Path of Exile


Trakanon Raider
Do they have physical servers in North America, or are all of their serves located where they are (New Zealand), just with various names for geographical reasons to keep people in the same timezones playing together
Unless they are pants on head retarded, they have physical servers in each continent they have gateway for. No amount of software magic can fix EU having 250+ ping to NZ...


Any advice for a level 24 duelist with huge mana problems? I am trying to follow this type of dual wield build:

Forum - Duelist - Official Blender Guide! 1.0 Build Added! Nearly Invincible, Insane DPS, FULL GUIDE UP! - Path of Exile

Actual current build is:
Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

My combat mechanics right now are Leap Slam+FireTraps followed bu Dual Strikes (with melee splash). I can't seem to finish a fight without downing 2 mana pots. Total mana is 148.

The mana flows passives seem like a good idea but I have yet to see a single duelist build that takes mana passives at all.

What am I doing wrong?


<Silver Donator>
They have servers everywhere, and yeah they've been having server issues. There's also the shitty routing issue with certain ISP and stuff that's unrelated but that doesn't explain everything, like their servers have been crashing quite a lot(and you can tell cause you get rollbacked a few seconds/minutes, so it's not a connection issue).

That said I haven't had much in terms of lag issues. During primetime the servers can spike a bit but never for long and since yesterday's hotfix it seems server stability is higher(it still crashes randomly but it was doing that in beta too anyway). I played on the US gateway yesterday too during euro primetime and it was fine, but then I switched back so don't know.

Edit: You NEED Mana Flows early on. Eventually, you spec out of it because mana leech even with 2% on gear will cover all your mana regen needs, but that's quite a long way off, you need to hit hard enough that 2% regens the cost of your shit and unless you're twinked the fuck out, that doesn't happen till like 50-60. Before that, get Mana Flows. Also get the mana on kill(at least one point) if you're still not good. Depending on where you go in the tree, getting a 30int node is also nice, and so is getting any ring with either mana+mana regen%, high int amulet or % mana leech ring/amulet. Also don't level melee skills past 5 until higher levels, the dmg gain isn't worth the mana cost increase if you have supports on them.


I *want* to like it but there are just too many problems right now. Rubber banding causing constant deaths, disconnects losing you a ton of progress and the most fun one so far... crashing during second phase of Dominus after the incredibly long run there and 1st phase.

Disconnects are down today but the other two in full effect.

But on a happier note, Scion is super fun.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Any advice for a level 24 duelist with huge mana problems? I am trying to follow this type of dual wield build:

Forum - Duelist - Official Blender Guide! 1.0 Build Added! Nearly Invincible, Insane DPS, FULL GUIDE UP! - Path of Exile

Actual current build is:
Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

My combat mechanics right now are Leap Slam+FireTraps followed bu Dual Strikes (with melee splash). I can't seem to finish a fight without downing 2 mana pots. Total mana is 148.

The mana flows passives seem like a good idea but I have yet to see a single duelist build that takes mana passives at all.

What am I doing wrong?
You're level 24. Take mana flows passive and if later on you never have mana problems then just refund those 2/3 passives. Most end game builds show what it looks like at end game. Some builds take pasives while leveling just to make leveling easier then spec out of it later down the road.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any advice for a level 24 duelist with huge mana problems? I am trying to follow this type of dual wield build:

Forum - Duelist - Official Blender Guide! 1.0 Build Added! Nearly Invincible, Insane DPS, FULL GUIDE UP! - Path of Exile

Actual current build is:
Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

My combat mechanics right now are Leap Slam+FireTraps followed bu Dual Strikes (with melee splash). I can't seem to finish a fight without downing 2 mana pots. Total mana is 148.

The mana flows passives seem like a good idea but I have yet to see a single duelist build that takes mana passives at all.

What am I doing wrong?
I have been playing that same build basically since open beta. I slightly modified that tree to get a lot more mana. As other have mentioned you need the mana nodes. The big thing you need to remember about that guide is that the author has a 1 hander that negates the need for mana on any melee attack. Below is my tree at 78, I avoided a lot of health on the marauder side in favor of some big mana nodes that were right next to my path anyways. I am making up for the lost the health nodes in the ranger tree as much as I can. Regardless, most builds need to chug mana pots early on. Those builds you see always assume perfect gear.


