Path of Exile

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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Arch nemesis mods in general can just eat a bag of ducks.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Up to 17 challenges, would like to make at least 24 I think.

Delirium one is gonna be tough. Wave 30 simulacrum is way more brutal than I thought it was gonna be with the new rares. Even with a headhunter if you miss soul eater in the later waves it gets really dicey. Probably need double my current DPS to feel comfortable getting to 30.

Harvest challenge remains impossible despite full harvest spec and two level 96 characters and over a million /kills between them.

Haven't done a single uber yet, but have a ridiculous stockpile of attempts stored, so once I blow all my cash and fix my gear up some more those should be easy enough.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Up to 17 challenges, would like to make at least 24 I think.

Delirium one is gonna be tough. Wave 30 simulacrum is way more brutal than I thought it was gonna be with the new rares. Even with a headhunter if you miss soul eater in the later waves it gets really dicey. Probably need double my current DPS to feel comfortable getting to 30.

Harvest challenge remains impossible despite full harvest spec and two level 96 characters and over a million /kills between them.

Haven't done a single uber yet, but have a ridiculous stockpile of attempts stored, so once I blow all my cash and fix my gear up some more those should be easy enough.
The harvest challenge is the dumbest. 10% chance of a 10% chance of a 10% chance right?


Log Wizard
Up to 17 challenges, would like to make at least 24 I think.

Delirium one is gonna be tough. Wave 30 simulacrum is way more brutal than I thought it was gonna be with the new rares. Even with a headhunter if you miss soul eater in the later waves it gets really dicey. Probably need double my current DPS to feel comfortable getting to 30.

Harvest challenge remains impossible despite full harvest spec and two level 96 characters and over a million /kills between them.

Haven't done a single uber yet, but have a ridiculous stockpile of attempts stored, so once I blow all my cash and fix my gear up some more those should be easy enough.
I got Harvest done on day 3 running full Harvest. I've also been running full Essence since day 3 or 4 and I JUST got the 8 essence challenge done. Not aiming for it, just blasting maps. Some of the RNG is pretty ridiculous, but sextants and scarabs can help with a lot of shit.

The challenges definitely add longevity to the league, but for better or worse depends on the type of person you are. Some people get to keep playing their favorite character and see what happens. Others have to make Bossers for some of the boss challenges and shit like Deep Delve. I think they're especially challenging because there wasn't a lot of balance shake-up and they needed to keep people invested. It is interesting though how they didn't change much outside drop rates of high end items, and the meta has shifted majorly. I think two of the top 5 classes on PoE Ninja are the same as they were last league at this point. Pretty interesting "meta' seems to be in the players minds.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The harvest challenge is the dumbest. 10% chance of a 10% chance of a 10% chance right?

You can get up to 5 sets of plots so in theory you only need to roll the 10% twice if you have 5 available, but yea it's fucking awful.

I'm stuck on seeing a harvest boss though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm at 30...Gonna try for 38 but there's 3 that seem super annoying so i'd have to do 1 of them which kind of suck.

Endgame grinds
Harvest boss (got 7 plots already)

If i don't get a lucky harvest boss i'm probably going delving but i haven't looked into if people are/can sell these achievments.


Blackwing Lair Raider
anyone with rep on TFT able to help me sell my aug influence? people want 200ex collateral and im like uh i cant do that.
its a pricey craft like 20ex, so i wanna get this sold


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm sitting at 36 right now, will finish up the last 2 by Monday. The altar grinds in 'Use Eldritch Altars' was the grindy one for me. I did a ton of harvests early in the league and got them done there. Had essences in every map on the passive tree for gearing up too so I was able to get those out of the way. Aul I had to buy a spawn of.


<Bronze Donator>
Do people only play RF in corridor maps? I leveled one up this weekend and the gameplay in open maps is horrible. Even with Legacy of Fury, the shield charge and paint the screen with a less than 30 unit bubble is not fun.

Kinda running out of things to try this league. Meta skills aren't clicking(tried RF and skeleton mages). Some of the successes from last league have been somewhat edged out by Archnemesis. Hiltless' weakness of only sustain while attacking has been further exacerbated. CF builds have never been great at single target nor sustain and I think both are more important this league.

I haven't tried an ignite build this league but I'm expecting the common place of Incendiary, Flameweaver, and Flamestrider will make that not so fun.

Last thing in my pocket is a smite aura stacker. Ridiculous burst dps but still fell over randomly from time to time while farming 1-2 scarab and sextanted T16s.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
38 done. Was able to do 18 or so in HC including 2 uber fights but I gave up and switched to SC to finish it off after losing 2 characters working on the elder altar challenge.


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<Bronze Donator>
How does that compare to the hit based version? I found the clear a bit lacking, having to use seismic too often but not in a manner that was reliable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The clear is fine as a hc build, might be slow for sc but I didn't care about currency at that point. Any time you hit a blue pack, you throw 1 seismic trap. Anytime you hit a rare, you throw 2. Then just keep on running.
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Millie's Staff Member
Well I came crawling back to the game because I didn't find a quick fix alternative. I fixed up my Poison Concoction build with a couple of ex and got into red maps at least. Decided to Tier 10 grind the last level to 90 to get my final major node and then YOLO a bunch more map bosses.

I started a skelly mage yesterday and it is hilarious through the acts. So easy. I've never gotten a summoner to maps in my decade of playing, maybe this time is the charm.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Skellies are pretty dang good yea.

It's a bit more interesting than some minion builds cause you have to constantly resummon them - if anything it's actually just a totem build in disguise.

I wasn't willing to put in the money required to do the uber bosses on it (+2 fleshcrafter corrupt, 25ex wand, ashes of the stars etc), but it cleared all normal content including maven/sirus/etc with like less than 10ex invested. Probably significantly less than that now since it's no longer week 1 prices.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Skele mages are fun as fuck to play. Doing non-uber Sirus was hilariously funny and WAY easier than any other build I've ever done it on before.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea the play style combined with necro block defenses trivializes most boss mechanics.

It just lacks the raw DPS to do ubers before getting cockblocked by rage timers without heavy investment.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea the play style combined with necro block defenses trivializes most boss mechanics.

It just lacks the raw DPS to do ubers before getting cockblocked by rage timers without heavy investment.
This is exactly what I found as well. Around 100-150 ex needed for ubers