Puzzles and Dragons


Still looking to for someone to swap my level 20 prize with.[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */(311,143,249)


Sadly, Naga does not replace Mermaid/Siren.

Naga is a utility "healer" girl. 15turn cooldown delay attack for 3 rounds. Leader skill gives small (500 or so) dmg per turn after making at least one match...

For your red team... you will want another Dmg multiplier leader, or an HP multiplier Leader, or all rolled into one (Shiva).
Finding another orb converter would be useful as well. Its too bad that siren uses the same color for healing as you do for damage on red...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm still just stumbling through for the most part on both accounts. Suppose I should focus on my rippers.

Speaking off, I have a ton of stuff waiting to evolve. When the Keeper dungeons come up Tuesday how hard are they? I need lots of reds and some darks and a few rainbows even I think. I figure Tuesday I just run that shit as much as possible and work around that the rest of the week.

Similarly, Shrine of Sprites expert? For reference I'm through Tower of Flare on Normal and in the 4th set of Technical dungeons, run most of those NP with any autohealer. Done Mech/Sky dragons on expert with the high level Amat healers from here, but that's really just a matter of having enough HP and patience=P

I'm thinking about a red team with Shiva leader. Need to farm up a Sky dragon still I guess, and levelling up red ripper already. Have Freyr but not sure what to do with her. Have a Naga in need of lots of leveling/evolving. I just need so much feeder shit at this point, should probably be spending all my free time in the red Tech dungeon. Would it be worth finishing evolving Tyrannos if i get a red keeper?


I had work to do so I started my last mech expert run with 5 minutes left, just got back to finishing it now... and he drops. Didnt want him. I wanted Succubus.

Oh well.

The Keeper Dungeons can be difficult... OR simple. All the keepers hit for 3000 (on expert) with a 3 turn timer. You are assured one keeper of the dungeon color and can face either a dark or light keeper during round 3. None of the waves pose any danger (especially with 50% resist and any healer). So if you can take a 3000 hit and heal up within 3 turns. Enjoy.

Keeper of Rainbows... UGG. Almost requires autohealer + odin + poison (if you value your sanity). We also still have the "hard" Keeper of Rainbows dungeon.
Round 4 you will either get Keeper of Light or Keeper of Dark. 3 turn swing timer... 12764dmg. 600 defense.
Round 5 keeper of rainbow(dark) 5 turn swing timer... 22200dmg. 1550 defense.

Strats: Odin+Autoheal+Poison // Zombie + Poison
If using Odin/Heal, You need 4441 HP base to have a chance. Amusing how Odin is so perfect for this... single target high LIGHT Dmg skill, and huge ONE hit dmg reduction..
The reason I say poison is because getting over their defense is difficult especially since they also have over 1million HP.

Shrine of Sprites Expert requires a very specific set of strategies (or complete overgearing).

If you have access to Shiva...
Charge up Shiva skill on round 1. See if you can clear round 2 without using it (sometimes you get one dublit or a wave of minilits so you can clear without using Shiva).
After that the Shiva skill carries over if you kill each wave with one turn only.
I have used many comps for this... my favorite and easiest is using 4 dragons of the same color, a healer and shiva.
I charge up the dragons breath skill and shiva on turn one, then clear turn one and maybe two normally... pop shiva and breath each round to victory. You can actually clear the round using a 5gem combo as they have little HP but high armor.

The dublits hit for 6666 dmg, and come in every color. So if you want to play it "safer" make sure that comp has over 6666hp.

The other strategy is a zombie team. This strategy requires more skill than the first one, but is easier to build the team for.
You need: a healer, ogre/viper, and 4 of the same color low hp subs (mini lits or low level carbuncles are good choices). The Dublits have 10 HP, meaning you need two combos of 5 hits each to kill one. You can store up the gems on corners to before finishing. The danger of this strategy is if you get 2 or more dublits on the same timer. You must kill one as fast as possible (2 turn minimum kill time with a basic team). If they are not on the same timer, just make sure you heal above 70% (ogre) 50% (viper) after they take you to 1HP.

Some tips for this strat... If you have a titan... use him, then use red carbuncles and lits for your 4 subs and a healer. If you cant make a 5gem red, use titan orb switch. Using a samurai goblin for another orb switch is useful as well, just make sure to calculate your autoheal value vs team HP!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hah, last run of master rust mech and it finally drops.

