Rerolled Game Reviews


A Mod Real Quick
Hi guys,

There has been some discussion on creating a game review forum where we have a few members set up as official reviewers for games. Details are still being worked out, but if you want to be an official reviewer or want to join the discussion please see this thread:

Game reviews per game thread idea


Still think that adding a subforum was a dumb move. Reviews and discussion shouldn't be exclusive to seperate areas. A single sticky thread directory in this forum would have accomplished everything that subforum is intending to do without seperating the reviews and discussion.

All it takes is a few minutes to update a sticky with score aggregates and new hyperlinks to threads/posts. If the current mod team is too lazy, I'm fine doing it. That's the biggest loss from Sean going full-Johdi.


FPS noob
i think a better idea would be changing the forum to review people. like rate users and let other people know how much of a huge faggot they are or if they are cool and can be trusted. Not just forum members either, ANYONE. Like don't ever trust the asshole Mark in Gamestop #1744, he's always hitting on chicks in the store and ignores me when I want to talk about how many times I died to the first boss in Dark Souls 3.

call it Yeple - Yelp for People. Or Pelp, People Yelp.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
What if we just sticky all review threads in other game forum and see how many pages of stickies we can get to? That way no one misses the official review stickies.


A Mod Real Quick
It's a long story that I'm sure I'll get mostly wrong.

He was basically a very heavy-handed moderator with most of his activity in "Other Games." It was easy to get him to argue with you, and he would argue to the bitter end. There were people that knew he was like this and would push his buttons. He ended up RRP'ing and maybe banning a certain poster quite frequently.

It came to a head during the GTAV thread where there was an intense debate over HDD RPMs in a PS4. I don't recall the specifics but he went crazy. People in the secret amod forum told him to chill. The end result was he went through and altered most of his posts to just display "." and quit the forum. Probably on Neogaf or something now.

There's no strict 'other games' mod anymore like he was, we all sort of mod equally now.


FPS noob
i reviewed the Official Rerolled Reviews Forum and my review of the Official Rerolled Reviews Forum is that its gay

also i'm happy to say sean found love and is with an older brazilian woman (maybe a man?) so all you single dudes, you are pretty fucked up if sean is getting laid more than you



Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
So no one really picked up on me making fun of this thread being stickied so I will just say it.

Can we unsticky this thread? It's pretty obvious that the game review forum is not going to take off. There is one review in there for a two year old game no one cares about. Could possibly unsticky the Destiny gamer tag thread as well, I think there's only two or three posts so far this year, it's pretty much a dead game as well.


Where are we supposed to be posting our reviews again?