
  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

    Go into the FoH discord and find the Happy Time Fun Hour channel and give it a listen!


<Bronze Donator>
Like a bunch of people I've had an idea or two for movies and TV shows. My latest one (TV) has me thinking more seriously about this.

I'm not naive, I know I can't write but what I can do is map all the major plot points out for several seasons including characters etc. The dialogue, not so much. Does anyone know of anything like this or would I be expected to have written 6 shows and be ready from the get go. Do you just hire a script writer to aid you? I know most of this crap gets shitcanned but I'm pretty serious about at least getting the first 2 seasons all mapped out.
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Tranny Chaser
We could use a FoH p0rn sequal. Could you make a rough draft for us to evaluate?
  • 1Worf
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Tranny Chaser
I would assume you need a rough story outline, which it sounds like you have.

At the bare minimum at least a pilot script - think of how many pilots get commissioned before the studio orders a full season

You can get software that's like Word but for scripts, that will help with the formatting.

Scripts aren't very long in comparison to books.

At the very least you need to get something down, so that if you do approach anyone else for help you have proof it's your idea and not theirs
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<Gold Donor>
I would assume you need a rough story outline, which it sounds like you have.

At the bare minimum at least a pilot script - think of how many pilots get commissioned before the studio orders a full season

You can get software that's like Word but for scripts, that will help with the formatting.

Scripts aren't very long in comparison to books.

At the very least you need to get something down, so that if you do approach anyone else for help you have proof it's your idea and not theirs
Also, mail a copy of your scripts, stories, novels and poems to yourself then just file them away so you have the postmark officially dating your work in case somebody tries to steal your stuff. It's the poor man's copyright but an incredibly effective and easy way to hold onto IP.
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Tranny Chaser
Also, mail a copy of your scripts, stories, novels and poems to yourself then just file them away so you have the postmark officially dating your work in case somebody tries to steal your stuff. It's the poor man's copyright but an incredibly effective and easy way to hold onto IP.

I was thinking about this method for some reason a few weeks ago, wondered if it still actually worked


<Bronze Donator>
If you are serious. I can sell you a self help course for only $1499. No refunds.
  • 2Worf
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I have a friend who wrote and shopped screenplay. His takeway:

The world is absolutely saturated with good screenwriters, good screenplays, and good ideas. The reason almost everything finished sucks has to do with risk aversion and bureaucracy in the organizations which have the enormous amounts of money to fund and distribute productions.

Do it for fun, but don't expect it to go anywhere unless you're seriously connected or can fund/produce a pilot yourself.
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Tranny Chaser
You can't write but you want to be a writer?

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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
Like a bunch of people I've had an idea or two for movies and TV shows. My latest one (TV) has me thinking more seriously about this.

I'm not naive, I know I can't write but what I can do is map all the major plot points out for several seasons including characters etc. The dialogue, not so much. Does anyone know of anything like this or would I be expected to have written 6 shows and be ready from the get go. Do you just hire a script writer to aid you? I know most of this crap gets shitcanned but I'm pretty serious about at least getting the first 2 seasons all mapped out.
Man if only we had someone who literally worked in Hollywood that could weigh in on this… oh ya whatever happened to that Screamfeeder Screamfeeder guy Amod Amod ? 🤔🤔🤔