


Looks like a "build defenses at day to defend against waves of monsters at night" kind of game. Not sure what the real genre is. And gotta say I like the music in that video - hope the in-game tracks are good too.

This is what I gathered from watching the videos:

  • Buy and setup traps during the day
  • Buy upgrades/weapons too I think?
  • Strategy/RTS kind of view during the day phase
  • FPS style game at night (you play a burly lumberjack with an axe and a rifle)
  • XP/level/skill RPGish type of character progression
  • Lack of multiplayer is a bit disappointing - it seems like a perfect setting for a coop game

It was just greenlit on Steam but I think it has been out since February.

I am about 99% sure I will buy this unless I hear bad things here. Anyone play this and care to review/comment?



Looks pretty interesting.
I pulled the trigger and I think it was worth it. It all plays a lot like Orcs Must Die (which is what TB says in that video I think). A trap+fps defense game genre. I've played about 1/3 of it, part of it the tutorial (which plays like the rest of the game really) and I'm happy with the purchase:

  • The voice overs could be a bit better
  • The UI is good but I sometimes wish for better controls over the melee/range weapon switch
  • The music is great and fits the theme perfectly
  • The strategy part of it is great. I lost a couple nights so far and every time I found out why and for good reasons
  • The FPS part of it works well. The melee combat feels just right. The fear factor is a great innovation and deepens the hack and slash aspect of it

A great buy, I think. More games like this should be out there.