Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again


Lord Nagafen Raider
Oh, also happy to report that the bard I picked up from rerolled about a week ago is 46 or 47 and progressing nicely through the chardok grind. Should be 60 in a week or two.


Needless, can any Bard join League of Antonican Bards, or do they have a level requirement? Don't see anything on boards about them.


So what's with the bard hate on this server? Ever since I started exploring Kunark, I've started receiving random tells from people trash talking me as I run through zones. At one point I was fighting a random blue trash mob, working on my combat skills and a random SK runs by and HTs it, stealing the kill. I sent him a tell, "Not nice" and the response was, "go cry elsewhere bard scum". A few times now I've seen people announce bard deaths in ooc and everyone in the zone starts cheering. Is this pretty much the normal response to bards on this server? Starting to think maybe I should've rolled something else. Just picked a bard since it was the most active play style and player skill can mean a lot.


Trakanon Raider
Bards are mostly hated because of the swarm kiting that tends to get in the way of people leveling. Granted not every bard is like that and some try and watch out for others but yeah, it's gonna happen.


So what's with the bard hate on this server? Ever since I started exploring Kunark, I've started receiving random tells from people trash talking me as I run through zones. At one point I was fighting a random blue trash mob, working on my combat skills and a random SK runs by and HTs it, stealing the kill. I sent him a tell, "Not nice" and the response was, "go cry elsewhere bard scum". A few times now I've seen people announce bard deaths in ooc and everyone in the zone starts cheering. Is this pretty much the normal response to bards on this server? Starting to think maybe I should've rolled something else. Just picked a bard since it was the most active play style and player skill can mean a lot.
AE Kiting bards who steal entire zones worth of mobs give bards a bad rap.


Molten Core Raider
Project 1999 makes it much easier to swarm than it was on the real servers. Bards do things on p99 that weren't even possible.

One thing I noticed immediately on Al'Kabor after playing on p99 was the mobs hit from farther away. (although they tended to have slightly smaller aggro radii)
Classic had leash code, and it was pretty short in some zones making kiting a huge headache. (I gave up trying to kite in emerald jungle it was so bad)
Bard songs aggro way too much on p99. AoE snaring mobs with songs while people PBAoE them just wasn't possible or much more difficult. (i.e. requiring a zone after each cast or many casters)
Mobs had some crude collision code in classic that prevented large trains from stacking on top of each other into a super tight ball as they do on p99.
Outdoor zones had pathing instead of direct line of sight movement to the player, which made the simple act of collecting many mobs nearly impossible in some zones as often they would just run in the opposite direction (skyfire was really fucking bad)
Lastly Selo's Assonant Strane is simply far too reliable on p99


Avatar of War Slayer
I must suck as a bard...but I have not ever really tried to swam kite... what should my song lineup be at 54 and where?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Classic had leash code, and it was pretty short in some zones making kiting a huge headache. (I gave up trying to kite in emerald jungle it was so bad)


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I would love to play a rogue on this server since it was my love in EQ. But having no high level character to twink or power level I would absolutely need to be able to find groups as rogue. Is there any chance of that?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is that true? I thought it was selo + DDs. If you are kiting an entire zone, I would think just a few snare resists (out of hundreds of mobs) would ruin your day.
selos pretty much breaks if you stop casting it. Shit to twist--get a blood orchid katana.