Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd like to ask you veteran P99 players a question. I got a ban last year for seemingly nothing and I was curious if maybe one of you might know. I'll outline the situation for you.

I was asked by Heallun to give p99 a try and I agreed that it would be fun to raid so I went. Heallun helped me out by power leveling and twinking my rogue. About two weeks into me playing, I received the doom message. My account was banned. I went to Heallun right away and got his thoughts, to which he didn't have a clue either. Told me to petition on the forums.

I put in my petition asking why I was banned. Got a response from GM Sirken 1 week later. His response was Account banned for character stripping. Alright... I responded, what does that mean? I wasn't aware that I did anything illegal by accepting gear from Heallun. Thread was locked and moved with no further response. My account was also not allowed to post again, said I don't have permission. I said fuck it, I've heard the rumors and complaints about the staff being corrupt, I'm an idiot for even putting in time. I apologized to Heallun and went on my way.

Skip ahead to last week and Heallun asked me if I wanted to give it another try. I said shit, why not! I do miss the game. Let me try and get my account back, its been almost a year. I petition again asking if I can please have my account back and if not can I have an explanation as to what happened. Sirken response... Account banned for character stripping~~~ The ultimate troll. I even linked the original petition in my new one for reference and he respones with the same thing lol.

This is where my question comes in. To me it sounds like I was banned for twinking my rogue. Heallun taking loot from his alt character and selling it to buy me some things. In what world is that illegal and warranting a ban? Obviously at this point I realize how useless the P99 gms are so I'm not going to ever play there again. I am curious though if anyone has ever encountered this before. Is there a reason I'm just too stupid to see? I'll accept that if there is.


Sounds like heallun took gear from a character that quit playing, he came back, flipped shit his account was stripped, sirken followed the item trail and it lead to your account.


Avatar of War Slayer
I have no idea what character stripping is...

Not accusing as that would be dumb, and Heallun would be long banned if so...but... could it mean you where seen as an intermediary character to move hacked/rmt/sploit plat bought gear etc.? That's the only thing I can think of. Was the EQEMU and character account created by you or did you get the account given to you?

I love me some p99 and love to play on it, but the "rulings" are always all over the place, and that has caused "p"99% of their issues- if Rogy and Rilbog would have stepped in from day 1, or hell year 1 and said "This is the bible of rules..." things would have been fine, but they wanted that facad of "we wont force our players into rotation" and other ambiguous things to keep a black and white rulebook from being formed.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sounds like heallun took gear from a character that quit playing, he came back, flipped shit his account was stripped, sirken followed the item trail and it lead to your account.
I suppose that's possible, but then wouldn't heallun be banned too? Also he gave no indication that the items were from someone else's account.

I have no idea what character stripping is...

Not accusing as that would be dumb, and Heallun would be long banned if so...but... could it mean you where seen as an intermediary character to move hacked/rmt/sploit plat bought gear etc.? That's the only thing I can think of. Was the EQEMU and character account created by you or did you get the account given to you?

I love me some p99 and love to play on it, but the "rulings" are always all over the place, and that has caused "p"99% of their issues- if Rogy and Rilbog would have stepped in from day 1, or hell year 1 and said "This is the bible of rules..." things would have been fine, but they wanted that facad of "we wont force our players into rotation" and other ambiguous things to keep a black and white rulebook from being formed.
The account was mine and was always mine from years of playing on EMU. There was no rmt on my part and I highly doubt heallun was buying stuff to give to me. Like you said, he would be banned to if he did anything fishy. Glad I'm not the only one puzzled about this lol.


I suppose that's possible, but then wouldn't heallun be banned too? Also he gave no indication that the items were from someone else's account.
Sirken deals with dumb assholes every day pleading for their accounts back that obviously knew what they did. If Heallun didn't have any of the items on his account at any time, no, he wouldnt. If he logged into said account, sold the gear then gave it to you, his Heallun account would have no trace of the item trail. I wouldn't see a point in him selling everything, transferring it to heallun, just to give it to you.


Avatar of War Slayer
Sirken deals with dumb assholes every day pleading for their accounts back that obviously knew what they did. If Heallun didn't have any of the items on his account at any time, no, he wouldnt. If he logged into said account, sold the gear then gave it to you, his Heallun account would have no trace of the item trail. I wouldn't see a point in him selling everything, transferring it to heallun, just to give it to you.
But in the same light, anyone that is "actually" associated with any form of RMTing they have been going multi-accounts deep to get "real" accounts - if any way you have been found to be part of RMT (be it in any variant) your toast- they wont give me my Ranger back because Froovy logged him on to track. So that being said, even if Heallun kept his "main" account clean, and he was in any way part of a caught real RMT "thing" they would know and would have banned his real account and any and all associated or accessed accounts.

* that being said the fact that Heallun is not banned gives 99% chance that he has not messed with RMT linked accounts to twink said forumbro above... and if that account that "was" stripped, was part of any form of RMT link then it would be toast as well.

So it would have to be that the account heallun twinked from gave gear to forumbro directly from that character that he had access to- that character had a tie to RMT enough to get it and forumbro banned - but was displaced enough from actual RMT activities that heallun was not associated with it linked to it.

-- thinking about it character stripping may be linked to some contrived tactic RMTers use to try and muddy up the db data- multi trades of large gear swaps, deletions of many characters with shared name on multiple accounts - while doing massive gear swaps and drop trades etc.... none of this "works" but only delays the discovery and pisses the GMs who are linking all the bullcrap together even more pissed.


If you really want to play, I doubt you're IP banned, so just make a new account, I'm sure people will toss you some gear and you'll be good in no time.


shit like this is going to be a problem on any emu server. The reason they ban someone can literally be " because fuck u"

but whatever its free. It makes me care less about playing often though. so its more like hey lets hang out with friends that I dont live near in a game world kind of thing.

what makes me wonder, is why derubael got banned, and then a shitload of people got banned for RMT. if you check redguides it seems like p99 is where chars and plat are sold all the time, moreso than live. Even after mass bans platlord is still able to sell, and some others . So what I think is whenever someone that they dont OK is selling plat and they lose their profit they do a mass ban for RMT.

so they ban a bunch of accounts for RMT, and the people who were selling the plat are still able to. Makes me wonder why the people purchasing are getting punished more than the people who are selling it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you really want to play, I doubt you're IP banned, so just make a new account, I'm sure people will toss you some gear and you'll be good in no time.
Yea no thanks. Banned for no reason, why would I think it wouldn't just happen again. Waste my time once, shame on you and all that.

shit like this is going to be a problem on any emu server. The reason they ban someone can literally be " because fuck u
Yea that's why I was reluctant to play on the server to begin with. I didn't want to get invested in any EMU.

Oh wells, thanks for the responses. At least I'm not crazy and other people see the bullshit too.
sounds like there's more to this story. that staff has let wretched plebeians berate them on the forums and still continue to play. They CAN ban at will, but they don't without causation.


ResetEra Staff Member
P99 hit 1549 online today. The other time that even got close was at Kunark launch.



<Bronze Donator>
and 300 of those people were waiting in line for the chardok AE group.

another 500 were sitting at the spires in WC waiting for raid bosses to spawn.