Path of Exile


Silver Baronet of the Realm
No, but I can't imagine it being feasible. Almost every gem is required for functionality. Cyclone, CoC, desecrate, VD/DD, spirit offering, spell cascade, increased crit chance. You might be able to drop the last one at a certain gear level, but certainly not starting out.

Pretty much what I’m seeing. So I think my play for high end would still be Aul’s uprising with the zealotry mod. Then get anger plus an anger leech mod watcher’s eye. Triple your leech and run three auras. Aul’s are 25ex now but they’ll come down to 10-15ex in a week or two.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Not looking good for scourge arrow ranger beating Sirus. The entire fight is designed in such a way that the way I sustain just flat doesn't function. Also his beams onehot me at ~6200hp with max resists, so I dunno wtf kind of damage those are doing.

Maybe if I just bring 5 health potions lol?


<Bronze Donator>
I’m always looking for ways to cover up mistakes. I like feeling invincible. I’ve even looked at soul tether.
What does anger leech get you that the sources I listed don't? Honest question, I mostly understand leech but sometimes have trouble transferring that to how it "feels".

Ronne, chaos resist is important for that fight, what's yours?


<Silver Donator>
Not looking good for scourge arrow ranger beating Sirus. The entire fight is designed in such a way that the way I sustain just flat doesn't function. Also his beams onehot me at ~6200hp with max resists, so I dunno wtf kind of damage those are doing.

Maybe if I just bring 5 health potions lol?
Sustain isn't very important at all for the fight. Since he's immune to a fair bit of shit and only shits out unavoidable spells, you can drop all your utility flasks other than quicksilver(even that you can drop if you have phase run or withering step, it's only useful for the meteors and those are more than enough for that) and replace them with life flasks, with the minor pantheon to regen charges. The only time you're gonna take damage realistically is either when you fuck up terribly(but unless you repeatedly do that, a single sip or two will fix it), when you're baiting storms and taking chip dmg from behind close to the edge(single non instant potion will fix that) and from standing in the degen, which a single life pot should cover too.

The skills he uses are very easy to dodge especially as ranged, wait for beam, shoot once, wait for beam, shoot once etc, especially with scourge being strong one time shots instead of many smaller it's perfect. Pop phase run or Withering step to do the meteor shit(don't need the quicksilver tbh, at least I always do it with just withering step even when I had 0% movespeed boots). Every ~4beams wait for the Die! beam and keep moving as it casts(well only in phase 4 but good to get into the habit early) and rest is just bullshit mechanics.

Beams don't one shot me unless it's the Die! one, so maybe it's your chaos resist being shit? Try to get it at 0% at least.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Sustain isn't very important at all for the fight. Since he's immune to a fair bit of shit and only shits out unavoidable spells, you can drop all your utility flasks other than quicksilver(even that you can drop if you have phase run or withering step, it's only useful for the meteors and those are more than enough for that) and replace them with life flasks, with the minor pantheon to regen charges. The only time you're gonna take damage realistically is either when you fuck up terribly(but unless you repeatedly do that, a single sip or two will fix it), when you're baiting storms and taking chip dmg from behind close to the edge(single non instant potion will fix that) and from standing in the degen, which a single life pot should cover too.

The skills he uses are very easy to dodge especially as ranged, wait for beam, shoot once, wait for beam, shoot once etc, especially with scourge being strong one time shots instead of many smaller it's perfect. Pop phase run or Withering step to do the meteor shit(don't need the quicksilver tbh, at least I always do it with just withering step even when I had 0% movespeed boots). Every ~4beams wait for the Die! beam and keep moving as it casts(well only in phase 4 but good to get into the habit early) and rest is just bullshit mechanics.

Beams don't one shot me unless it's the Die! one, so maybe it's your chaos resist being shit? Try to get it at 0% at least.

Yea the beams were odd, maybe they aren't so bad with audio on but I usually play with music and like 0 game sound. They did almost nothing in the first phases but then in the final phase even getting scratched by one was death.

It's probably doable if I don't blow 3+ portals trying to move the storm things around and actually finding a place to fight him. First couple phases are pretty free at least as he just doesn't do all that much. The movement in phase 3 isn't even really the problem, it's trying to find time to actually put damage on him during all his nonsense as well.

I'm at I think 1% chaos resist, so not the worst but not great either. I can't keep full uptime on Atziris in that fight either, so I may just ditch it for another health flask and try again.


<Silver Donator>
Yea the beams were odd, maybe they aren't so bad with audio on but I usually play with music and like 0 game sound. They did almost nothing in the first phases but then in the final phase even getting scratched by one was death.

