Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Probably had bad connection. It's one reason i stopped playing and only got level 4. Always cuts out and also doesn't update distances reliably. Probably just rural problems. I found quitting out of the app and reloading would make it work but then it was like 50% chance at getting past loading screen
I'm living in a major metropolitan area with a million people in it :/


Lord Nagafen Raider
Probably had bad connection. It's one reason i stopped playing and only got level 4. Always cuts out and also doesn't update distances reliably. Probably just rural problems. I found quitting out of the app and reloading would make it work but then it was like 50% chance at getting past loading screen
This has curtailed my play for now. It's a cool app and a great demonstration of the possibilities for AR gaming. But the overwhelming server load and early lifecycle bugs make it frustrating. I spend more time desynced than synced, and have to restart a ton.

I'm in a well-populated suburb with plenty good cell coverage, so it's not just rural.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I did have 9 nearby pokemon, but all of them were 3 tracks away and I can't seem to find an indicator which way I'd have to go.

Then the app crashed and no there's nothing nearby.


Golden Squire
Yeah the tracker is broken. More than you think.
It shows all pokemon with 3 tracks, it also doesn't show all pokemon.
Update speed is "random". Meaning sometimes it updates instantly, sometimes it updates like 30 seconds after you moved.
The direction indicator is vague at best. I think the further the target is away the better it shows the direction, however with the distance indicator being broken its even harder to guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So the game actually is utterly broken and barely playable, but people are so fucking crazy about pokemon that they just push through all this and force themselves to enjoy it anyways?

I'm gonna go rub lamps now, I want this enthusiasm on Everquest.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Anyone used the maps at r/pokemongodev ?
The one the guy uploaded to Git works pretty much flawlessly near as I can tell. Slow day at work this morning so I took a quick walk and the map was 6/6 for pokemon being where the map would claim.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The one the guy uploaded to Git works pretty much flawlessly near as I can tell. Slow day at work this morning so I took a quick walk and the map was 6/6 for pokemon being where the map would claim.
Which one?!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wait, so can you put the live map thing on your phone? Because if the data lasts for 15 minutes at the absolute maximum, it's pretty worthless


Mr. Poopybutthole
So where are the Pokemon? We walked half a mile, visited 3 pokestops and an arena and none ever showed up? We do have the starting one already bagged.

All the tutorials seem to start with a pokemon already on screen...
Probably had bad connection. It's one reason i stopped playing and only got level 4. Always cuts out and also doesn't update distances reliably. Probably just rural problems. I found quitting out of the app and reloading would make it work but then it was like 50% chance at getting past loading screen
Or, like I've been bitching about since it came out, some places just suck for this game (although Quin says he's in a city, so dunno). It's the entire reason I'm using Nox, because otherwise the game is shit. I can walk my dog for 2 miles and only come across a single Rattata. That's not fun. Meanwhile I load up Nox, plop down anywhere in Los Angeles, and I'm running out of balls if I don't hit every Pok?stop I see because there is too much to catch.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I haven't found a way to run it direct on my phone, but it's pretty trivial to RDP to your desktop at home. Wasn't even really required here though, just look at map, pick a handful of things I want that will be up for a bit, walk over there and grab them fast.

This is the thing:Releases · mchristopher/PokemonGo-DesktopMap · GitHub
so just use the remote desktop app from the app store? I basically want to use it until they fix the nearby tool, so I want more than a 15 minute or less window out of it. I just missed a Pinsir I could have made it to because it hadn't popped on the map yet before I took the screenshot and went out ><


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea run it on your computer at home, RDP in to your machine at home to view your neighborhood, walk to where ever and grab what is there. Only restriction really is the map is tied to the geolocation of chromium, so you can't really change the location from your desktop (yet).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yea run it on your computer at home, RDP in to your machine at home to view your neighborhood, walk to where ever and grab what is there. Only restriction really is the map is tied to the geolocation of chromium, so you can't really change the location from your desktop (yet).
Works just fine if I manually set the lat/long to my town.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
As much as I hate the idea of cheating, the idea of people roaming around neighborhoods/parks going to the exact location where a rare pokemon are is better gameplay than camping out on a 3 or 4 lured spawn and just spinning + catching.

I'm hoping they move toward a complex, AR-based tracking system where you can track different types of pokemon and follow foottrails, scent etc. The quality of the tracking would be dependent on your experience with that given pokemon. Ex: the more bug pokemon you catch the better your tracking on bug pokemon. The more scyther you catch the better your tracking on scythers.

Combine this with pokemon roaming around their spawns, you could have an interesting gameplay mechanism. You're roaming your neighborhood, get an alert that there's a 20 minute old track of Scyther, pull up your AR, find some barely-there tracks pointing north, then search for the next set of tracks until you find him. With a group of people it becomes an AR-based easter egg hunt where everyone is looking for a footprint, some scent, a piece of carapace etc.

Even once the tracker working and the servers having good performance, the pokemon tracking mini-game is just not that fun after 100 or so of them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Frankly, as long as I'm still out there walking around, I couldn't care less about 'cheating'. I started this for the exercise, not for the deep and riveting gameplay.


Golden Squire
Yea run it on your computer at home, RDP in to your machine at home to view your neighborhood, walk to where ever and grab what is there. Only restriction really is the map is tied to the geolocation of chromium, so you can't really change the location from your desktop (yet).
Actually mine asks me which location I want to check for the map. I can also have multiple instances of that service running, meaning I am not restricted to the 2x2 mile radius.

Auto-updating Pokemon GO map scanner : pokemongodev
Also this runs as a webservice on your desktop. You can actually just DNAT Port 8000 to your desktop on your router and access it via webbrowser from outside.


Golden Squire
Also in case someone wants to try, you need to enter "your" account to the config of the scanner, I would strongly suggest you use a fake account. That being said, I tried a google account, that doesn't work, so make a new pokemon trainer club account.
That one needs to be validated before you can "log in", otherwise you get wrong user/pw errors.

Setup time is around 5 minutes for the whole deal.


what Suineg set it to
As much as I hate the idea of cheating, the idea of people roaming around neighborhoods/parks going to the exact location where a rare pokemon are is better gameplay than camping out on a 3 or 4 lured spawn and just spinning + catching.

I'm hoping they move toward a complex, AR-based tracking system where you can track different types of pokemon and follow foottrails, scent etc. The quality of the tracking would be dependent on your experience with that given pokemon. Ex: the more bug pokemon you catch the better your tracking on bug pokemon. The more scyther you catch the better your tracking on scythers.

Combine this with pokemon roaming around their spawns, you could have an interesting gameplay mechanism. You're roaming your neighborhood, get an alert that there's a 20 minute old track of Scyther, pull up your AR, find some barely-there tracks pointing north, then search for the next set of tracks until you find him. With a group of people it becomes an AR-based easter egg hunt where everyone is looking for a footprint, some scent, a piece of carapace etc.

Even once the tracker working and the servers having good performance, the pokemon tracking mini-game is just not that fun after 100 or so of them.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I haven't had a chance to actually give it a real try as I'm at work still, but I'm curious to see how accurate this is around my apartment when I get home.

And I agree, the current optimal way of hunting being camping at a populated triple pokestop location is dumb and gets pretty old. The social bits of it can be amusing just sitting in the park chilling with nerds, getting high, drinking etc, but it's not really why I found the game interesting to begin with.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
lol, yep. I don't know niantic and I don't know mobile gaming but I wouldn't be surprised if the only difference between Pogo now and a year from now is more cash shop items + generation 2/3 pokemon.