Game Streaming Services - Stadia, Geforce Now, xCloud, PS Now


Potato del Grande
A bunch of Game Dev Studios just got the middle finger and lost a bunch of money in development time preparing for Stadia. Unreal. No on should be surprised however. Google does NOT have the internal fortitude to invest in products for the long term and have no concept of product manage. Most of their products do not evolve and mainstays like Gmail are far, far, far inferior to things like Inbox, which Google bought and promptly killed.

Google is an Ad company. It begins and ends there. Everything else must serve that endeavor or its going to die. Stadia didn't get them enough personal data, period. Even the Studios they bought were given ZERO time to do anything before being shut down. Its a mess. It shows they had no concept of game development, and frankly it was not their target or goal. It was never about a game platform. It was arm to harvest data, that didnt pan out fast enough.

Google and Facebook are old men that need to move on. I hope the day comes that both of these ragged, old companies are forced into retirement by young tech companies with fresh vision and talent. It will be a wonderful thing.

I should mention I worked for Google back in 2011. I did not like it. its loaded with super young engineers (and some super young managers that have no real world experience) that have severe cases of engineer ADD and are always keen to make new things using the new hotness in tech, only to quickly get bored and want to move on later to something else and abandon the previous product.. Its a culture where Google (imo) knows this and uses this to keep their employees happy and engaged and writes it off as the cost of doing business.

You may be tempted to think that sounds great, build a bunch of stuff, get through the failed ideas and stick with the gold...only, Google doesn't stick with anything, and what they do stick with they maintain, and don't innovate. Its Ad's. If the product is not specifically ad based or a funnel for personal data, it will either die or live in Life support.
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FPS noob


FPS noob
stadia shuts down today

if you have the controller they will let you update the firmware to have it use bluetooth (works on any system) instead of wifi (only works on stadia), but you have to do the update by the end of the year

i have the controller somewhere
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