Got Sky Dragon on my alt account from Adept in like 2 runs. 10-15 expert runs in on main and no dice so far. Not even the stupid red mystic knight who seems so shitty compared to ADK. Not that his leader skill matters since he'd just be support for orb changing, but still sucks when you compare them=P

I'm squarely in the "Fuck You Siren" camp at this point as well.

BTW with a G Valk do people just do teams of 5x healers? See a video with a Verche thrown in as an orb changer I guess.


Eww, water sky dragon is a lot harder on master apparently than the wuss Fire dragon was, he hits for 8820 every 2 turns. Motivation to level my green team I guess and time for Neptune to earn his keep.

Edit: Hmm, haven't seen if that is before or after resists. If before then it's peanuts. PuzzleX doesn't have the dungeon listed yet.


Sadly... only my main account thats already got enough sirens can attempt master... the gvalk account cant handle it yet... and my leviathan account already has 2 as well

From the China wiki... Master Water is much different. 68910dmg every 8 turns. BUT only 484650 and 310 defense.

Even with Green Odin, you would need 13782 HP which looks like... Green Odin Leader, Double Keeper of Rainbow, then over 5530hp between Leader and 2 more. Doable but not fun...

So looks like zombie team... unless you can put up 81000dmg per round or use a stone.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just did water dragon expert, my only green damage being an unleveled Parvati. That shit took forever for the boss. No drops worth mentioning.

Do the specials go 1.5% extra drop?


Trakanon Raider
Sadly... only my main account thats already got enough sirens can attempt master... the gvalk account cant handle it yet... and my leviathan account already has 2 as well

From the China wiki... Master Water is much different. 68910dmg every 8 turns. BUT only 484650 and 310 defense.

Even with Green Odin, you would need 13782 HP which looks like... Green Odin Leader, Double Keeper of Rainbow, then over 5530hp between Leader and 2 more. Doable but not fun...

So looks like zombie team... unless you can put up 81000dmg per round or use a stone.
That can't be right, I sleepwalked through master water earlier. Blue resist dragon + my amaterasu. I don't remember what he hits for, but with 50% resist it's less than 3k/turn. I think the chinese wiki must be a different encounter. Dropped first go too, which is nice I guess, first dragon drop on my ADK account ( fuck you, mechdragons ;p )


That can't be right, I sleepwalked through master water earlier. Blue resist dragon + my amaterasu. I don't remember what he hits for, but with 50% resist it's less than 3k/turn. I think the chinese wiki must be a different encounter. Dropped first go too, which is nice I guess, first dragon drop on my ADK account ( fuck you, mechdragons ;p )
I will try it myself then soon.


Trakanon Raider
Speaking off, I have a ton of stuff waiting to evolve. When the Keeper dungeons come up Tuesday how hard are they? I need lots of reds and some darks and a few rainbows even I think. I figure Tuesday I just run that shit as much as possible and work around that the rest of the week.
Df did a pretty good rundown - the colored keepers are easy as. Just take a healer, no worries. You can get light and dark keepers as random encounters in the colored ones. All the keepers in those dungeons are 100% drop.

Don't do keeper of rainbow with a crap team, it will make you want to stab yourself. If you take an Odin in, it will take an hour to kill the rainbow keeper with just his spear of light, and if you get a light keeper as the 4th round it will take you 3 hours. If you don't take Odin, and your guys don't crack 2k per hit every go, it will take the rest of your natural life, and then when he finally dies, and it doesn't drop, you will be forced to kick puppies or something. ( Drop rate is like 30-40% ).

For dublits, I'd actually recommend the zombie strategy - it's different and teaches you skills you'll find really useful in the main game later. You'll want a blue or green ogre, 4 crap monsters of the same color ( masks, lits, metal dragons, whatever, just as long as they don't have a lot of hp ), and a healer of the same color ( siren for blue, alraune for green ). The following is a really handy writeup on how to run that teamhttp://ggftw.com/forum/1790008-post371.html


I'm up to about 190 slots and 90 friends without spending on IAP, I've been tempted but not pulled the trigger on buying a US itunes card yet.

Good news on the water dragon, will run it to get the stone at least and see if I get lucky on Master with the drop.


Dropped on first Master run, with Neptune as resist leader and a high level Ameratsu healer friend it was a piece of piss.

With both current event dungeons fully cleared I guess I have no reason not to crack on with levelling up the main teams.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Man, what teams did you use? I really need to find some more resist friends (and power level my amat). After about 3 Rust runs I got my mech. Now it's time to power-level my rippers for resists I guess.

iam new to the game, and got kagutsuchi, is it good ? or should i reroll ?