Path of Exile


Avatar of War Slayer
  • Leech effects in the Shadow area of the tree now leech from all attack damage, not just physical attack damage.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I hope they didn't add a low limit to the Volley Fire jewel, that's a fun build if you use 3+ of them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The more I think about it the changes to vitality / spirit void are going to be a PITA when you're ES and going all the way down the tree now. I hope they release this new tree with a bit more before the new league.


Avatar of War Slayer
The more I think about it the changes to vitality / spirit void are going to be a PITA when you're ES and going all the way down the tree now. I hope they release this new tree with a bit more before the new league.
well havent seen how they are adjusting the vit void/spirit void area. but, why are you even going in that area as ES?

Again, also notice spirit drinker/blooddrinker in shadow, is getting changed to attack damage, from physical attack damage.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, gotta give them props if this makes single target skills have clear speed.

I have faith in GGG to steer the meta in a new direction... Of course these changes will be op for a league and at this point it seems to be the norm, having a new op skill every league does make the game fun after all these years, I wonder if it's intentional.


<Bronze Donator>
Any suggestions for good starter builds for the next league? Yes, I know 2.6 notes aren't released yet. But I think this type of game plays a whole lot better if you have a general idea of what you're building towards and I just don't know the game well enough to do that on my own.

I like how howa elementalist at least looks, and especially leveling then respeccing, but that seems a poor choice since howa is breach and blade flurry might be comparatively nerfed?

I'm guessing suggestions for firestorm still hold? Gave that a try today and zzzzzz. Low level sure but I shouldn't be able to play with just my right click.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's how a lot of skills play. If you're looking for more interaction, look up builds that make use of charges etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any suggestions for good starter builds for the next league? Yes, I know 2.6 notes aren't released yet. But I think this type of game plays a whole lot better if you have a general idea of what you're building towards and I just don't know the game well enough to do that on my own.

I like how howa elementalist at least looks, and especially leveling then respeccing, but that seems a poor choice since howa is breach and blade flurry might be comparatively nerfed?

I'm guessing suggestions for firestorm still hold? Gave that a try today and zzzzzz. Low level sure but I shouldn't be able to play with just my right click.
go with a melee build like flicker or cycle lol. howa will probably not work well next league.


<Silver Donator>
Was hoping for some summoner buffs :(
Treshold changes could help. Specifically they're adding a zombie treshold for the good ole zombie army build, the skeleton treshold might not be as shit anymore(but skeletons will probably still be shit), animate weapon jewel might be better although really all it needs is to be more available as it's already pretty good otherwise and I don't remember if there's a SRS or spectre treshold.

But summoners are never really in a "bad" spot, they're just rarely in a good one either. Mostly they have some core issues I mentionned before like over reliance on side skills that clutter your gem sockets and hotkey bar and the speed clear issues unless you stack high minion movespeed which isn't that easy to get. But on the other hand shit like AW builds will melt everything even the Shaper and stuff in seconds. The buff to 1H weapons should help that too since that's a lot of the weapons you use especially when you animate them from inventory.


Avatar of War Slayer
I'm not kidding when I highly recommend pathfinder frostblades.
Sounds like they buffed the hell out of it. and it was already super underrated. I could see it being #1. Especially if bladeflurry is taking a nerf.

Sword buff is like 20-30% dps buff. Elem conversion buff is another 5-10% dps buff. Various point moves might result in another 10-20% buff.

If my frostblades singletarget then goes from 120k to 205k with my medicore as fuck ssf gear, yeah... what it would do for someone actually trading for items.

2.6 is going to be a big change to the tree. I'll post a projection when we get an actual tree.
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<Bronze Donator>
Frost blades is a nice skill. My beef with it is the targeting is a bit shit. Accidentally second-closest dude from you? Now you have to spend 2x the amount of time killing the lone survivor. Or if you got a pack of dudes on you, the skill rarely hits the dudes to the side(melee splash might help here...haven't tried). Last thing I'd really like is auto targeting if you click on nothing. I think the lightning version of the skill does that, but it has its own unique drawbacks.