Started desynching to hardcore Dominus every time I tried to go back in during his corruption rain shit.


Leaving that char at 40, safely still in HC, till something is done performance wise.


<Silver Donator>
Bit weird that you don't get Unwavering stance with Iron reflexes, but I guess you have 30% to avoid stuns so might not be that bad. Anyway I'd definitely look into respecing at least one thing, the 3x3% speed node in the ranger area, this one is awful. Link with 10dex instead, gives you 2points back. You can spend 1point on the 6% speed at the start of the duellist and still have one point left(which you could spend into 4%speed in the duellist start too, giving you 1%additional speed for the same points, or you could use it somewhere else). Also Elemental Adaptation is way too good to pass up. It was nerfed a lot but it's still a huge damage reduction against elemental.

Also the 10%melee single point is awful. You can get 15% with one handed across Berzerking for example, if you do want more damage. I'd just put that point into the 12% life you're going to or Elemental Adaptation though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Any advice for a level 24 duelist with huge mana problems? I am trying to follow this type of dual wield build:

Forum - Duelist - Official Blender Guide! 1.0 Build Added! Nearly Invincible, Insane DPS, FULL GUIDE UP! - Path of Exile

Actual current build is:
Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

My combat mechanics right now are Leap Slam+FireTraps followed bu Dual Strikes (with melee splash). I can't seem to finish a fight without downing 2 mana pots. Total mana is 148.

The mana flows passives seem like a good idea but I have yet to see a single duelist build that takes mana passives at all.

What am I doing wrong?
If you dont want to mana node, get 2% mana leech item in one of your gloves/neck/ring/weapon slots. With a heavy burst build it should be quite helpful.


<Silver Donator>
If you dont want to mana node, get 2% mana leech item in one of your gloves/neck/ring/weapon slots. With a heavy burst build it should be quite helpful.
At low level, unless your weapons are insanely good or your attackspeed very slow, mana leech doesn't do a whole lot. It scales great in mid to late game, but sucks dick early game, you're generally better off using a +mana +mana regen% ring early on because it'll give similar regen while increasing your mana pool so flasks aren't wasted. Also on flask, saturated lower level mana flasks tend to be best for low int chars. They give mana back slower so they act more like a regen buff than actually filling your mana bar quickly, which is more useful since flasks stop once you reach 100%.

That said you should simply get the mana nodes that are nowadays in every starting area(besides marauder because fuck them) and respec out of them later. You get quite a lot of free respec points for "free" by doing sidequests, 2 per act so 18 total, so you have a lot of wiggle room to spec shit temporarily to either get there faster(less point efficient path but more direct to a specific place) or to help early level issues. Generally that's mana but accuracy nodes can also be considered to help temporarily on a low dex build, then you also have +30stats nodes to reach certain treshold until you get better gear and resist nodes are also nice to get you capped when your gear sucks. On the resist note, leveling a purity gem can also be quite useful to swap with your normal aura for resist specific fights if you don't have the gear(stuff like piety or dominus).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Bit weird that you don't get Unwavering stance with Iron reflexes, but I guess you have 30% to avoid stuns so might not be that bad. Anyway I'd definitely look into respecing at least one thing, the 3x3% speed node in the ranger area, this one is awful. Link with 10dex instead, gives you 2points back. You can spend 1point on the 6% speed at the start of the duellist and still have one point left(which you could spend into 4%speed in the duellist start too, giving you 1%additional speed for the same points, or you could use it somewhere else). Also Elemental Adaptation is way too good to pass up. It was nerfed a lot but it's still a huge damage reduction against elemental.

Also the 10%melee single point is awful. You can get 15% with one handed across Berzerking for example, if you do want more damage. I'd just put that point into the 12% life you're going to or Elemental Adaptation though.
That build has perma blind, so unwavering stance would be very bad. The other suggestions are good though, thanks.

