Path of Exile


Blackwing Lair Raider
Went to play D3 after playing this so heavily and its now ruined for me. There just is absolutely no challenge in playing D3 anymore, the Shaper + Uber raids have spoiled me. Just read the seasons ends Feb 27th also, hopefully Ill see Chayula in a breach before then. Sitting at 39/40 challenges for over 2 weeks now.


Trakanon Raider
28/40, I think I need to roll a new character. Mathil spinner is great, but it gets boring when you just rightclick towards the general direction of the boss and win.


Molten Core Raider
I think I'll skip their next league and wait for 3.0. Breach was fun but I find myself getting a little frustrated about balance issues. Or, it could be that I'm nostalgic for the days when I was a newb and the game felt hard and scary. Now, it feels like practically autopilot to T15. I could always roll some gimped build but I'm not a fan of artificial difficulty: a part of me likes feeling remotely competitive economically and knowing that the meta-builds are clearing 10x faster than my creation is kinda a drag.


Potato del Grande
The tough one for me is the fucking warband unique strongbox one. Anyone know of a way to farm for that?

Probably just ambush on maps and the strongbox prophecies. Not sure you can chance the ones for challenge but if so then chance any normal strongboxes you find too. Or 820 but the past few leagues i've seen most people wanting 1ex+ for strongbox challenges.

Meta builds that make other builds look bad/feel bad have been around since the game came out, they're not going to go away. Any time one gets nerfed another one is found/created a couple days later.


Molten Core Raider
Meta builds that make other builds look bad/feel bad have been around since the game came out, they're not going to go away. Any time one gets nerfed another one is found/created a couple days later.

Yea I dunno, I'm okay with meta builds. Most of my characters have been life/armor or evasion. I'm probably just salty that ES is so ascendant.


Potato del Grande
Yeah, I don't know what they were smoking the day they decided to add new tiers for flat es and es%. Sure, life has a new tier too but 119 life on a chest vs 99 or whatever is nowhere near the same as going from 700es to 950es on a chest and 650es shields and 500es helms etc not to mention 120-130es belts.


Molten Core Raider
36/40'd for the wings. I had a lot of fun this league. Whether it's permanently added or a Zana modded, I'm fine with Breach being in the game.


Trakanon Raider
I finally hit maps on my LA/Barrage shadow, Mathil cyclone made breaches easy, but this is on another level, mostly thanks to range - I destroyed a random Uul that spawned in a map in about 6 seconds. Now I need to get a better bow, do uber lab, get snakebites with vulnerability and then it's time for some challenge grinding


Trakanon Raider
I finally hit maps on my LA/Barrage shadow, Mathil cyclone made breaches easy, but this is on another level, mostly thanks to range - I destroyed a random Uul that spawned in a map in about 6 seconds. Now I need to get a better bow, do uber lab, get snakebites with vulnerability and then it's time for some challenge grinding
Which guide are you using for that build? After I'm done with my Blight/Vortex chaos witch build I was thinking to try a bow build.

Willy T

Trakanon Raider
I just blew 600 fusings on my chest armor and still didn't get a 6-link. Only got 5-link 3 times out of them. I think I may be done with this league.


Molten Core Raider
I just blew 600 fusings on my chest armor and still didn't get a 6-link. Only got 5-link 3 times out of them. I think I may be done with this league.

Chance of hitting 6L with 600 fus is, to my understanding, definitely below 50 percent. But yea, that's the best way to quit a league.


Trakanon Raider
Well vorici charges 1500 for a reason heh, 600 is well below average needed. Fuck those streamers 6-linking in under 50 fuses btw.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I've been really lucky this league so I get annoyed when I don't 6-link like 200 fuse (I think I've done 7 or so so far)

meatball ranger coming up! Can't decide if I want to play raider or pathfinder like etup did so am a bit split on it... Anyone that has played such a build (the ngamahu axe cyclone) that can chime in?


Trakanon Raider
600 fuses gone without a single 6link, at least I found like 5 ex. I got a decent-ish Reach of the council, but I can't even 6s it -.- The most frustrating thing about this game is singlehandedly crafting, since there is no sense of progress, your chance to 6l something is as good on the first fuse as on the last one and if you don't have duplicates of something, you can't even use before you fisnish crafting, so you can easily end up with 1l item.


Trump's Staff
Yeah, I don't know what they were smoking the day they decided to add new tiers for flat es and es%. Sure, life has a new tier too but 119 life on a chest vs 99 or whatever is nowhere near the same as going from 700es to 950es on a chest and 650es shields and 500es helms etc not to mention 120-130es belts.
Vaal Pact is honestly worse than ES. At least ES has drawbacks you have to contend with to get the extra EHP. VP on the other hand makes you unkillable to anything except straight one shots. Once you have that ability, the only thing that matters from there is EHP and that means CI/ES.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's hard to get back into this after a long break, if u previously quit at a high level. Every time I try i restart this game I get overwhelmed by the skill tree, my crazy huge and unorganized inventory, and all these gems I forgot about.

Edit - it took me 1500 orbs of fusing to 6L my shavronnes. I remember there were a few weeks where I would do nothing but farm items for alt shards just to get up to fusing, for 3-4+ hours every day.