Avatar of War Slayer
Just run multistrike. and they buffed auto targeting in 2.5. Targeting is really a nonfactor.

Its melee range is a huge element. With knockback on flask, and frostblades range. Volitiles are nonexistant. Nothing gets into melee range of you. Also why I take arrow dancing, while usually dislike it. And run Fortify ON Frostblades itself. you never get into melee range with whirling blades. you attack from outside melee range, like a bow. FB positioning is like iceshot/tornado shot positioning.


<Bronze Donator>
Am I remembering incorrectly? I thought not targeting anything with frost blades will cause you to essentially attack nothing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You're also seeing the low level version only though. As gems, supports, and you level their effects increase and are totally different at level 80 compared to a sluggish and slow level 40. Most builds aren't going to be very fluid or even close to showing you their power until the 75+ range and really more like 80+.

You're also never going to be pressing one button only. Unless there is some major overhaul of flasking in 3.0 almost every single build is going to use all 5 constantly for offensive and defensive cooldowns in addition to your movement skills. Even though they are nerfing vaal disc and haste those are both also used and still will be used by almost every build.


Avatar of War Slayer
They increased the rectangle for "missing" with frostblades, so you have a larger hit/miss. Also, Multistrike removes that entirely. it will auto target anything in range. And multistrike is a huge dps gain anyway. so no reason NOT to run it.

so yeah, targeting with FB before Multistrike is a bit of a pain in the ass. it was improved in 2.5, but still not perfect. then multistrike removes that entirely.

It will kill you vs atziri though. should remove multistrike versus her. if you stand on the outside, the projectiles will hit the mirror. if you stand on the inside and attack away, multistrike will hit the mirror. so, remove MS, attack from the inside, making projectiles fire away from mirror.


<Silver Donator>
Am I remembering incorrectly? I thought not targeting anything with frost blades will cause you to essentially attack nothing.
They added a system that picks a target in a thin cone in front of you instead of just in a line like before so it's easier to hit stuff with melee skills. Also Frostblade has a stupid range modifier so even though it's a melee attack, you can hit stuff really far from your character(on top of them increasing weapon range too). You can't like offscreen stuff without a viable target in range like say lightning strike, but it picks up targets surprisingly far after the reworks, well outside the dangerous range.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Honestly DW I would probably look at high end videos of different skills when you're bored and see how you like them. You'll get a much better idea of how the build performs if you watch them doing even normal Atziri. Shes an end game raid type zone which puts you up against multiple boss encounters like a dungeon in WoW and then Atziri herself is a raid encounter at the end. She is the easiest of the raid encounters and is one you can down at level 68 once you get a bit more comfortable.


Unelected Mod
I'm not kidding when I highly recommend pathfinder frostblades.
Sounds like they buffed the hell out of it. and it was already super underrated. I could see it being #1.

Frostblades is a good skill for map clearing but its single target is mediocre and that hurts vs high tier map bosses. With pathfinder and enough flasks/vinkters almost any skill can be viable but I just don't see it becoming a tier 1 skill due to its lack of some mechanic that gives it an edge for single target.

Double dipping (particularly poison/chaos) is in the game still and until that is nerfed it will remain the dominant way to get high damage in the current meta.


Avatar of War Slayer
yes, but this patch directly buffs its overall damage. as such my point. its mediocre single target is getting a substantial damage buff.
Its mechanics give it innate defensive benefits, and solid aoe benefits, and minor single/aoe dps benefits from higher dps uptime. it was already very good due to fantastic farm/aoe clear, and strong defense.
we'll need to see how exactly any changes to ranger elemental passives work out, to see where it lands exactly. what was stated is a clear and massive dps gain. But, the sword buffs, etc are gains for all 1h melee builds, not just frostblades. The unknown elemental passives are the ones targeted nearly directly at frostblades.