Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again


<Bronze Donator>
RMT in no way affects anybody. If you think otherwise it's because you have down syndrome. Who gives a fuck what people do with their own time and money. Bunch of fucking Nazi scum bags.
yeah but you shouldn't be using RMT to fund your meth habit bro

or MDPV or a-PVP or pentedrone or whatever the fuck crazy stimulants you kids are using now adays


RMT in no way affects anybody. If you think otherwise it's because you have down syndrome. Who gives a fuck what people do with their own time and money. Bunch of fucking Nazi scum bags.
I disagree. Blizzard's attempt to include a real money auction house in Diablo 3 was a good example of why pay to win does not create a good gaming community. In games where community is important, pay to win should be limited at best.

Rita Poon_sl

I disagree. Blizzard's attempt to include a real money auction house in Diablo 3 was a good example of why pay to win does not create a good gaming community. In games where community is important, pay to win should be limited at best.
I don't think that's a fair comparison, the RMAH was an entirely unique animal because the loot was so abysmal at the time. The odds of actually getting something you could use via a self found drop was almost impossible, your only option was to either farm gold for X number of hours or drop some real cash to buy shit off the RMAH.

The fact that the loot was such shit made the community worse more so then the RMAH imo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The RMAH added incentive for anti-social behavior and botting etc for profit. I haven't played on P99 in forever, but I think it's safe to say that RMT is a big reason why certain spawns are always camped.


If I get a group of appropriate level character and head down to lower guk. If there is some level 60 farming frenzy or w/e I will just push them off camp. No reason for that shit when there are people in zone who want to actually enjoy the game and earn their loot.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If I get a group of appropriate level character and head down to lower guk. If there is some level 60 farming frenzy or w/e I will just push them off camp. No reason for that shit when there are people in zone who want to actually enjoy the game and earn their loot.
You push them off camp? How does that work? Pretty sure you arent going to have a shot in hell at getting the kill on said mob.

Rais joined june of this year, btw. Not exactly a long time member 20? months since FoH shut down. (That is, unless he changed his handle so he could be a snitch and shit on people here.) Upstanding member of this forum regardless.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Rais has definitely been around a while. He helped me out when I started up on P99 and this was several years ago.


Trakanon Raider
You push them off camp? How does that work? Pretty sure you arent going to have a shot in hell at getting the kill on said mob.

Rais joined june of this year, btw. Not exactly a long time member 20? months since FoH shut down. (That is, unless he changed his handle so he could be a snitch and shit on people here.) Upstanding member of this forum regardless.
I have been through all the different mutations of the foh board since I was first part of the guild on live. I was deployed when all the fun drama started, and then the different websites/Rerolled sprung up afterwards. So I guess you can call me a lurker of this board, and after finally getting my account active started to post. So since 1999 with a year and a half break.

RMT is just one of the main things that can lead to the server to be shut down. If they don't take an active approach than just a blind eye, it can open that window. I was part of the staff and know a lot of people enjoy it. So I did what I could to keep active in trimming the rmt down so the server can go on. To think posting rmt offers on a open forum from a website that derived from eq players is private, I don't know what to tell you. Having a project you work years on only for it be threatened by people who are making money off your efforts, you will do what you can to protect it.

Overall being part of the staff was fun. I got to meet tons of players I would have never came across as a player and made a lot of cool friendships. I even had a few people offer me better armor/gear than the army issues for my deployment from companies they owned. It really is a cool community outside of the internet trolls, serious drug users and the people who sit there for 8 hrs "tracking" a fucking dragon. So if banning people like Lumie who is doing RMT openly to keep the server going makes me a bad guy, then so be it.


lol i got a mage in your shitty guild and you are one of the worst clerics i have had the pleasure of grping with

so eat a dick maggot
Uh huh, and why don't you say your mage's name? Because you're full of shit and have never grouped with me. You probably should have picked a class that A-team has more than two of. Thanks for proving my point about being toxic, and apparently not too bright, either.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If I get a group of appropriate level character and head down to lower guk. If there is some level 60 farming frenzy or w/e I will just push them off camp. No reason for that shit when there are people in zone who want to actually enjoy the game and earn their loot.
This is the kind of shitty attitude that makes the game not fun for a lot of good people. Your level doesn't make you more entitled to a mob than someone else. A level 60 can equally enjoy the game and earn the same loot. When I was level 60 and trying to afford an 80k spell I'd take any profitable camp I could find, and I didn't care if the mob was level 5.

An interesting thought... P99 is quite possibly the single most successful emu server, in terms of subs, life time range etc. Do you think it would be so if there was no "drama end game" ? If there where just a few end guilds that all smiled and shook each others hands and there was never drama, no under the table back page hack communities, no RMT rings or corruption and questionable tactics etc.?
You can't have competition without drama, and I think a significant portion of P99's raid scene would disappear without competition. Competing with rival guilds is one of the things that makes EQ unique and fun for a lot of people. The GMs mostly acknowledge this, well except for whoever that Rais guy is who went out of his way to dismiss players who enjoy raiding. I'm not sure why anyone who was truly in a GM position would do that.


Trakanon Raider
I have no clue about what you are talking about. Look up all my posts about raiding and you will see that I always stressed that there wouldn't ever be a rotation forced by the staff and always backed it. So I find it hard to believe your claim I dismissed people for raiding. The stupid shit ya, auto fire/ sitting on a fucking spawn for 10 hrs waiting for it to pop, 4am batphones yet staff never did anything about it, because we didn't want to since it was all part of eq.

Good try tho, next time mix in some half truths so it looks good next time.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The stupid shit ya, sitting on a fucking spawn for 10 hrs waiting for it to pop, 4am batphones yet staff never did anything about it, because we didn't want to since it was all part of eq.
Well, this is what I was referring to. Tracking and such is part of the raid scene, so you can't say you like raiders and hate people who track dragons, the two things are mutually exclusive. I don't particularly understand your hate either, tracking is basically just pushing a button every 20 seconds while you watch TV or play Hearthstone or whatever. It's a weird thing to hate someone for doing, and even weirder to hear from someone who claims to be a GM.