her at point blank range with a third of her HP. She is so bad.


A nice asshole.
Finally tried DVA, how did that go live. So horrible. Like with no reload I suppose if you somehow survive a bit you can down folk while reloading. But really would be much better off with a more conventional reload balanced around perhaps unloading on folk then jump jetting out, because current gun relies on time in the fight to unload any damage. Would like to see something a bit more mid range capable on a reload.
I like her currently, any changes into the better will make her a beast.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Seagull said that this weekend's GosuGamer tournament may have a 1 hero limit enforced. They seem to waffle back and forth on that rule.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Finally tried DVA, how did that go live. So horrible. Like with no reload I suppose if you somehow survive a bit you can down folk while reloading. But really would be much better off with a more conventional reload balanced around perhaps unloading on folk then jump jetting out, because current gun relies on time in the fight to unload any damage. Would like to see something a bit more mid range capable on a reload.
You're not going to love every Hero but D'Va is one of my favs. Just depends how you play her.
Steps to playing D'Va:
First you need to buy the "Winky Face" emote. Then spam it once you enter your match.
Next, know her role: D'Va is a flanker, pusher, and disrupter.
Flanking: Go around/over/under terrain to get to the squishy backline
Pusher: Jet into people to push them away from objectives, into walls, alter their Line of Sight for Ult usage, or just push them off cliffs to their death.
Disrupter: Tank all the enemy ults with your E. Force people away from areas with your Ult.
Pharah: Shift into her and use E to make her commit seppuku, even in the air a Pharah's not safe from a D'Va.
Soldier 76: E and keep in front of him, your E extends away from your mech, if you're close enough to the Soldier he can't use his Ultimate basically at all unless he shoots behind himself. Your E will block Left/Right/Ahead, basically a 180 or 270 degree is blocked off depending how you approach him.
Reaper: You can Shift into him to push him away and also E to soak up hits.
McCree & Junkrat: Can't do much, your mech insta dies but then you just do uber damage with pistol. Saccing your mech to a Tire to save team is a viable strat.

D'Va is not meant to tank much, especially without E and she definitely can't fight too many at once, really she can only 1v1 but you can still harass snipers & healers enough to allow your team some breathing room and she can also 1v1 almost anyone as long as she gets CLOSE RANGE. Don't be afraid to charge into your enemy, it does some damage, disorients them, and makes your guns do insane damage since every bullet will hit.

As a Mei main I love running into D.va. She always seems to think she can 1vs1 me at close range because I am not a tank and I just end up smashing her and then walling her retreat off when she's in human form.
Mei is considered 1 of the hard counters to D'Va, so yea, a D'Va shouldn't fight a Mei 1v1.
Mei counters practically every tank.

Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face. Winky Face.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I like the concept of d.va and she is fun to play but her guns are really under powered and slowing her self down while firing is totally unnecessary at the damage rate she has. Also for a "tank" she is really squishy and unlike most tanks if you die on a point mercy can rez you full tanky healthness. For D.va your tankieness dies but now you are a super squishy foot trooper. She is in a really odd place and may be hard to balance down the road because if her durability increases or her damage does than her mobility could wind up being pretty OP.


So I'm not the best player, so don't take my advice too far, but I don't really utilize D.Va like a real "tank". If I play her, it's because we have say, a Zarya or Rein anyways, or because the map/our role won't suffer without a real tank.

I spend most of my time peeling for my snipers and flushing out the enemy's dps. She doesn't do a lot of dmg, but if you say, bounce a widow from her perch into a wall, you can gun her down before she can even react.

The major problem I have is that the "get into mech" Q shares a timer with the "blow up mech" Q, and just getting in partially resets the timer. I don't look to kill anyone with her Q, but as a harasser, forcing the enemy to scatter and then picking them off is generally my aim.

Agree with no mech D.Va though; I got a quad kill the other day with D.Va Q and then gunned down the other two with her blaster and was pissed because the POTG cut off the last two, which was the most impressive part. She's so damn squishy without mech, but if you sit behind a Rein shield, she feels like such a tremendous dmg dealer. The shared Q timers would make a bunch more sense if getting out of mech could be a conscious decision.

She could be more impressive, but I spend more time tossing Rein's away from the team he is shielding, knocking snipers from perchs, or blocking specific abilities, (her matrix for instance can block a hanzo ult, though its timing specific) that I don't really notice too many of the other downfalls.

I wish she wasn't so easy to headshot and that she was a bit tankier in mech - it feels like I get pulled out of it so often. I would be down for a change that basically let you pick between tanky mech D.Va or dmg dealing D.Va. IE, you are tankier in mech, and cannons deal slightly more dmg, but they now reload and if you die you don't eject from your mech; it auto explodes but you die with it. Or, you get slightly less tanky, but now you can enter and exit the mech and matrix works out of it.

That's probably too complicated. I really like D.Va because I feel I make a difference, in a similar way a LoL top laner can, but there are times I just feel worthless.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Had some awesome games last night with McFly and 3 others. (Did we ever get a 6th? Can't remember). The games were TIGHT. Felt so good. Didn't feel like people were playing like ass, just felt like good play on both sides.

First match I played after joining the group was on Lijiang Tower. I love KoTH maps, they are my favorite. And it seems like they are so damn rare to play. Always Payload or Cap points. Anyway, the other team had to be a 6 stack, it was insane. It went 3 matches, we lost the first then won last 2, but every round was hard fought. The beginning was always an extended fight where no team could get the initial cap, then the finale was always a drawn out affair with Overtime lasting Minutes. I ended the 3 rounds with 46 elims and over 19k damage as Reaper. My highest damage done so far this game. Intense!

That was probably our hardest fought battle but the games after were still good and we won all the games I was present for. They probably started losing again after I left though
. Can't wait for competitive to get more hard fought battles and not the clusterfucks I seem to get in SoloQ. After having such beautiful matches last night and getting my Soldier76 Win percentage to 61%, I go 0-4 this morning, woohoo


Bronze Knight of the Realm
DVA is a flex position hero. She has to be paired up with another flex tank or you basically have no tank at all. Its just like if someone picks Zen and your team is like "Oh great healing is covered!" Ehhhh ... not really.