Revolution: season 2


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So combustion engines no longer work, yet firearms do, despite working on basically the same physical principle?

I feel like turning this shit off right after 15 minutes.

And how is Neckbeard, I think you call him that?, still so fat after 15 years of no more junk food?


Throbbing Member
Go try starting your car without an electric charge. The chemical reaction still works but anything that needs electricity in any way does not.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Go try starting your car without an electric charge. The chemical reaction still works but anything that needs electricity in any way does not.
no, he's right. Gasoline engines need spark, but diesels don't. I think you can safely chalk up the lack of diesels to the fact that the diesel fuel supply would have gone away pretty quick unless someone started refining new stuff. And then we have to forget about how there was still jet A available to run the helicopters and it was still good. Hell, maybe Jet fuel has a in infinite shelf life, I wouldn't know, I don't know shit about it. Atlanta had steam powered busses. So apparently, 15 years is just barely long enough for smart people to get together and start reinventing this shit.

And how is Neckbeard, I think you call him that?, still so fat after 15 years of no more junk food?
I call him AA-ron and ITS GLANDULAR!


Throbbing Member
You still need electricity to get the glow plugs going on a diesel engine. It may be able to keep running without electricity but you still need to get it started. It doesn't help that pretty much all diesels built in a long time have some kind of computer and electronics hooked up to the engine.


This show didn't do much for me - lost interest early on and didn't bother to get back into it.

Here in Australia, though, someone must be pulling for it - it was taken off one of the major commercial channels after bombing in the ratings, but has now been picked up by another channel and is being touted there as the 'next big thing'... Hmmm...


Throbbing Member
The second season kind of went way more sci-fi then the first, it's almost kind of a different show.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You still need electricity to get the glow plugs going on a diesel engine. It may be able to keep running without electricity but you still need to get it started. It doesn't help that pretty much all diesels built in a long time have some kind of computer and electronics hooked up to the engine.
ok, sounds reasonable enough. Is this the only part about them being "inconsistent" with what from the modern era doesn't work anymore? I guess this is the "watch at work because free time is too valuable" kind of show, like walking dead.


Buzzfeed Editor
ok, sounds reasonable enough. Is this the only part about them being "inconsistent" with what from the modern era doesn't work anymore? I guess this is the "watch at work because free time is too valuable" kind of show, like walking dead.
Well, like they don't explain why electricity in the body still works, for example. The rest of the inconsistencies were resolved pretty well if you believe their techno-babble, no one here guessed it was based off of nano-machines, which is why we found it to be bullshit (We were guessing EMP's, magnetic shifts ect--which couldn't explain most of it.). Their whole explanation though was probably the only refreshing part of the show, because if you could swallow how advanced these nanomachiens are (Which is bullshit in itself, but if you can)? Then you can believe most of what happened, because of how they explain their computing power is "cloud" based and there are googles of them (So in that sense, you can fill your own sci-fi technobabble in to say that they are programmed to not block electrical fields in living organisms).

The main technological inconsistencies people gripe about were the lack of alternative technologies. Steam engines, for example. But this was explained as the Monroe Republic being a backwater (It was a shitty explanation) Or the fact that the show is wildly inconsistent with some of it's premises. Like the fact that bullets are now beyond their capability to manufacture, so they have to use muskets--but then you see they have shit tons of bullets and since smokeless powder could be produced before electricity their whole premise makes 0 sense anyway and it's obviously just there for the plot so they can keep using swords.

Stuff like that. I'd definitely class it as a watch at work, and not on your free time show. It's somewhat worth watching if you like techno-wizard shit, which I do. But the stilted dialogue, bad acting and inconsistent plot devices will annoy you.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Their explanation why there's no longer electricity is gazillions of tiny nano bots eating all the juice?


Buzzfeed Editor
Their explanation why there's no longer electricity is gazillions of tiny nano bots eating all the juice?
Basically. The Nanomachines copy themselves and absorb/store electricity. They can also delivery electricity--which is what those little lockets are. Essentially the machines are capable of just about anything if you can write a powerful enough algorithm to control them. The lockets, for example, are little computers with programs which can tell how much power something needs, and deliver it with the stored power in the machines. Currently however, they are controlled by a giant computer in a big bunker, which directs them on absorbing any electricity that gets propagated in the world (Supposedly outside of living organisms.)

I haven't watched this season yet, but I'm guessing the show is going in a more sci-slant. Because the nano-bots are technically capable of anything, as long as you can write a powerful enough algorithm to control them. So algorithms are like spells, computers are spell books and nano-bots are "the force" or "magic" or whatever.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
You still need electricity to get the glow plugs going on a diesel engine. It may be able to keep running without electricity but you still need to get it started. It doesn't help that pretty much all diesels built in a long time have some kind of computer and electronics hooked up to the engine.
No, in reality most diesels don't need glow plugs unless it's very cold. What you need is compression. Some engines don't even have glow plugs, instead they have intake air warmers or engine block heaters, just in case it gets really cold. I'm sure you can think of ways to warm the intake air or engine block without electricity. Like, for instance putting the engine anywhere in the south.

I guess it depends on what you mean by a long time. For trucks and cars, I'm guessing if you went back 20 years you'd find plenty that don't need computers. For boats, probably don't have to go that far. But for tractors or generators, I'd be surprised if all of those needed ECUs these days. I have a car in my driveway right now that would run in a revolution scenario (if I could figure out how to crank the engine over .. that's the part where you'd really be missing electricity).