

<Bronze Donator>
I've just accepted that if I want to win in solo queue I have to play support like a god and pray people can actually do damage


<Silver Donator>
DRASTICALLY easier to escape the hook. It only freezes you while you are being pulled. Hell, you can even conc jump away post-hook as Junkrat.


<Silver Donator>
Last night I did my first Roadhog reversal. Enemy hog pulled me in, I shot/melee'd at the same time, then hooked/shot/melee/ate. Feels good man.


Trakanon Raider
How do people seriously make it past level 10 and not understand how medals work? I had someone ripping on me for getting 4 gold medals on Mei. Saying it was easy for Mei to beat her own bests. These were all level 30's and higher. Some people amaze me.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not sure what to think about Widow because I honestly believe there are plenty of counters to her but teams either refuse to play them or don't bother to focus or harass the widow. When I know there are snipers in the game I tend to go for them. The few times I've been against extremely good widows is normally when their team is steamrolling too and you just can't get a foothold at all. Less an issue with widow and more just being steamrolled by everyone.

McCree is the only hero I have an issue with. It's just not fair that he can stun and do 2x Fan the Hammers before you can even move again. No other hero can dominate in such a fashion. McCree can AoE stun and take out multiple people with Fans. Roadhog hook+insta-kill is only acceptable because it's single target.

Against good widows you just need to fight in better spots (not open terrain) and/or get different heroes, like Genji, Winston, Reinhardt, D'Va, Tracer or counter-Widow if you have the skills to match your opponent.


Vyemm Raider
DRASTICALLY easier to escape the hook. It only freezes you while you are being pulled. Hell, you can even conc jump away post-hook as Junkrat.
If you get the pull from far away, your animation lock ends before your victim's allowing you to kill them before the pull is even finished. Pharrahs learn very quickly not to fly when I play the Hog!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea, there's no way to escape insta-death if you get pulled by Hog unless he doesn't know the combo or unless you have more health than his burst. Even Reaper and Mei can't escape with their Ice Block/Shade, which is practically instant.

You need to juke the Hook if playing a squishy, bait it out then engage, or you need to play a tankier hero.


Vyemm Raider
No he can't.
Yes he can, I did it three times in a game I played last night. Hook, headshot left click, headshot melee, dead. It's possible that the Zarya had taken some small damage when I hooked her but she was usually being healed by Mercie so I think it's unlikely.


FoH nuclear response team
Played a whole shitload of zenyatta lastnight. I feel like I know Zenyatta a bit more now, he can be a wrecking ball on the backline with the right team.

Had a pretty frustrating night of just all losses, kind of shitty. It wasn't a reflection of the RR bros I was grouped with, just shitty matchmaking I think.

I'm finding a good Mei can really make a match difficult to win against.
Yeah, join a game with Brahma, sit back behind his shield and lay down Orb of Discord and snipe the shit out of people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What's the trick to roadhog? I have played him a few times, and I hook, hit left click right away then spam V but doesn't seem to work out for me.

Headshot melee? Is that even a thing? I don't think you could kill a Zarya with a hook/shot/melee combo if they are full health/shield. Something else probably hit them(maybe a teammate behind you shooting, since you can shoot through teammates).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
With Roadhog you don't want to actually aim at their head with your primary fire. You want to more aim kind of at their neck (probably a bit lower, really) that way the top half will headshot and the bottom half will bodyshot. If you aim at their head you'll get all headshots but fewer bullets will hit so you don't do enough damage. Any 200 HP character should go down pretty easy. Reapers seem somewhat hit or miss for me but I'm also not a great Hog player.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Brahma yelled at my rl friends for not healing him enough and you want me to play a healer.??
Its fine he yelled at my Mercy because he decided to shift into a group of 5 people and die immediately and wondered why I didn't follow him into the grinder


Vyemm Raider
Melee can't headshot?
I have no idea, I just instictively go for the head and people die.

What's the trick to roadhog? I have played him a few times, and I hook, hit left click right away then spam V but doesn't seem to work out for me.

Headshot melee? Is that even a thing? I don't think you could kill a Zarya with a hook/shot/melee combo if they are full health/shield. Something else probably hit them(maybe a teammate behind you shooting, since you can shoot through teammates).
Nobody was behind me because I was hiding in an alcove, but it's possible that someone would shoot her right as I landed my chain, I guess.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Haha we found a team of 6 mcrees. It was constant "HIIIGH NOOOOON" all over the place. I did get a 5-kill from it and we won, so it wasn't so bad.
That was the night I tagged along as well. We totally destroyed that all Mccree team iirc. Pretty sure that was the game I had 36 kills in. lol