

Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

Genre: [GENRE]Comedy[/GENRE]

First Aired: [RELEASE]2013-03-25[/RELEASE]

Overview: [PLOT]Plebs follows three desperate young men from the suburbs as they try to get laid, hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city – a city that happens to be Ancient Rome.[/PLOT][/SERIESWRAP][/SERIES]

I didn't see a thread for this one~ One of the funniest shows I've watched in a long time. It's a mix of modern comedy in ancient Roman times with a lot of dirty/twisted jokes. It follows three characters Marcus (nerd), Stylax (dumb man whore) and Grumio (Marcus's slave) as they toil in ancient Rome. I'd consider it on par with IT crowd, has the same kind of build up to the huge pay off's towards the end of the episodes.

It's third season just started.

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FPS noob
its not that good, middle tier TV. I'd rank it around the same as big bang theory or 2 broke girls