Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Good IV rater, uses arc position for it.
Pokemon GO Tools | The Silph Road

The way I use it, is I take a screenshot of a pokemon, then use a semi-transparent overlay of the arc appropriate for my level onto the image, and use that to determine the exact level.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The egg hatching speed limit is 20 miles an hour?

Do you see many people driving somewhat slowly on the road for this?

Hell I'd ride my bike for this if I could figure out how to keep the phone from going to sleep.
Your phone goes to sleep with an active app on screen? Depending on how long your phone will stay awake, you could set up a biking route between two reasonably distant pokestops and just loop back and forth between them to keep your phone active.

Also, I just badly overthrew a venonat, only to have it jump up and give me a great throw. Pretty funny.


Shattered my phone's screen this morning on a Pokewalk. Was wearing gym shorts, sat down on a bench to tie my shoe, and my phone (no case) slid out of my pocket, through the slots in the bench, and onto the concrete only about 2 feet below. Luckily I have a work phone that I can use in the mean time, but still sucks.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Good IV rater, uses arc position for it.
Pokemon GO Tools | The Silph Road

The way I use it, is I take a screenshot of a pokemon, then use a semi-transparent overlay of the arc appropriate for my level onto the image, and use that to determine the exact level.
Cool , so now I'm level 21. I get a good rating for this Charmander, but as I level I'll find better ones?



Blackwing Lair Raider
My Squirtle rated well too, which is great but if he's only going to be replaced as I level not sure if I should spend the candy to upgrade him just yet.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Cool , so now I'm level 21. I get a good rating for this Charmander, but as I level I'll find better ones?

No, IV is permanent. But as you level you'll find higher CP values. Your charmander is a very, very good one and you're unlikely to find better anytime soon. But it's worthless without a bunch of charmander candy to evolve it.

My recommendation, put 2913 in the charmander's name and keep it. If you find a high CP charizard with similar stats, replace it. If you find a good nest of charmanders, farm them for a ton of charmander candy.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
So I'm entirely new to this whole EV thing but I puttered around a bit. Can one of the esteemed Pokemon Researchers here confirm the following Pokemon actually have potential to let me know I'm doing it right?

I'm level 18.





FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Fuck dude, didn't the game just come out like 2 days ago or something there?
Yeah it came out on Friday morning, I started playing Friday afternoon. It's Sunday night now. You level up fast when Pokemon are spawning faster than you can catch them due to being in a quad-lure area for 6 hours.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck dude, didn't the game just come out like 2 days ago or something there?
It's Japan, he's probably never more than a couple minutes away from a multi-stop lure party at any point during the day.

I've been doing it by overlaying the curved bar like Tuco suggested to get the exact level but they are as follows:

Jigglypuff: 1900/2
Ponyta: 400/1
Bellsprout: 1600/2
Jigglypuff is ~85% if it's lvl 15, total shit if it's 16. Ponyta is between upper 70s and mid 80s, probably not worth the trouble of leveling all the way from 4. Bellsprout is 78%.


I still don't get why people are calculating IVs for Pokemon with less than 80% of a full CP bar. Seems like a whole lot of work when you'll likely find better CP Pokemon, yet middling IVs, that are useful now.


Trakanon Raider
I'm a filthy casual. I simply run around catching new Pokemon and keep the highest CP ones. I transfer or evolve the rest for more candy and experience.

I did catch a Wartortle today about 3 houses down from mine. And I finally got a Jigglypuff at the zoo. There were 2 Psyducks at the zoo but I couldn't find either of them. Really annoying because he's a favorite of mine even if he's not terribly rare. I just haven't gotten him yet. I'm only around 40 unique Pokemon captured though.

Level 12 at the moment.


Potato del Grande
I only heard Double Weakness was gone, I hope it is still in.

Limiting factor on power is your stardust amount, not IVs. You don't get enough dust to level much to 100%. Only check IVs if you have 2+ of the same family at 90%+ exp and you wanna know which to keep. I'm not going to enjoy the game stressing about getting a better rare Eevee, I'm levelling the one 90% exp one I got.

By the way it was full moon in the UK yesterday. Clefairy appearing noticeably more (got 1 or 2 since launch before) and got enough in a few hours for Clefable. Also more Jigglypuff and Nidorans though Nidoran and Clefairy more common than Jigglypuff.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
4am in the morning. Farfetched spawns at the nearby elementary school. 5 minutes to get there. Throw on some pants, run there, chase my tail for a bit, finally find it and catch it.

On the way out, Police Officer at the nearby Police Box asks me what I'm doing. Explain that a rare pokemon spawned nearby and I had to get it.

He thinks for a bit, then asks me which one. I show him on my phone, and he just stares at me for a moment before picking up his phone and heading off to see if it's still therewhile hitting his radio and telling the other cops where it is and to hurry

I love living in Japan sometimes.