Path of Exile


Molten Core Raider
I wish the leagues were set up in a way that say, a 1-hour race was able to be entered by anyone, but only once, and at the time of their choosing. A leaderboard would be kept on who got the furthest, and it would close at a certain time, whether thats 24 hours later, 48, a week, whatever.

It seems like I'm never online anywhere near the time that the short 1 hour/100 minute races take place. During this entire league season I've only been able to participate in 2(1 endless ledge, one 1-hour descent). I get that it's a little more exciting playing at the same time as everyone else and seeing death announcements from the leading people, but I wish I had an opportunity to compete in some events on my schedule, not theirs. Seems like a ton of their leagues are during the morning/afternoon US time, since they are in New Zealand, it's probably their prime time or something.


<Silver Donator>
The leagues aren't based on NZ time, they specifically make them at all times so everyone can compete in their own primetime. There's russian primetime, central europe primetime, asian primetime, australian/nz and US. So obviously a large amount is going to be out of US primetime, just like a large amount is out of NZ primetime.

I do agree on having a different system being better though, where you can compete when you want with some sort of "credit" system where once you're out you're done for the season or the week or whatever, but I guess that requires a decent amount of work they're not gonna do for now.


<Silver Donator>
Chain detonate dead it looks like. They also showed a cyclone that doesn't move but instead pulls the mobs to you while you spin. Think it's corrupted skill gems, they could be existing skills(no new assets required) but change some mechanics to make them into entirely new skills.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I saw the timer on that new cyclone skill had a beating hard and that it filled the skill button as he hit enemies after. Looks like some kind of super like mechanic, or where you build points to dump or something?


A Man Chooses....
So ambush looks like it's loot boxes guarded by a wave event of some sort and invasion is random bosses throughout the game who show up where they aren't supposed to. seems a little underwhelming. They need to add nemesis and domination to everything in addition to these as well. If Hardcore is trading Exiles for Invasions that seems pretty much an equivalent trade, rather than an addition.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So ambush looks like it's loot boxes guarded by a wave event of some sort and invasion is random bosses throughout the game who show up where they aren't supposed to. seems a little underwhelming. They need to add nemesis and domination to everything in addition to these as well. If Hardcore is trading Exiles for Invasions that seems pretty much an equivalent trade, rather than an addition.
well correct me if I'm wrong, but they added exiles into the base game from anarchy and they do show up in nemesis right? (I never played nemesis so I dont know first hand). If this is true, GGG already mentioned that they are adding nemesis mods and domination shrines to the base game. So unless they stated it somewhere that I didnt notice, the additions for ambush and invasion will be on top of exiles, nemesis mods, and domination shrines.


A Man Chooses....
I had heard Nemesis mods were only going to be an occasional occurrence rather than an all the time thing, and that domination shrines were going to be toned way down and used as a new map mod. Maybe that was incorrect. I just wish they would throw everything they add every time into the mix. The difficulty is the fun of this game.


Golden Knight of the Realm
yeah forgot to mention that. When rare spawns it has a chance to spawn nemesis mods and the shrines will be toned down and not as frequent as well.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Short term economies are awesome. The one weeks and the start of the leagues are amazing because there's a self-found aspect and it actually brings back the EC tunnel days because trading is actually a social endeavor. I thoroughly enjoy it.
This, so much. It would be cool if they found a way to bridge the temporary economy with long-term character planning, aside from being sent down to the default leagues after.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Who here is planning on playing the SC new league? I have myself, a close friend and my gf who I usually play with, wouldnt mind finding more to fill out a group. We all use skype, so that is kind of a requirement.


A Man Chooses....
Are we there yet? I wanted to play Infernal Blow in Invasion but now the new gems are making me reconsider.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Are we there yet? I wanted to play Infernal Blow in Invasion but now the new gems are making me reconsider.
I love infernal blow, I need to love something else cause having 4 different builds using IB it a bit much imo lol. I will be making self cast incinerate build that uses lightning warp on CWDT gem set up for defense. Should be interesting


Blackwing Lair Raider
I plan on going on the 5th, going to most likely do crit reave shadow or some blender type duelist.


Molten Core Raider
My interest in checking out the D3 patch is minimal because I know I'll jump ship to this on March 5th. Rabble rabble, why couldn't it have been Friday.

On a side note, if anyone here is playing Standard, I can log on a character and give you all my shit. A substantial portion was donated by Krag a few weeks back (thanks again man!).


Golden Knight of the Realm
My interest in checking out the D3 patch is minimal because I know I'll jump ship to this on March 5th. Rabble rabble, why couldn't it have been Friday.

On a side note, if anyone here is playing Standard, I can log on a character and give you all my shit. A substantial portion was donated by Krag a few weeks back (thanks again man!).
I'll be on standard around 5:30-6 central time


Blackwing Lair Raider
Info is starting to drop, cant wait for next weds !

- vaal orbs can corrupt gear (modify gear - adds an intrinsic line i think)
- vaal orbs are found
- uber gems require souls to cast
- vaal artifacts occur every so often during gameplay and corrupt the area around them. corrupted areas will have new "bosses" (?) and is where you will find vaal orbs
- AMBUSH league (softcore): treasure chests guarded by monsters - monsters can be customised? (like maps but for chests)
- INVASION league (hardcore): new challenging bosses with new mechanics appear!
- vaal artifact fragments: complete the artifact to unlock new area(s)
- APEX OF SACRIFICE (a new dungeon?): first 100 to kill the boss in here get a cosmetic reward!
- PVP MODES!: cutthroat mode (unsure if it is its own "league") and FFA arena


Molten Core Raider
Who here will be playing Invasion come Wednesday? I'm probably going to be hitting it pretty hard.


Molten Core Raider
Invasion all the way. I lost probably 400 levels worth of characters to Nemesis mode last time around(I'd always die somewhere in Act 3 with a level 55-65ish toon), why stop the fun now? lol. I always play self-found, solo. It's damn hard.