Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again


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So is this still alive?

what happened to you that made you so stupid?

its on their main page.



Saor Alba
P99 is still a fun ride 1 - 60 but if you want to raid you're faced with bat phones, 16 hour variance on mob spawns and I think foot racing for fte is still the gms flavour of the month for determining who gets the mob. That being said I think VP and Tunare are currently rotated amongst the capable guilds.

Server is very much alive and well with the same faces generally killing the same mobs. Although it looks like dev interest has dropped way off in recent months.


Saor Alba

I've had a lot of fun raiding and slaying dragons with my pals on p99 over the years.


Trakanon Raider
I have not followed p99 at all recently, But I am surprised they just let red99 die. Why not reboot it with a new rule set?


Trakanon Raider
P99 is still a fun ride 1 - 60 but if you want to raid you're faced with bat phones, 16 hour variance on mob spawns and I think foot racing for fte is still the gms flavour of the month for determining who gets the mob. That being said I think VP and Tunare are currently rotated amongst the capable guilds.

Server is very much alive and well with the same faces generally killing the same mobs. Although it looks like dev interest has dropped way off in recent months.

I haven't paid attention to EQ in any form for awhile. P99 not working towards Velious much? How is 2002 coming along? I would like to have something EQ to kick around on time to time but not even sure what's worth my time.


Saor Alba
I haven't paid attention to EQ in any form for awhile. P99 not working towards Velious much? How is 2002 coming along? I would like to have something EQ to kick around on time to time but not even sure what's worth my time.

Aye Velious has been put since August 2015, they are very slowly completing the various patches and updates that took place during Velipus but like I said the devs seem to have largely lost interest at the moment, they patch every 3 months or so. it's still fun but if you want to do high end raiding I hope poop socking is your thing.

There's always talk of a reboot server once they're done but nothing on the horizon officially.

Personally I've been playing the visions of grandeur and nagafens lair servers for my casual eq fix rather than this.


Trakanon Raider
Aye Velious has been put since August 2015, they are very slowly completing the various patches and updates that took place during Velipus but like I said the devs seem to have largely lost interest at the moment, they patch every 3 months or so. it's still fun but if you want to do high end raiding I hope poop socking is your thing.

There's always talk of a reboot server once they're done but nothing on the horizon officially.

Personally I've been playing the visions of grandeur and nagafens lair servers for my casual eq fix rather than this.

Gotcha... thanks for the info to both of you. I was looking at the others. I like the idea of NL with the boosts and bonuses but I'm not sure if it would hurt the experience or not. I really just like a fix every month or so as WoW has been more than good enough for me this expansion. I'll take a closer look into the Emu servers and see if I can find a middle ground on population and play style.


Trakanon Raider
Pretty sure you can use your phone connection as a hotspot to by pass it. If your not poor and could afford that and using a separate pc of course.


Trakanon Raider
Back when the server started they would grant IP exemptions for people who had a spouse, child, or sibling who wanted to play. I got one without much issue for my wife, but we never ended up doing much. I'm tarded when it comes to this kind of thing, but I'm sure there are ways around it.


<Gold Donor>
Is there a way to multi box without setting up virtual machines and shit? p.s. This server had 1400 players last time I looked!
Supposedly they are going to do another server that allows boxing.

Also why not try another server like vog if you like to box? The thing that makes p99 special is the no box rule where people are encouraged to group. Same with daybreaks phinny server. This is why they are high pop. Start allowing boxes server turns into zombie server. 1500 people playing but not together which is the entire point.


Trump's Staff
Cause qwerty is a social retard and knows people won't want to group with him
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Vyemm Raider
Too bad you can no longer can no longer sell accounts, never ended up playing my mid 50's ogre war with a guise, full hate gear and an unknown name with a cof/rbb.

Is the raid scene still garbage with no expansions left to open?


Silver Baron of the Realm
I vaguely recall reading here or on the other forum that awhile back a GM or someone was stripping inactive accounts of items. Would someone be kind enough to post what they remember of the incident? It seems that might have happened to my account.


Saor Alba
It was Derubael and he did it exactly what you said - was stripping banned accounts and RMTing the items and made 10k if rumours are to be believed. Derubael was (I think) former community member Gotrocks who had a but of fame in the p99 forums for being helpful in technical discussion, being a reformed crack addict and posting pics of him shagging his chick. What I heard was that he'd fallen off the wagon or something.

The staff never made any announcements, he just completely dropped off the map which was bizarre as at the time he would stream with Sirken (long time lead GM) every week. It was hushed up to a ridiculous extent, I remember before going on Sirken's stream a few months after he insisted that I 'don't bring up Derubael or ask what happened, I'll just say he retired'.

It hurt the server as Rogean now hasn't let anyone except Sirken have GM access for years now and as nice as guy as he is he can be an inconsistent stoner.

If you think your account has been stripped petition on the forums and someone might eventually have a look at it - it'll probably take a while due to the lack of people with access to check these things.

Eta - as far as I know it was just banned accounts he was stripping, no idea about inactive ones. Ever give your info to a buddy? Plenty of folk have had their accounts stripped that way as well.