Planetside 2


Man I've been so busy with work this entire month I haven't even had time to play and had completely forgotten about this. Anyone watch it or participate in it? Was it cool at all, or just a big giant mess lol?
pretty sure it was lame as fuck.


<Bronze Donator>
Some people rolled a ton of alts on the defEnding terran side then friendly fired the fuck out of them


Vyemm Raider
My outfit's commander decided to get pretty drunk the other night. He had this amazing plan to take over Indar, and when that failed, he ordered everyone to Esamir to ghost cap an empty continent. In his words "we have no shance of taking Indar". We were running like 4 platoons, of really annoyed people at this point. This is during the event Sony was holding to take over Amerish. So Esamir is at 80% while amerish had 20%.

Needless to say we got warp-gated hard and tons of people were bitching as to why none of the big outfits on our faction even tried.

Was a sad day to be NC.


<Silver Donator>
I was at the event. It was pretty lame. Vanu only won it because they had it to start with. The lag and culling was so bad that you couldn't approach it.

Pretty normal stuff. Completely expected.

Their roadmap is fucking bullshit because they need to fix the culling issues just like Guildwars 2.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Meh. So pretty much what I expected it would be like. Basically just a big stunt to generate more interest but completely fails because the game can't even handle it. So in the end it actually decreases interest lol..

And zero surprise at all the griefing.


Silver Squire
Fighting for The Crown feels like PS2's version of Nuketown, Dust2, or 2fort. Right now, I log on whichever one of my characters is at a fight for
The Crown, preferably defending.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm beginning to think the game would be better if there was some sort of way to queue up vehicle spawns and then send out a wave at once. That or do something about the vehicle vs infantry imbalance. Even in the best of circumstances 5 or 6 dudes with coordinated strikes can blow up tanks, or libs or whatnot, then they all die to random explosive hell and respawn and do another one. But even as *BAD* a solution as this, 90% of your player base isn't that coordinated. So you get 2-3 guys firing at something, it runs away and repairs, and comes back. So now you're not just feeding the enemy exp through trying to zerg, but you're also feeding more exp as they repair.

Yes, yes, the "proper" way to "defend" against an attacker with a massive vehicle superiority is to completely abandon the base while you go find some bumfuck base that can spawn what you need and then drive/fly back for 4 minutes.

But imagine 10, 15, 20 players being able to queue up tanks or whatever and have them all roll out at once, rather than leaving single-file and thus exploding before players even get control over the things. Sure, you'd need to turn off collisions and probably do something funky/ugly for how explosive damage is dealt, but then you could have defenders actually having a chance to break the siege and push back out.

Or maybe making vehicle ammo refills cost vehicle resources *AND* have the player generate resources not based on where you fight, but rather what you fight. Tweak the ratios so you can refill for less than what using all that ammo on vehicles would earn you, giving some wiggle room for missed shots or shooting *some* infantry. But using your entire allotment of pod-rockets on infantry will bleed you empty and you'll have to wait for timer based resource generation before you can refill and/or pull another whatever.

Meh, it's clear I'm infantry biased. I don't want to deny anyone vehicle vs vehicle combat, but the actual amount of it is a rarity from what I see and it seems like SOE's really only using the exp knob to try to modify player behavior. I had to laugh at the new g40 tank mounted flak cannon 2ndary. That presumes that tankers are having problems with pilots actually targeting them. I wish I played that version of PS2.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Concerns like that come down to coordination/communication between players really. Sure SOE could try to force a certain bahaviour (and they do here and there, see repair, heal and rez xp), but I think bads are gonna bad.

You can do a nice defense with a some heavies actually shooting at the same tank/plane simultaneously, and put a bunch of them on cooldown quickly. A bunch of us (no outfit but I was with 2 friends and apparently some of the others played together too) held a base against a Vanu zerg and you could really see them pull the vehicles that were up. First the sky was full of aircraft, we were pushed into the main base but everyone pulled MAXes and hawks and we drove that wave off, a few minutes later a magrider column rolls in, we drive that off, and then the next aircraft wave came in etc etc. Sure facing the zerg sucks at times but working together in this game is pretty important.

