Planetside 2


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just picked this up today. Anyone recommend a class? Playing with two friends who are Infiltrator and Medic. Not sure if that makes a difference.

Also, how the hell do you get into a transport type vehicle? You'd think pressing 'E' would do it, but nada.

Edit: Also pissed I missed out on the SC 3x thing by a day. Lame.


FoH nuclear response team
I just picked this up today. Anyone recommend a class? Playing with two friends who are Infiltrator and Medic. Not sure if that makes a difference.

Also, how the hell do you get into a transport type vehicle? You'd think pressing 'E' would do it, but nada.
Play what you enjoy, you can get big points from Medic or Engi during huge battles by dropping ammo or rezzing people. I mainly play engineer but I will switch depending on the scenario(tons of enemy armor etc).

If you're not too invested on your current server jump on Jaeger (TR) and hit up Regimetr/Pools for an invite to the outfit and we can help you get started and give some pointers.


Every class is all around good. Medics can res people and get a ton of points, engis can repair vehicles. Heavies have rocketlaunchers and a big health pool/shield, infiltrator is sniper - if you decide to play infiltrator.. pick up the 2nd sniper rifle (the cheapest at least) because it is far superior than the default one.

Oh, light assault is very fun when attacking bases and you can jetpack on top of shit. Not a lot of people really look up so you're bound to get quite a few free kills if you're into being a (awesome) douche.

Also, they're running double xp for like a week or something too so you've still picked a good time to start.


<Silver Donator>
if you decide to play infiltrator.. pick up the 2nd sniper rifle (the cheapest at least) because it is far superior than the default one.
Only a good advice for TR/VS, for NC the default sniper is the one that the other 2 buy. There's better rifles than all of these but they're expensive and not that much better.

They do SC sales like once a month. Granted that's not very helpful now, but still. You can also buy Walmart cards to get some more points. If you plan on playing a bit next week after xmas assuming you're not working, I recommend buying a 5$ xp boost for a week, they stack with double xp so you'll level even faster.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
any outfits recruiting members? hate having to hassle myself into one everytime I log out and in.

I tried Brit, but it looks like they are Total Biscuits bitch, so it probably won't sustain after he disappears.

TR - Waterson.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What do you mean hassle into one every time you log out and in? Outfits are permanent,unless you're booted or remove yourself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
C4 is good for LA and that's about it imo. Anyone else who can use it has a better cert for their Utility slot.


Molten Core Raider
I downloaded this on steam, doesn't launch. Verify files, 5 missing, re-DL, doesn't launch. Verify again, 1 missing, re-DL, doesn't launch. Delete game, re-download, doesn't launch. Verify, 2 missing, doesn't launch. Go to actual folder, exe doesn't launch, launchpad doesnt launch.

Fuckin' SoE.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Try it straight from SOE? I know it's quite a bit slower but maybe it will have no issues?


I just downloaded this last night and played for about 10 minutes.

Entered with my first character. Dead before the cinematic ends.
Spawn. Dead before the zone loaded.
Spawn, run around and the only thing to shoot at are tanks and ships flying the sky bombing me. Dead.
Logged off.

People must really love this game. It appears pretty cool, but I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.
You just happened to spawn in a location that was being taken. There was probably a tank outside lobbing grenades non stop. Spawn at the warpgate. It can't be taken and you won't be insta gibbed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I just downloaded this last night and played for about 10 minutes.

Entered with my first character. Dead before the cinematic ends.
Spawn. Dead before the zone loaded.
Spawn, run around and the only thing to shoot at are tanks and ships flying the sky bombing me. Dead.
Logged off.

People must really love this game. It appears pretty cool, but I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.
The game is going to die to this.

Things were not as bad as they are right now.

Tank Liberator spawn camping infantry is out of control at this time.

Game is only fun if your in a Outfit that is the one doing the spawn camping.

But end result is going to be a rapid decline in people not in outfits and then people in them will run out of people to kill and leave as well.

I believe PS2 is actually now at a turning point. Ether SoE puts infantry back in the game are PS2 has hit its peak and will start to decline rapidly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You only get spawned camped if you choose too. Nothing stopping players from picking somewhere else too spawn. If they have forced you into the spawn room and control the rest of the base, its pretty much over at that point(in big fights) and you need to regroup from the outside. Hell a lot of times you can re-group outside and hit the attackers as they become lazy waiting for the cap to flip and easily take it back.

The only reason to stay in a spawn camped situation is to pick off idiots that get in view or to c4 the spawn room as soon as the base flips and the zerg rushes in(I've gotten 10+ kills with 2 c4 doing this), otherwise you move out.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You only get spawned camped if you choose too. Nothing stopping players from picking somewhere else too spawn. If they have forced you into the spawn room and control the rest of the base, its pretty much over at that point(in big fights) and you need to regroup from the outside. Hell a lot of times you can re-group outside and hit the attackers as they become lazy waiting for the cap to flip and easily take it back.

The only reason to stay in a spawn camped situation is to pick off idiots that get in view or to c4 the spawn room as soon as the base flips and the zerg rushes in(I've gotten 10+ kills with 2 c4 doing this), otherwise you move out.
No there is so much air running amok that every single base you spawn at except warp gate has libarators hovering above the spawn room.

Basically outfits are rolling up continents with air and there is fuck all that you do expect spawn planes at the warp gate.

Most bases spawn rooms need a dome shield that blocks air to ground fire because once a couple libs have people pinned in spawn room there is fuck all that defenders can do at that base.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
They need to turn Liberators back into PS1 style, fuck the "bombardier" having an aimable gun more powerful then Tank main guns. Gravity bomb dropping please.


FoH nuclear response team
They need to turn Liberators back into PS1 style, fuck the "bombardier" having an aimable gun more powerful then Tank main guns. Gravity bomb dropping please.
This would be an excellent fix, or make the gun have less swivel range.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Libs firepower isn't my issue its the spawn camping.

With tanks they normally have to fight through a base to be able pin the spawn room. Iv'e seen allot of silly fight at bases where armor is attacking but infantry is able to hold them off even when the infantry at that base should drop back when they die to base where they spawn a tank and be back to the original base with a tank in a minute are so. Tanks also roll with sunderers so infantry is almost always part of a tank attack.

Movement speed compared to tanks and infantry plus the ability to simply fly directly over a base to the spawn room avoiding defensible terrain is my issue. Iv'e seen four AA Max and a several HA with lock on AA rockets rendered completely useless because they get kill the second they step out of spawn room by Libs they can't target.


FoH nuclear response team
Picked up the flash suppressor for the Lynx today before work, I'm jonesing to try it out this week. Anyone have any experience with the Jaguar? I'm wondering if it's worth picking up for medium range.