Paladins by High-Rez Games


Doer of Things
Played and streamed for a few hours last night and really enjoyed it. Feels like a great mix between TF2 and HOTS.


Doer of Things
I haven't gotten an invite to Overwatch because Blizzard hates me. I imagine that they are similar though, just from what gameplay videos I have seen of OW.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
How does it compare to OW?
Paladins isn't really anything like overwatch. It's less twitchy and much slower paced. The lack of heroes is a problem since you can't have two of the same hero.

It's an ok game but generic. The card system is nice but makes the game less fun if you don't get the cards you want. It's also a balancing nightmare.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I have six keys. PM your e-mail.

The card system is much better now that you can customize your deck. Not having most of the cards and relying on your teammates to have unlocked the one you actually want to use was shitty. Also, they kind of heavily nurfed most of the cards. Frost bitch used to be incredibly mean, now she's almost useless. Fernando can now be virtually invulnerable. Balance still needs a bit of work.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks for the key Ryoz, games seems okay but definitely needs more characters with the 1 per team lock. I always get stuck with the weird furry thing


This game is clunky.

The FPS genre has come a long way since Quake. The days of shoving 60 people in a small map with the incentive of "just kill each other" is pretty much over. We've seen, over 20 years, the evolution of the FPS Multiplayer experience and all of it's flaws. Deathmatch to Team Deathmatch to CTF to Capture Points. Through and through, however, players remained at the heart of every FPS Multiplayer experience, while a Flag may be more important than a player it is attached to them, all engines of interaction have always made the players more interesting and kept them at the front. Paladins has decided that players are not interesting and Siege Engines/Doors are better to shoot at. This has created frustrating games of fracturing mindsets. Do we attack players? The siege engine? The door? If Hi-Rez wants to innovate and make somethingotherthan players interesting perhaps not starting with a fucking door would be awesome.

The maps are not interesting and do not help the game in any sense. Many FPS games have used maps to solve the problem of camping, an inherit issue in any Team/Deathmatch mode, by giving players an advantage by moving through their levels. In Overwatch the maps have life, plenty of ambush spots, great sight lines and counters. Paladins struggles to use their map in any meaningful way outside of being unnecessarily large. In which, Paladins has graciously given us a plain brown horse with the option of buying newer exciting looking mounts for the sake of moving around their pointlessly large maps.

The core elements of a skill ceiling are removed and not replaced with an appropriate system. No headshots. No reloading. No abilities. What they gave us was a random passive buff system. Paladins wants you to hold left click harder than your opponent.

Never in my history of playing multiplayer FPS games has not shooting the enemy been an option. But in Paladins there are circumstances where it is the best decision to justrun awayfrom your opponents. This occurs most when you are the attacking team and the siege engine dies.

It is an FPS game with large uninteresting maps, flat characters, low skill ceiling, and a randomized passive buff system.


<Gold Donor>

Paladins just went F2P.

Surprised there's not more activity here. I've had a lot of fun over the past few days in game.

IGN is Tmac47 is anyone wants to add me!