

FoH nuclear response team
Zen is my go to healer, I just wish he had an escape of some sort. I always get gang banged by Genji or any other class.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Zen is my go to healer, I just wish he had an escape of some sort. I always get gang banged by Genji or any other class.
Thats why he's not a healer proper. He spends too much time in the respawn queue or being so far back its really difficult to properly Harmony someone. He's alright as a supplemental healer but you need someone with more confidence in staying alive like Mercy or Lucio to actually fulfill the "healer" role.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's a bunch of characters that shouldn't really be flagged in their role. Symmetra is NOT a support, D.Va isn't a tank, Zenyatta is actually close enough in certain situations to be in the support field but those situations are not that common.


Trakanon Raider
I was in with you last night after i added a bunch of names from the googledoc. I was having a ton of fun using lucio for most of the matches. Someone mentioned that the other teams seemed premade as well making for some great matches...helps we won most.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There's a bunch of characters that shouldn't really be flagged in their role. Symmetra is NOT a support, D.Va isn't a tank, Zenyatta is actually close enough in certain situations to be in the support field but those situations are not that common.
Well zenyatta actually does have a targetable heal which is pretty good and his debuff which is pretty nasty so he does a pretty traditional support role. If he had more health and they toned down his support stuff they could switch him to attacker pretty easily.

Symetra is odd I think she falls more into the defense category or as the team builder says a builder like tor. Her turrets are less studly than tor's but given time to get her nests setup I have murdered many fools with her turrets. Also her main support is her teleporter. Torb and symmetra are basically two halves of the TF2 engineer and should be in the same category. Her shielding is about the only direct support she gives and that is very fire and forget just use it when people spawn and then later as you see people without run past you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There's a bunch of characters that shouldn't really be flagged in their role. Symmetra is NOT a support, D.Va isn't a tank, Zenyatta is actually close enough in certain situations to be in the support field but those situations are not that common.
I think the issue is most players associate Support = Heals. Which isn't true. Blizzard is trying to shove the "Holy Trinity" into this game and I'm not 100% sure it is for the best. In a game like DOTA where healing is very scarce support simply means you assist in allowing your carries to kill shit. Zenyatta is exactly like that. His main objective should simply be staying alive so he can land his discord on a target and harmony his carry so his carry can effectively get into bad situations and come out the victor. But in the "Holy Trinity" Zenyatta doesn't really fit as a classic MMORPG style healer support.

This also comes to me as rant #2 of Mercy players who just buttfuck their Reinhardt and tend to not move targets. Again a legacy of MMORPG support. As the healer you keep the tank alive and fuck the DPS. In this game I find it the opposite. If the DPS has taken damage they take complete priority. Rein/Zarya/Hog have the HP pools to sustain a bit of damage but that Tracer or Genji don't. In a matter of fact their character models are so small that they're more akin to evasion (avoidance) based eHP so each of their HP bars is effectively more HP than a single bar of Reinhardt HP due to the amount of avoidance. But in this game it will be the Rein which will complain and shout the loudest about healing when in actuality I'm prioritizing them fairly low on the totem pole. If it comes down to healing a 76 or a Reinhardt I'm healing the 76. Fuck if its mid-combat I may even prioritize damage boosting the 76 over healing the Rein. I'll just rez the Rein if need be. He's too much an HP sponge to keep my heal beam on him the entire fucking game.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I also think it's wrong for a healer to link up with the tank. Most of the tanks can fend for themselves, keeping the DPS alive will help more. Often times I die and wonder wtf the mercy was doing (if I know she was next to me).

When watching pro play you often see healers keeping focus on the DPS, like Seagull always has a Zen Orb on him when he's Genji.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I also think it's wrong for a healer to link up with the tank. Most of the tanks can fend for themselves, keeping the DPS alive will help more. Often times I die and wonder wtf the mercy was doing (if I know she was next to me).

When watching pro play you often see healers keeping focus on the DPS, like Seagull always has a Zen Orb on him when he's Genji.
I think this is mostly early days learning the class and people trying to play it like TF2 medic where you pretty much stayed glued to the heavy or you were doing it wrong.

Mercy with her movement ability flits back and forth really rapidly across the battle field so she is by far the most fun and easiest heal support I have played in a game like this. Unless you are going into a heavy defended choke point focus tank healing is not that necessary better to flit back and forth topping everybody off just keep an eye on the tank they have enough health once they start taking damage you often have the time to get back to them and heal them. Or hell just rez them and then start healing them again. Having a tank go from dead to full health is a big swing in a fight.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I said Zenyatta fits into the support role :p The main difference being, Zenyatta is far more situational than Mercy or Lucio. Whereas Symmetra would never really be classified as filling your teams' support role no matter the situation. All the characters have a time and a place but some of them are labeled misleadingly for newer players.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I also think it's wrong for a healer to link up with the tank. Most of the tanks can fend for themselves, keeping the DPS alive will help more. Often times I die and wonder wtf the mercy was doing (if I know she was next to me).

When watching pro play you often see healers keeping focus on the DPS, like Seagull always has a Zen Orb on him when he's Genji.
If my team has a good genji focus him. He is squishy enough to need it and is getting up in peoples business constantly and does such sick damage if you can keep him alive. mercy is also pretty easily able to keep up with his movement pace with her ability so it makes an excellent duo to do rear/flanking strikes.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I'm fine with no heals until choke points arrive, or team fights occur where the enemy will get behind me.


Log Wizard
The best is the Mercy damage buffing a Reinhardt who has his shield up and enemies all at range. Make that firestrike count, bro! Meanwhile the McCree/Soldier right behind are like "Really? I guess."

Lucio is hilarious as a healer. Headshot people and they die. Quickly.


Zen is my go to healer, I just wish he had an escape of some sort. I always get gang banged by Genji or any other class.
Zen is easily my most favorite support but he's pretty useless as a solo support tbh. Anything can 1-2 shot him. If you're the only one that's going to be healing there's almost no reason to not play Lucio. I can't imagine that they're not going to change him at some point.

We usually run a lucio/mercy but occasionally lucio/zen works really well together. Or if you can have a symmetra give your shield/torb give you armor so you can take an extra shot that's even better.


Yea, I think the key is when people see "support" they think "healer". Zen is an amazing support, but he's not the best healer. Those are two different things. It'd be like saying, "We need a healing support for this comp" in league and then picking Thresh.

Granted, Zen can still heal, but if what you want is just this pure healing power, you probably won't want Zen. There are some maps he really shines on, though.


Trakanon Raider
28 loot chests since I've had a legendary skin. Where is the Hearthstone guaranteed pity legendary system at!?!?!?