ReRolled Asshat of the year FINAL voting. Pick your AssHat.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
The rules remain the same. Voting will be open for 2 days. Winner moves on to the final AssHat vote. In the event of a tie, there will be a brief re-vote of the pair in question open to the public. That brief re-vote will last a couple hours. Deal with it. Quote post #2 for ease.

The voting results from the previous round:

22 Merlin vs Luminati 24 Luminati advances
20 Duppin vs a_skeleton_03 26 a_skeleton_03 advances

Updated brackets:


Delete the name you want eliminated, keep in mind, the winner is the named AssHat of ReRolled:

Luminati vs a_skeleton_03

May the best AssHat win.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Delete the name you want eliminated, keep in mind, the winner is the named AssHat of ReRolled:

Luminati vs a_skeleton_03


Unelected Mod
Luminati vs a_skeleton_03

Ahh, the final bracket. Not shocking that it is between the two "great" theists of this forum. The two people absolutely convinced without a doubt that their religion is the correct one, that they are going to heaven and that those who disagree with them are going to hell.

So how do we determine between them? Well, Luminati not only believes in a christian god of the bible, but also at the same time manages to believe in the Illuminati, thinks a calendar made by a civilization a thousand years ago can correctly predict when the world will end, thinks that comets are the main way that diseases spread and is convinced that he knows the cure for cancer (garlic enema, in case you were curious). Think about the morality of someone who knows the cure for cancer yet isn't out there everyday giving it to cancer patients and trying to spread the word. Instead, this person plays League of Legends everyday. Yet this same person has the utter arrogance to claim he is guaranteed to go to heaven?

Luminatiwins asshat of the year in a landslide.


Bronze Squire
I'm the biggest Asshat, and I'll prove it by abstaining from this final vote.

But if I had to vote it would be:

Fuck you, I'm an Asshat



Guy is obviously not a genius. Otherwise, he wouldn't be here spewing shit about the malay flight, ask a mod, and arguing over the internet. The internet is for porn, cat videos, fails and piratebay

Tits or GTFO