Path of Exile


<Bronze Donator>
My friend was asking me about Lost ARK yesterday. From what he told me, it doesn't sound like it has expanded much beyond Russia and Korea. He knows I play PoE, so he commented on some things he liked more in Lost ARK than PoE: gameplay, UI, polish, art style. I can't disagree with some of those, but rather than debate him on those grounds, I instead explained what I like about poe.

Planning a build in pob and then verifying it works in poe.

He response was that doesn't sound fun. I then spent far too long basically explaining power creep and gameplay speed up has led to building around completely eliminating threats instead of dodging them while playing(outside of learned boss fights).

It's obvious GGG is trying to slow the game down since a large portion of newer skills are 1-2 combos. I can't say they're succeeding since they seem to have refused to learn their lesson from Delirium and gone back to relying on one-shots to keep player speed in check instead of just making monsters live longer.

My question: does slowing down the game also lower the required build complexity? I'm thinking something D3, I never put the same amount of time into planning a build because you simply didn't need to.
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Molten Core Raider
I'm not sure GGG even knows what they want. In one league, they changed the old Tora mission mobs because it was making HH too accessible. Yet, they made other changes and within a year nearly half the characters had a HH. I'm not sure if it's just reactionary development or a result of at least two teams with different ideas. Both?

But, speed is the most interesting part of the meta. I'm not sure what would replace it.
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Triggered Happy
Slowing the game down isn't really a good thing at this point as we've become accustomed to just blazing through maps.

If they want to slow the game down, they should make poe 2 a slower version with harder bosses that require significantly more effort in the tree and gear (if they make it less RNG ). I don't think they want to kill the speed meta as it'd wreck the game too much and even then I think it's probably too late to slow it now.

I love to have really hard mobs like Grim Dawn has in PoE 2, with designs where you have to incorporate accessible elements from the tree to complete some of them. Think raid mobs but scaled down to a single player environment. Some monsters in Grim Dawn are like raid mobs in that you need to gear right up to even pull them to learn the mechanics.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That won’t work though. Poe2 is just an alternative leveling path with an additional 19 ascendancies. Unless you literally break apart the game and stop adding content to poe1 and rip the endgame away, speed will rule and poe1 will be faster to level in then.

they both spill Into the same endgame, and my guess is they’ll allow any ascendancy to play either campaign. I really think they’re setting themselves up for an utter mess, but they’re smart guys and gals. Surely they have realized that. The speed genie is out of the bottle and that’s their appeal. It’s not going away.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Also, I think you either have to kill trade and have better crafting and drops or keep along with the current trash loot explosion


Blackwing Lair Raider
I haven’t been this pumped for a league since maybe 3.0, there’s so much shit here. Just trying to start to brainstorm the meta ; what makes sense to spec out first, probably the syndicate passive tree? Generally betrayal crafts are the hotness the first week or so. Cant go wrong with legion too I suppose but that has more lasting power I think


Mr. Poopybutthole
If they slowed the game down but increased drop rates accordingly I think it would be better received. And release a fucking auction house already. Trading is literally the only thing I hate about PoE at this point. Sure it's gotten better but that's no excuse.
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<Bronze Donator>

Aura Stackers​

As new mechanics have been introduced and players have optimised builds, characters using multiple auras have grown significantly in power, both offensively and defensively. These builds moved above our acceptable top end level of power. The addition of Alternate Quality effects on Aura Gems which added extra effects to your auras were a large contribution to this. We have made a few radical changes here:

  • Aura alternate qualities that granted you and nearby allies extra effects have all had significant value reductions. We believe in the general case, especially when playing solo, these will still be desirable given the regular quality effects on aura gems provide very little in most scenarios. This is something that will be revisited if the standard quality bonus granted by all auras is changed in future.
  • Small Passive Skills on Cluster Jewels that granted increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills and increased effect of your Curses now grant 3% (from 6% and 5% respectively). These desirable stats were scarce on the regular passive tree, often requiring large investment to reach each cluster, but they became very accessible once cluster jewels were introduced. After this change, using multiple Aura Cluster Jewels together should be less efficient relative to the regular passive tree.
  • We have also adjusted the Cluster Jewel notable passives Stalwart Commander and First Among Equals as they also were providing too much accessible aura effect.

Hahahahaha, get fucked aura stackers. Better later than never and I don't necessarily agree with how they did it, but still something that was very much needed.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
If they slowed the game down but increased drop rates accordingly I think it would be better received. And release a fucking auction house already. Trading is literally the only thing I hate about PoE at this point. Sure it's gotten better but that's no excuse.

I don't mind the current way of trading, but they need to integrate it into the game itself. What they require you to do now is stupid.

You should be able to have full functionality of poe overlay, as well as a suite of trading tools, within poe itself. You can do this without making an actual auction house.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>

Hahahahaha, get fucked aura stackers. Better later than never and I don't necessarily agree with how they did it, but still something that was very much needed.

cutedog last night was going on and on about how they were never going to nerf this lmao.
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<Bronze Donator>
I don't mind the current way of trading, but they need to integrate it into the game itself. What they require you to do now is stupid.

You should be able to have full functionality of poe overlay, as well as a suite of trading tools, within poe itself. You can do this without making an actual auction house.
Do you think they could manage that without a severe performance hit?


Golden Knight of the Realm
My favorite build looks like it got a slight nerf as there is no ascendancy node in hierophant that drops 2 totems at once anymore. Hoping it gets moved into the passive tree and can still be a thing :(

Also.. bleedat bleedat I would agree completely with what Dizzie said. Max Block Bleed Gladiator is a great setup to start with. It is even one I have been thinking about using myself this league due to how high its survivability is. We still need to see what changes are going to hit. Its either that, a specter build Ive never tried before or totem build if the changes don't screw it up. The targeted farming possibilities with the atlas changes look to be amazing. I am thinking I may try for my first 100 this league. I always seem to putter out around 94-96
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Triggered Happy
My favorite build looks like it got a slight nerf as there is no ascendancy node in hierophant that drops 2 totems at once anymore. Hoping it gets moved into the passive tree and can still be a thing :(

Also..@bleedat I would agree completely with what Dizzie said. Max Block Bleed Gladiator is a great setup to start with. It is even one I have been thinking about using myself this league due to how high its survivability is. We still need to see what changes are going to hit. Its either that, a specter build Ive never tried before or totem build if the changes don't screw it up. The targeted farming possibilities with the atlas changes look to be amazing. I am thinking I may try for my first 100 this league. I always seem to putter out around 94-96

Once you get a recover life on block shield it's so great on that build, you're pretty much unkillable except for the hardest mobs.
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