Remembering those who have passed on


Molten Core Raider
So a close friend of mine died today. Went to bed last night. Never woke up this morning. We're thinking heart attack or stroke.

He was a great guy. His family is pretty awesome and insane. They're not going to have a tradition funeral. Because traditional funerals in churches are, well... SO not their style. Trouble is, we don't know WHAT to do.

And so I ask you, Screenshots: What's the best way to remember those who have passed on? If it's awesome enough, we might actually do it.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>

This is obviously the best funeral and burial idea ever invented. Unfortunately, the disposal of the recently departed is highly regulated (at least in the US). If you live near the ocean, you could charter a boat to tow the funeral ship out into international waters and say fuck the law.

I am not religious, but ever since seeing the New Orleans funeral march in the opening of Live and Let Die, I thought it was cool. If everyone is pretty active, you could have the showing at his house or a funeral parlor, then march to the burial site, or if you are overly macabre, to the crematorium.



Musty Nester
Viking Funeral would be best, but if you did it then a couple of people would go to jail.

Do what religious people do. Form a group of friends and relatives. Have a gathering with the body (this part can probably be skipped), take the body to the grave/crematorium, then go to someones house and get drunk.

You just don't have to say any prayers. But that's all funerals are. The rituals exist basically so that you have an idea of what should be done when there is literally nothing to be done.

Alternatively you could cross state lines, drop the corpse at a rest stop with a knife in it's back, and giggle.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Rent a yacht under his name, sit him up in a chair weekend at Bernie's style then set him adrift in the ocean. In 15 years it'll be discovered and become a complete mystery at sea


Poet Warrior
Understanding why certain traditions and rituals got to be the way they are is important. Iannis is, as usual, right. The religiousity and magical hocus pocus need not play any part. But the ritual, that thing that we do when nothing can be done, came about as part of a natural desire to not be left feeling that you did nothing at all. I buried a non-religious friend earlier this year (fucking cancer) and knew he would roll his eyes at the whole thing, but I felt good about it because I, and others, got to go through the rituals and it left me feeling as though I had said goodbye to him in my heart. Funerals after all, are not for the dead, they are for the living. I guess what I am suggesting is to just go with the flow. There's no one right or wrong way to do it but I would'nt lean too heavily on the idea that his ceremony cannot be a traditional one. Obviously you and your people would know best, but there is my 2 cents. I and my friend aren't traditional guys, but his traditional funeral felt right, to me. *shrug* Sorry for your loss by the way.


I'm not a goddamned Hippy or anything, but, I really like theBios Urnidea... Honestly, that's what I am going to request happens with my body.. I think you can choose the species too (I'm sure there are limitations, obviously)

I also +1 the Viking funeral. That's always awesome.

p.s. sorry about your bro.



Bronze Squire
I've spent some time pondering this subject for my own funeral.

There'll be no body to stare at, as I'm going to be cremated, just pictures of me in the glory days of my youth and with family members. There will be a keg.

There will also be a music track for the party that I've put together specifically for this day. I may also record a message for the people who attend (a voice from the dead, spooky), and I'll also write my own eulogy. I really don't want some fuckhead priest telling everyone what a great guy I was, when he didn't even know me.

Also, one of my best friends has a Trebuchet party every year, and I may ask him to stuff my ashes in a pumpkin and light it on fire and blast me into a field.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I would like to be blasted info space to a lagrange point so my beautiful body will be preserved. I may get a gofundme to make this happen


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Viking Funeral would be best, but if you did it then a couple of people would go to jail.
To my mind, it doesn't need to contain the body anyways - it could be symbolic. Perhaps even SHOULD be. And I have no idea how the family would feel; at best maybe you could have someone legally cremated then place the ashes/container in a pyre or whatever else. But that might still be a long shot anyways so I'd just say to create something symbolic. Maybe a bonfire/pyre and people tell stories about the deceased, a way of remembering. Or have people write down on paper things that they never had a chance to tell him and wished that they had. Things like"I'm sorry I was an asshole, I'll miss you, you magnificent bastard". Then fold the paper up and toss it into the fire. Or maybe have everyone bring things like that and mementos and have people put everything on the pyre first and then light it. It probably doesn't really matter as long as people are spending that day/night remembering the guy, telling stories, spending time with the friends that are still around and maybe having a good cry.

I would like to be blasted info space to a lagrange point so my beautiful body will be preserved. I may get a gofundme to make this happen



Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
The best way to remember them is to place their naked body in a bathtub and pour acid over it to dissolve it and remove all evidence. Then use their social security number to cash in any and all claims they may have and use that money to fuel your drug addiction.