It's probably doable if I don't blow 3+ portals trying to move the storm things around and actually finding a place to fight him. First couple phases are pretty free at least as he just doesn't do all that much. The movement in phase 3 isn't even really the problem, it's trying to find time to actually put damage on him during all his nonsense as well.

I'm at I think 1% chaos resist, so not the worst but not great either. I can't keep full uptime on Atziris in that fight either, so I may just ditch it for another health flask and try again.
Maybe you were getting hit by the big beam? His small beam does kinda shit dmg in every phase, but every few beams he'll do a much larger beam, that's really 4 beams in a row of different elements(and they 100% freeze/shock/ignite/whatever the 4th is). In phase 1-3 this bigger beam behaves like a normal beam, only a bit longer, however in the last phase this beam will also partially track you between each hit, like he'll be able to move about 35-40° overall, so you need to be hauling ass and keep running until he's done or you'll get clipped. These bad boys do A LOT of damage and generally will stun you if you don' thave stun immunity, leading to getting hit by the other beams too. This is the one where he says "Die!" and it's useful to have voice on for that fight at least for this cue.

The storms is really something to get used to but once you do it's pretty easy(although I died earlier on my 8stones awaken run because I expected the storm to stop moving as soon as he started the landing speech, but turns out it doesn't and ate me while I wasn't moving like a retard). You can do it 2 ways, either far away and wait for him to move out, but this one's risky sometimes because what happens when he lands is the storm is pushed out, but if the angle is fucked, it'll be pushed out towards the entrance, which will almost 100% brick your fight if you die. The 2nd is baiting the storms calmly in their "intended" spots, it helps if you know where they go though but that one's pretty safe once you know.

Last phase definitely doesn't have too much DPS uptime but you can punsih some of his moves heavily, specifically the 4 beams rotating shit if you find him you can actually hurt him during the entire cast of that, and during the corridor shit if you stand just right you can be to his side but not getting hit by balls he throws down the corridor, without turning it off(alternatively you can summon a totem in front of you and stay in the corridor DPSing the entire time if you're ranged). The rest of the mechanics you kinda have to run a lot so you want to capitalize on these, although on the 4beams spinning shit you want to get ready as soon as it ends cause he likes to follow up that one with the Die beam and you'll get ass fucked if you're not running when he casts that one.

Honestly the fight would be a lot easier if you could retry it right away, fight him 3-4 times and he gets pretty damn easy, but the fact you have to go 60+ maps inbetween fights fucking sucks so much, and the first try unless you spend a shit ton of time watching videos you're probably going to waste 6portals trying to do storms and not learn much.

I absolutely melted him earlier on awakening 8 though, upgraded my gear a fair bit and gained like 30% DPS, on a DPS that was already really high. Felt pretty good other than the death to the stupid ass storm not moving away/stopping right away, my mistake.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
ronne ronne did you have immune to corrupted blood?

So, 1h axes are a thing this league and I scammed myself out of 20ex easy.

I don't no, jewells with the implicit and literally any life roll are like 1ex minimum so i've been avoiding it. What does he actually do that applies it?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What does anger leech get you that the sources I listed don't? Honest question, I mostly understand leech but sometimes have trouble transferring that to how it "feels".

Ronne, chaos resist is important for that fight, what's yours?

Definitely a “feel” question. When I’m hitting fast - say glad lacerate or anything with perforate, 1% or so just from the tree makes you feel like a god.

Basically, about 1-1.5% I feel is a big enough blood bag. I’ll need to look at numbers. But if a VD ball hits for 100,000, the most a 0.4% leech instance could be is 400 life. Assuming you have 6000 life, the max instance of leech is 600. Now, you can have at most 20% per second, so 1200/s. That’s pretty godly. So you’d need 3 balls to hit per second to maintain the 1200/s. Neither the assassin nor necro builds augment base leech for VD or DD fire leech. Might be an interesting node to put on your neck. I’d have to read all the leech nodes to see if they aren’t attack specific. Or you put on a soul tether. that I’m doing the’re probably right that it’s ok. 1.4% with anger mod on Watcher’s is probably overkill for the rate of ball or detonates you’re generating.

One thing I’m toying with is soul tether gives 4-6% of max life as extra ES that has to be constant refilling via leech. Plus spirit is another 2%. Need to see what my expected leech rate is vs the 5% loss rate. But you can see why that could be a nice interaction with spirit offering. Also looks like overkill in a critical spot (belt).

