Parent Thread


Golden Squire
So my five month old daughter's sleep habits have suddenly turned into a nightmare of unpredictability. She is teething, which I attribute to some of it, but this kid went from getting up maybe once or twice a night to waking up almost every hour for a few minutes. My wife doesn't have the ability to not wake up whenever I am taking care of her in the night, so she is more or less a zombie during the day.

Daughter was a pretty deep sleeper as well, but it seems like now every little noise is likely to wake her up. Is this all a side effect of the teething?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My 9.5 month old son is doing the same thing right now. We had a nice 2 month period of him sleeping through the nights, but now he wakes up all the damn time. At first we thought it was teething (and likely was) but now we're thinking it's as we've been hearing - that when they learn something new or are about to it fucks up their sleep. Like they're excited or something - I really don't know. Well, we've been expecting him to start walking (completely on his own) for over a month now, and he's been babbling non-stop (as well as, for lack of a better word, yelling) at times during the last 2 weeks, so I'm starting to think "they" might be right. I assume your daughter is already turning over? Is she also crawling around like a speed demon?
My 9.5 month old son is doing the same thing right now. We had a nice 2 month period of him sleeping through the nights, but now he wakes up all the damn time. At first we thought it was teething (and likely was) but now we're thinking it's as we've been hearing - that when they learn something new or are about to it fucks up their sleep. Like they're excited or something - I really don't know. Well, we've been expecting him to start walking (completely on his own) for over a month now, and he's been babbling non-stop (as well as, for lack of a better word, yelling) at times during the last 2 weeks, so I'm starting to think "they" might be right. I assume your daughter is already turning over? Is she also crawling around like a speed demon?
Wonder weeks can be hell on earth.


Golden Squire
She isn't crawling yet, but she is "talking" nonstop and screaming when she isn't making "words". She rolls over and everything, and sometimes she will get her legs up under her and start to push herself up, but she doesn't show much interest in actually crawling.


anyone ever experience Night Terror. I thought my daughter my 4 year old daughter was possessed. scared the shit out of me.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah my oldest had a couple of those, it was kind of scary actually. She was totally non-responsive, yeah just like she was possessed in some movie. Just screaming, couldn't wake her up, it was fucked up.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I had a friend who had a daughter that had night terrors, it was a terrible thing for everyone involved to endure. They did find that a warm, quite wet wash cloth applied to the forehead helped her come out of the terror by waking her, soothing her (with the warmth). It might not work for yours, but anything is worth a try to eliminate terrors from kids lives.


Life's a Dream
I had a block of Dry Ice from a food delivery I received today. I decided to turn it into smoke with some hot water and a laundry tub in my basement. My daughter loved it.



Blackwing Lair Raider
My first has just reached the one month range. I went from predictable and easy going to hours of screaming. Taking him to the doctor today. He's been quiet for about 40minutes now.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
He's plotting. They lull you into a false sense of security that way.

If my son goes to bed too easily, I just know he'll be up again in 4 hours screaming his head off.


Molten Core Raider
We can't figure out when to put our kid to bed. 4 months old. He'd been going to bed at 8PM pretty regularly for the last 2-3 months. Wakes up every 3-4 hours to eat, so up at like midnight, 3am, 6am(roughly). The last couple nights he's been throwing a HUGE fit when we put him down to bed at 8PM, just screaming until he's red in the face and coughing, so we kept him up until 10-11ish which is when he finally calmed down after 2+ hours of screaming, then he woke up at his usual 3-4 am, and then again at 6-7.

Also, all of a sudden in the last couple days he HATES his pacifier, just absolutely will not take it, spits it out instantly.

Damn crazy kids, I thought things like sleeping & screaming fits were supposed to become more stabilized and predictable when they got a little older(as opposed to newborns)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Who told you that? Newborns are the easy part, they're either eating or sleeping. You should see the fits you have to deal with when they're 2-3yrs old. And sleeping? My 2 yr old can take up to an hour and a half to go to sleep when you put him in bed. During that time he likes to pull the curtains down (along with the railing that is nailed into the wall), throw books, throw nightlights, ask for water 27 times, throw full shampoo bottles down the stairs, etc. They are fucking maniacs that you cannot stay mad at, 'cause their smile is so damn cute to you, that you put up with it. Its like dating Kate Upton... you realize how retarded she is, but you just can't stop nailing it.



<Prior Amod>
Yeah Joe, someone fed you some silly advice.

Kids never stop throwing fits, as they get older they just change form and get worse until they move out.


Molten Core Raider
Well, it seems like every time we talk to someone they are like "oh yeah, my kid started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old" like it's no big deal, and I want to rage-punch them in the face, because we aren't getting anywhere close to that and we're closer to 6 months than 6 weeks.