Realm Royale


Mr. Poopybutthole
So they have a test realm to test weapon changes...and then just decide to remove Class Legendary weapons from Forging without any warning.

I had a game where first chest dropped Legendary weapon. Literally 1v2'd some poor blokes, and killed another 2 or 3 within the next minute. So we've traded earning Legendary weapons to just making it a complete RNG fest.

I'm sure the change will be reverted based on the outcry, but Hi-Rez just fundamentally doesn't understand what makes their game better/different from other BR games. The fact that they even considered this change doesn't bode well for development.

I tried as well but it still made me create an account.

Weird. I didn't have to create an account.


Log Wizard
So the weapon changes now are: 200 shards and 2 chickens to make a legendary.

What this does in squads is make it so two of your team basically get to go weapons after killing a squad and the other guys get to get armor/abilities. That's interesting as an idea, but totally stupid as it will play out. I played 13 fucking hours today. I had 9 wins. I looted my class weapon once from a legendary crate. Once. FUCK. THAT.

I personally think they should've left it at 120/1 chicken or 200 1 chicken and just make it so you can't forge weapons until after the first circle fills. Then you skip the early game cheezers who farmed some newbies. Would be way better than the games today where my team landed and a fucking Mage got his frost staff in the first chest and raped all of us. I was an Engineer so I had 0 abilities and 0 way to escape. I could just fly up and in the air and hope to die slower.

Engineer today was fucking awful. His movement is ONLY good with Firebomb/Plasma Launcher. With the current patch the way it is you never get your launcher. So you basically get barrier and have to just pop and peek shit constantly. I'd much rather be any other class (save maybe Hunter).

Also Surefour killed my entire group today. It was embarassing. Felt less bad when I watched it on Ster's stream as he had like 124hp and our 4th was some PUG who couldn't shotgun a man kissing him.

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lame I was starting to like the engineer. Always loved the Demo in TF2 and it reminded me of that.


Log Wizard
Besides population dying down (probably because of streamers all playing PUBG's new map until it breaks again and the terrible legendary finders weekend) it's still pretty fucking fun. The class population seems to be pretty well rounded now, too. A lot less mages than the other classes probably but Warriors are back in full force. Too bad the Engineer is a pretty fucking hard counter to them. Here's a video of some fucking mania at a forge of 3ish teams attacking us:

And here's a bug that isn't soulcrushing!

Still having fun, hopefully the two new classes they release in a month will help boost the player base.
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Log Wizard
Hackers are all out last two days. Like, if you make it near the end game there's a good chance you'll run into one. Reddit's full of clips and I have some too. At least they're mostly Hunters and Assassins so you know the be extra careful around those fucking dinguses.

New patch notes look awful. What a rollercoaster ride of video game development! They get stuff reasonably right for 3 days, then break it for 3 days, then fix it again! At least this is an Alpha in which the devs are actually making changes and not having stale builds that last for months with persistent problems like PUBG/H1Z1.


Log Wizard
Annnnnd now it's a player vs Death Circle game like PUBG. Fucking idiots.


Log Wizard
This development team is full retard. Like 110%, Nitrous boosted, retard. It's amazing. The game goes from WAY WAY too high TTK to near instant death. And they make changes they won't revert over the weekend because they're really smart and drop patches FRIDAY NIGHT and don't work on the weekend. So they just keep halving their player base every weekend because of these 3 day patches that ruin the flow of the game. Just amazing.

I'm a patient man so I know eventually they'll even things out, but they're just fucking swinging full tilt in both directions when making changes. Like if they did stuff gradually every 3 days it'd be way better than ruining the game 1/3 of the time. Not to mention the hackers they still haven't ironed out. I'm at the point where I recognize hackers and exploiters by name because the population is so low (8k players peak at friday night).

In 6 months, if this isn't defunded by Daddy HiRez, this could still be a really great game. Until the I'll ride this retard rollercoaster so other people don't have to. I should just make a website that has a "Playable version" and "Non-playable version" status people can check. Just check in on the weekends and see if it's awful or fun. I'd have more traffic than their game probably.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
The game is a lot of fun, has real potential if they get the balance right - I prefer the gameplay to fortnite
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Log Wizard
Their updating is better. Balancing in increments instead of massive waves. Hope for the future if the player base ever gets over 15k peak again.

Some bugs remain for better or worse: