Puzzles and Dragons


amon and a dupe sumire on the main. cao cao and dupe susano on the alt. Almost wishing I kept all my sumires, p sure I coulda made a system which I think woulda been good once she gets her upgrade. Think I saw a video of arena clear with it


Ronia and Nut for me (holding onto Nut for now and yay for 15k free MP). Was hoping for a reason to drop all my MP on a couple Mei and building the Orchid team but no dice. Ive been evoing up the light stuff I have in case I decide to go for the Light Gentlemen team but he's at least 3-5 weeks out at this point and I still need a Saria to make it work well. Dunno which way to build at this point.


Yeah Im at about 500k MP now and idk which one to get. I have 2x gadius but no Uriel or mitsuki. Blue is p dece but no sheat. I do have 2x saria, wukong, a amat, and dqxq but I havent really read or seen anything abou the light one besides his rcv problems. I really want that Mei team


I feel ya. I have pretty much the same light team in the works (sans Saria). Ive got a Raphael sitting around too, Ive read he can be decent in the team. Im also concerned at his healing abilities or lack thereof. I dont like the idea of a glass cannon style team that cant take a hit and get back up from it and taking hits is unavoidable in the Arena.

I wouldnt be surprised if we see another godfest before Orchid leaves the MP shop. When FA Luci came out and people went nuts for him he was in a gala and like two godfests in a row, wouldnt be surprised to see Uriel's pantheon available again soon so GH can cash in as much as possible on the hype before she swaps out with Captain No-Subs (the dark chick).


<WoW Guild Officer>
Indra (#2) and Urd. So now I have all the norns and nothing to do with them.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Smells like 80k MP to me, but then again, Ive had much regret tossing stuff into the woodchipper that I didnt think id ever use so might be best to ignore me.
I should really recycle a bunch of shit, but I'm so afraid of getting burned. Also the low-cost dungeons (that are gone now, I think?) scarred me into keeping almost everything.


Vyemm Raider
I should really recycle a bunch of shit, but I'm so afraid of getting burned. Also the low-cost dungeons (that are gone now, I think?) scarred me into keeping almost everything.
Yeah they are as far as I know. They are even re-releasing all the low costs as regular dungeons. I got a dupe Artemis and Sanada Yukimura which I only kept as I don't have one of him.


Kali #2 and Baal :/. There a use for double Kali at the moment? I do have ASakuya but fuck max skilling both of them right now.


Vyemm Raider
Kali #2 and Baal :/. There a use for double Kali at the moment? I do have ASakuya but fuck max skilling both of them right now.
Depends on what leads you have. But both Awoken Ra and Ra dragon use 2 kalis. Ra uses 2 light kalis, and ra dragon uses 2 dark ones. Despite the meta shifting away from Ra type leaders they are still really good at clearing a lot of content.


Depends on what leads you have. But both Awoken Ra and Ra dragon use 2 kalis. Ra uses 2 light kalis, and ra dragon uses 2 dark ones. Despite the meta shifting away from Ra type leaders they are still really good at clearing a lot of content.
I have ARa but never had the subs to use him really. ASakuya, ARa, AI+I, ALoki, AHino, AShiva, ACeres, AYomi, and the only damn one I use is ABastet unless it's 5color req.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Kali #2 and Baal :/. There a use for double Kali at the moment? I do have ASakuya but fuck max skilling both of them right now.
ASakuya runs double LKali (didn't say if you got LKali or DKali, but I'm assuming LKali). Also run Elia+ASusano or Apollo of some form and SQ of some form.

If you got DKali, ARa/RaDra both user Dkali a bunch, and two is required (I think?).

Skilling LKali ain't so bad... Angelits are basically useless anyways.


Potato del Grande
Jesus Christ this game...

Rerolled 10 times and got DQ&XQ, cleared Castle of Satan and now starting the next sets of dungeons. Using Pengdras to level my guys up.

Can't even use most of my egg pulls because of the team cost limit at rank 33. Need some tips to get higher rank.

I think this is burning me out somewhat though...


Vyemm Raider
Jesus Christ this game...

Rerolled 10 times and got DQ&XQ, cleared Castle of Satan and now starting the next sets of dungeons. Using Pengdras to level my guys up.

Can't even use most of my egg pulls because of the team cost limit at rank 33. Need some tips to get higher rank.

I think this is burning me out somewhat though...
There is a dungeon(and I can't for the life of me remember the name... I want to say Tower of Giants but I may be wrong) that on the weekend when its half stamina, you can just repeatedly clear it over and over again and level up before running out of stamina. Its been so long I don't remember what level it is where that stops but my recommendation would be that.


Yeah, Tower of Giants is good for exp grinding and gets days where it's only half stam to enter (like today). It's mindlessly boring though. Dont try to rush too much in this game, it's definitely a slow burn of sorts at the beginning. Takes a good while to be able to fit everything into your team and even longer to build a team that can reliably do the content. Ive been dabbling in other mobile games lately like Brave Frontier and the new Final Fantasy Exvius thing and progression in both is insanely fast compared to PAD.


Jesus Christ this game...

Rerolled 10 times and got DQ&XQ, cleared Castle of Satan and now starting the next sets of dungeons. Using Pengdras to level my guys up.

Can't even use most of my egg pulls because of the team cost limit at rank 33. Need some tips to get higher rank.

I think this is burning me out somewhat though...
Once you can do expert level of monday dungeon you can PL yourself to rank 150 np. Prior to that just clear what you can and hoard stones


ASakuya runs double LKali (didn't say if you got LKali or DKali, but I'm assuming LKali). Also run Elia+ASusano or Apollo of some form and SQ of some form.

If you got DKali, ARa/RaDra both user Dkali a bunch, and two is required (I think?).

Skilling LKali ain't so bad... Angelits are basically useless anyways.
LKali. Have max skill W/E SQ but no Elia or Susano, just Kushi. Might toss my padherder list up later if I can remember my password.

Yeah, I can all but autofarm Angelits. It's just that the 50% chance, energy cost, and skill up RNG that has Vishnu at fucking skill lvl 2 after 22 feeds w/ 3x rates means I'm not going to go out of my way to farm the fuckers.


I had something like 37 angelits saved up when I finally rolled LKali this last godfest and it took 26 to max skill her with 3x skill up. It was awesome. Somehow Im already back to being super low on room


I forgot about the Monday dungeon, didnt have that back when I was leveling up
Yeah that thing is crazy good exp even at my rank