If there's anything I'd love then SOE giving reasons to "fight for every inch of ground" as someone put it. The most fun for me are the fights somewhere in bumfuck nowhere between bases with both sides trying to push through the other. I hope the swamp continent on their road map is tank/plane unfriendly (heavy vegetation and canopy) to help out infantry outside of the bases though.


As a dirty casual, I'm having a tough time hopping in and being productive without just 'digging in' which I really don't like doing. I'm not sure if I'm missing something here....


Are you playing with friends or a fun outfit?
I have a few friends I play with, but they are fairly busy like I am and don't log in with any set pattern, thus the 'dirty casual' label. The people I find online basically just dig in or are terribly bad.


FoH nuclear response team
Yea I can't even make myself play longer than 10-15 minutes if no outfit members are on, shit is brutal playing solo. You can always make multiple chars and log on with us on Jaeger.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's Gecko's (and mine) situation which is why I suggest SOE needs to put more effort into things/limitations/reward structures that are all forms of training the casuals.

They will never outperform friends/outfits, but there's still plenty of room for improvement.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
So with the event over, and scoreboard full of purple, the question of the day is : Is the Purple Spandex team overpowered? I admit that I hate their strafing tanks, their guns have no bullet drop, and even when I get the drop on some of them, they jump-180 and seem to kill me in 2 lazer pew-pews.


I also still have a love-hate relationship with the underbarrel grenade launcher.

There's even more nefarious bugs with the grenade launcher though. Whatever you do, don't run around with it selected. If someone surprises you at close range and you try to noob toob him, they'll take literally ZERO damage. Ive had about 5 instances where after this occurred, I dumped a full round of pistol ammo(as you cant switch from grenade launcher to #1 gun after shooting, ANOTHER bug lol). Even with each shot hitting, I'd get no hit registers at all. It's as if they're invincible to you for 5 seconds after a failed grenade.

They'd then of course kill me by this point, and I see that they still have full shields/health.

It's still a decent weapon, here's some uses I've found in order of usefulness to me:

1) If you're above your enemy, it's awesome
2) Great if you know someone is camping around the corner.
3) If you wound someone and they hide behind cover, switch and hit as close to where they are as you can.
4) Don't forget to knife between shots! (Watch for friendlies running through you though lol, tough to explain that TK)


Silver Squire
I kinda despise the mobile, roving, musical chair zergs that PS2 can morph into.

I think they need to change the way continents are capped. You ought to be able to capture a continent by capturing all the amp/bio/tech. What is there? 9 major bases on each continent? Instead of the minor bases thus becoming obsolete, have them confer advantages. Attacking a bio lab and capture the minor base? Enemies spawning in the bio lab do 25% less damage. Capture another base next to the bio lab? Enemies spawn with 25% less hp.
Was a sad day to be NC.
It is always a sad day for the NC. I never run into them at all. Planetside is basicaly TR vs. Vanu. I rarely see NC with their stupid looking outfits and odd looking big-ass Reapers. Until the graphics change for them my guess is they will always be the 3rd faction that no one cares about. Even the neo-gay look of the Vanu looks better than NC not to mention the Vanu have superior weapons and vehicles. The only thing NC has that is better than anyone else is the hax-Max.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Well it certainly doesn't help that they have a moronic name. I mean New Conglomerate... Conglomerate... who the hell wants to be a freedom fighter and called a Conglomerate?

I bet things would of been a lot different if they were called they were called the New Ass-Kickers or something like that.


Sparkletot Monger
I think platoons should have some "raid tools" to help make organized, cohesive units more deadly. Mass targeting or bonuses for keeping proximity or formation. Auras from squad leaders giving defensive, offensive or movement bonuses.

Things like this would encourage team play and make battles far more interesting


Golden Squire
No one plays NC? Maybe it is just Mattherson but there is a lot of them. Then again NC Mattherson is where is the faction of choice for the Goons.


FoH nuclear response team
I prefer Vanu's OP guns, tanks and default bullshit night invisible camo, but I chose playing with some FoH folks so I'm TR Scum.

NC's weapons had way to much recoil for me.