Links I thought about were CoC (wep - need to link the one I got for 2.5ex) - cyclone - VD/dd - desecrate - inc critical strikes - combustion - spirit offering. Are there the right amount of corpses? Or is it better to hard spam spirit and put in conc effect.

And also, if I take this set and reroll it as assassin, we remove the crit link for inspiration or another gem. Not controlled destruction. You obviously lose the ability to spam spirit and swap that to whatever that step ability was that gave elusive (withering? Bad with ability names).
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Potato del Grande
Yeah I've never had any trouble selling nice siege axes in any league. Prices might be higher some leagues than other but any time I find a good one I price check it.

Chaos resist actually meaning something this league might be my favorite thing. I've always tried to get it anywhere I can. Never really able to max it cause need too much other stuff but I hated that for years running around with -60 didn't mean squat.


Molten Core Raider
I have never had a high dps seige axe sell for more than an exalt or two. I should have looked at it better. I put questionable stuff into a 10ex sell tab, then drop it to my 5ex and so on. I had it drop last night and didn't get any hits. Shortly after I log in I get a buyer. After I completed the trade I had a 20ex offer--had I typed sold before hitting accept...

ronne ronne one of his beams does nothing but apply corrupted blood.


Trakanon Raider
No, but I can't imagine it being feasible. Almost every gem is required for functionality. Cyclone, CoC, desecrate, VD/DD, spirit offering, spell cascade, increased crit chance. You might be able to drop the last one at a certain gear level, but certainly not starting out.
What weapon are you using to get one of those supports as a mod (you list 7 above).

Why not CwC instead of CoC?

How are you scaling the damage of VD/DD with no supports?


<Bronze Donator>
Definitely a “feel” question. When I’m hitting fast - say glad lacerate or anything with perforate, 1% or so just from the tree makes you feel like a god.

Basically, about 1-1.5% I feel is a big enough blood bag. I’ll need to look at numbers. But if a VD ball hits for 100,000, the most a 0.4% leech instance could be is 400 life. Assuming you have 6000 life, the max instance of leech is 600. Now, you can have at most 20% per second, so 1200/s. That’s pretty godly. So you’d need 3 balls to hit per second to maintain the 1200/s. Neither the assassin nor necro builds augment base leech for VD or DD fire leech. Might be an interesting node to put on your neck. I’d have to read all the leech nodes to see if they aren’t attack specific. Or you put on a soul tether. that I’m doing the’re probably right that it’s ok. 1.4% with anger mod on Watcher’s is probably overkill for the rate of ball or detonates you’re generating.

One thing I’m toying with is soul tether gives 4-6% of max life as extra ES that has to be constant refilling via leech. Plus spirit is another 2%. Need to see what my expected leech rate is vs the 5% loss rate. But you can see why that could be a nice interaction with spirit offering. Also looks like overkill in a critical spot (belt).

Links I thought about were CoC (wep - need to link the one I got for 2.5ex) - cyclone - VD/dd - desecrate - inc critical strikes - combustion - spirit offering. Are there the right amount of corpses? Or is it better to hard spam spirit and put in conc effect.

And also, if I take this set and reroll it as assassin, we remove the crit link for inspiration or another gem. Not controlled destruction. You obviously lose the ability to spam spirit and swap that to whatever that step ability was that gave elusive (withering? Bad with ability names).
You need spell cascade to generate corpses and generate balls. It's a bigger damage boost than combustion, especially you can get the fire resist part from Armageddon Brand.

Assassin likely works for VD but you'll have to invest in aps. For DD, you definitely won't be able to hit the aps needed to keep three spells on 0.15s cool down in single target. That's why I didn't consider anyone but necro since DD is my end target. You cannot do spirit offering with VD, not enough corpses.

Elusive based VD assassin might be good, but I haven't properly investigated it. I'm more interested in the sustain from spirit offering.


<Bronze Donator>
What weapon are you using to get one of those supports as a mod (you list 7 above).

Why not CwC instead of CoC?

How are you scaling the damage of VD/DD with no supports?
Shaper 2H sword with CoC affix.

CwC is generally garbage. It procs one spell every 0.35s. CoC procs a spell and then puts a 0.15s cool down on it. This means with multiple spells and enough attack speed, CoC easily outperforms CwC. There are some intangibles you must consider like CwC doesn't require enemy contact. But cycloning an entire map, yuck.

Corpse spells don't need as much scaling because they require corpses. My starter VD build has 5m single target.


Trakanon Raider
Can anyone suggest a guide site or YT video explaining the league mechanics from previous leagues? I haven't played PoE since prophecy and kind of at a lost with some of the added mechanics.