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Any supercool PKers around? I leveled a character to 50 a year ago when server released, then it kinda died so I sold for blue plat and played there for a bit. Decided to maybe come back to Red recently, made a new character. Leveled to 7 just by doing the kelethin mail quest, and so far I've seen one other player in my PvP range. I attacked him and was killed by the guards (it's good they finally coded guard assist in, but I wish I'd have known lol).

I'm already terribly bored of it. It's probably time to reevaluate my life. How is playing a dead server a good use of my time? I can't even participate in the ooc chatroom part of the game until I level up a bit. Why do so many people play blue EQ, and not red?

Anyone else play, and if so: why do you play? What makes it worthwhile for you? I may just give up again and go back to being blue.

Roster:RR Red99 Character List - Google Sheets
Take your pick.

GM Favoritism, rampant boxing, seq/mq (hacking), zones being down for half a year (Kithicor), neglect from devs (pvp resists aka I think Null is dead IRL), ect ect. Just browse through the red forums, its all there why its a shitty box. I suggest you save yourself a few days played and forget about red99 altogether.



Take your pick.

GM Favoritism, rampant boxing, seq/mq (hacking), zones being down for half a year (Kithicor), neglect from devs (pvp resists aka I think Null is dead IRL), ect ect. Just browse through the red forums, its all there why its a shitty box. I suggest you save yourself a few days played and forget about red99 altogether.
That source code is a shit pile
I dunno, guys. Was any of it ever that bad? I never thought so. If red had the population that blue does, it would be the best emu server ever, even with those small issues. And I'm of the opinion that it wasn't anything the devs did to kill the server, it was really just lack of interest here in 2012.

*sigh*, at least we'll always have our memories.

Anyone know where a 7 enchanter should solo, in the gfay area? I tried orc hill and I'm slowly gaining exp, but it's kind of annoying because I keep dying to even cons.



The issues I listed are not small lol.
I think the GM favoritism thing is blown way out of proportion
Boxing isn't a huge deal on this server and they do ban people when they are able
Hacking sucks but I expect them to step in and ban a bunch of people soon (besides, it happened a lot on live and I still enjoyed it there)
Kith being down is lame but they're trying to fix it
Resist system isn't THAT bad

I think the GM favoritism thing is blown way out of proportion
Boxing isn't a huge deal on this server and they do ban people when they are able
Hacking sucks but I expect them to step in and ban a bunch of people soon (besides, it happened a lot on live and I still enjoyed it there)
Kith being down is lame but they're trying to fix it
Resist system isn't THAT bad

You just came back after a long break eh. Sounds like you got it all figured out. GL. If only the other 800 players who have played this server and quit had your kind of insight.


You just came back after a long break eh. Sounds like you got it all figured out. GL. If only the other 800 players who have played this server and quit had your kind of insight.
Post seems a bit condescending, but whatever. Sirken stated that over 100 people were banned for hacking near the start of the server, and I bet most of the other players were bluebies trying red out when it was new and shiny. Low population kind of begets low population too, so when people started to leave it kinda went exponential. That's why I left: low population. Kind of a catch-22, but what can you do?
Look on red99 forums. Not going to repeat whats been posted 100 times. Generally locked threads are a good start.


Look on red99 forums. Not going to repeat whats been posted 100 times. Generally locked threads are a good start.
Yeah, the forums have tons of people crying about every little thing. Some people think minor xp loss killed the server, others want to start at level 50 because they don't like playing EQ. Lots and lots of complaining there, but nothing really interesting or well-founded. If I may throw my own complaints into the mix, I feel that rampant whining helped to bring the population down/prevent others from starting.
Oh you are the dude trying to merge red/blue. I'll give you this, you made alot of bluebies mad and that whole thread was hilarious. Anyways the server is shit, staff is shittier, and code is shittiest. If you want to roll around in shit be my guest.


Oh you are the dude trying to merge red/blue. I'll give you this, you made alot of bluebies mad and that whole thread was hilarious. Anyways the server is shit, staff is shittier, and code is shittiest. If you want to roll around in shit be my guest.
I seem to unintentionally troll people a lot, idk.

But really, the server/staff/code being shit doesn't affect me as a player nearly as much as the low population does. Sometimes pathing is weird, and it's lame that Holocaust/Nihilum got away with so much exploiting, but none of that really had a direct and major impact on me. It's not like the game is unplayable, and it would probably be like the best MMO experience there is these days if people just played :/