Edit: I need to clarify. That build itself doesn't have blind, but I have Bringer of Rain, so my targets are always blinded.


<Silver Donator>
That build has perma blind, so unwavering stance would be very bad. The other suggestions are good though, thanks.
Ah yeah I see now, it's been a long time since I played for some reason I remembered blind as an accuracy modifier, not a miss chance modifier, so to me IR+blind would have done nothing but after checking the mechanics yeah it works and makes a lot of sense to go that way. Might actually change some of my builds to that then, IR is fairly easy to get from the ranger area and stacked armor+blind seems better than acro+blind, at least for leveling. For endgame on big hits armor kinda does shit while you can enfeeble+high eva+acro dodge+block roll and basically never get hit by anything that's blinded or enfeebled, so I'd probably respec at that point, but acro while leveling doesn't do that much vs Grace+IR.


I just fired PoE up again a week or so ago for the first time since early beta, actually been getting into it this time. In the high 50s now about to finish up the first act on the hardest difficulty.. have to say its actually picked up a great deal difficulty wise.

I'm playing as a duelist, Nulolan on the domination league if anyone wants to shoot me a message and kill some shit together. I need a mana reduction gem bad, can't be bothered to try my luck at chat trading but I have all kinds of gems and other things if someone comes across one they don't need. Drunk and bout to go to bed, but should be on a good bit tomorrow as I am off work.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do cast on crit -> discharge builds still work if you're playing Domination and have no way to get a Voll's Devotion because it doesn't exist in that league? I wanted to play a cyclone/crit discharge Scion if I'm going to give this game another shot.

Also, how much has 5L/6L fusing changed really? I saw something about 25% greater chance on 5L in the 1.0 notes but that's nothing if the chance was still <1% just prior to the 1.0 patch. I quit playing 5 or 6 months ago because of how much I hated their fucking retarded loot-roll systems that are so heavily based on RNG with miniscule chances of success, which ends up forcing you to spend an annoying amount of time trading with other players (something I have zero interest in doing at all). Has anything at all improved in that area?


<Silver Donator>
There's probably quite a few voll on domination, you could replace it with a power charge on crit support, but putting it in your main skill would nerf your damage by quite a bit and probably require a 5L. For the build you kinda need Voll or Blood Dance, preferably both.

As for 5L and 6L yeah it's still the same. 5L was buffed slightly but as you said the % was so low, the buff makes it still low. Mostly 4L was buffed a lot so that's nice for most builds. White 5L don't go for a whole lot though, I saw some for 8chaos on Nemesis, Onslaught prices would most likely be even lower. If you need to 5L voll however, that's gonna require a fairly large amount of fusings.

I'd say the simple "fix" would be to play another build, cyclone with cast on crit but with another spell than discharge, like EK for example. Then once you have accumulated enough wealth and assuming you would rather play discharge, you could look into buying a 5L voll or buying fuses in bulk.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm talking about the Voll's Devotion amulet, by the way. It gives you an endurance charge every time you use/lose a power charge.

The chainmail exists everywhere, but the amulet was a anarchy/onslaught exclusive item that for some dumb reason wasn't added to domination as well.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah don't know about the amulet, I assume they discontinued it cause it was OP with the new trigger and not a player made unique? Not sure.

Anyway to answer the question a bit before, I play a lot every day, but I don't really care much about grouping in these type of games so I solo. I've been leveling a bunch of builds a bit to find what I wanna play, I think I have as many chars as my friend has deaths, which is about 7 iirc. Got 2 50s, 3 40s and 2 30s, maybe other stuff I don't remember. He keeps dying to stupid shit apparently and I haven't died yet, but came close a few times. Back on summoner atm, going through cruel, that minion resist gem sure improved quality of life as a lvling summoner, zombies are pretty fucking tanky. Sadly they're still fucking dumb as shit, I need to buy a multistrike back probably so they can actually attack shit before it moves away.


Thanks for the tips all - I feel better with mana nodes already.

Can someone explain why Iron Reflexes seems to be in every duelist build I see? Is evasion capped really low or just that much worse than armor? Or do items give more evasion than armor?