R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister


Millie's Staff Member
I met lemmy once at of all places a Men At Work concert in manhattan's Irving Plaza during the 90s. my friend was in the bathroom and so there was a gap at the bar and and this big biker dude walked over and ordered a beer. i glanced over and holy shit, it was lemmy, i smiled and said i was a fan of his music, he said thanks, i shook his hand and then turned around because i didnt want to be "that guy" who gets all googoo around famous people. i did ask if he was a big Men At Work fan, he said yeah and started to tell me a story or something about that and then we hear really loud. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! ITS LEMMY! I LOVE YOU MAN!" its my asshole friend coming back from the bathroom. all of a sudden everyone else in the bar turns around and notices Lemmy and he says see ya guys and walks out of the bar and that was it. i almost bonded with Lemmy at a frickin Men At Work concert.

Rest In Piece, thanks for being one of my favorite bands during my childhood.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Pretty depressing. Loved Motorhead and most of his collabs (Probot specifically comes to mind) and it is a sad time. How the fuck has Keith Richards survived all these other musicians? He's held together by the tar from all the cigarettes and the sheer amount of drugs in his system. I'm pretty sure the cocaine is the only thing keeping his heart moving.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>

You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools,
But that's the way I like it baby,
I don't wanna live forever!


Musty Nester
Motley Crue and those hairbands were trying to BE this guy. That ace of spades is like the prototype for five entire years of music in a genre. That's impressive.

RIP in peace.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've fixed Astro's affront to the rock gods.


Millie's Staff Member
Rip Lemmy,

Astro, when you try to honor someone, it'd do you good to spellcheck his name.
Sorry. did that typo ruin everything? Should I have gone with Ian Fraser Kilmister to satisfy pedantic little twats such as yourself? Let me know.


RIP Lenny



Sorry. did that typo ruin everything? Should I have gone with Ian Fraser Kilmister to satisfy pedantic little twats such as yourself? Let me know.
Nope, Lemmy would have been fine. I am pretty sure everyone would still know. Wasn't trying to be a spelling nazi, but as i said, when you want to honor someone who you were a big fan of.....i would at least expect you'd spell his goddamn name right, or at least spend the entire 3 seconds it would take to check it on this new hip thing called google.

I actually like your story. I never met Lemmy in real life but i did see him on Graspop in Belgium last year. He was already looking a bit more worse for wear but hey he was 69 years old. He was a true rock n roll artist. I love his music and was quite devastated to hear he died. I saw motorhead in concert a few times and despite being completely deaf the next 3 days, it was absolutely fantastic every time.

A moron friend completely ruined my almost good conversation i had too a couple of years ago. I was on my honeymoon at rock werchter in belgium and metallica was the closing act. Me and the wife sat on a bench enjoying The music and the nice weather, when a guy walked up to us. Me and the wife were wearing just married t shirts some friends gave us and forced us to wear. So the guy starts talking to us, his face was half covered with a baseball cap and huge sunglasses and i couldn't really see who he was. He asked if it was really our honeymoon. We answered yup, and that we got the tickets because we are both metallica fans. I told him i was 7 or 8 when my dad took me to my first concert and i saw Cliff Burton live. He said cool cool and congratulated us and then asked what my favourite metallica song was...i said Dyers eve, but they never play it live. Then a friend of mine, drunk off his ass walked up to us, looked, looked again and yelled OMFG Robert Trujillo!!!!!! That is motherfucking Robert Trujillo!!!!!! I saw it too at that point, and apologised for my idiot friend. the people who heard my friend yell all crowded around him and Robert got dragged away by his security....

Later that night, mid set, they played Dyers eve.