Self-Improvement Thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Any tips for life improving advice, apart from the usual lose your weight and stuff.

i.e. Mind discipline.

Lately, I've been following this new fad, which is cold shower. Been working pretty good.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
More reading. Set time aside every day for reading. Fiction, Historical fiction, factual documents, whatever. Want to feel better about yourself? Do a lot of reading. It's an excellent tonic.

Also, make your body healthy. Everyone says it for a reason.


Enjoy cleaning your sheets if you go no fap and have no gf or wife.

Gave that shit up real quick.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
nofap shit is one of few things that I am considering, but holy shit...mental exhaustion...

i know that there is a popular fad, where the myth is: if you gather up all the frustration, all the control from nofap and release it on other productive things, you will become a better man etc.


The only way I was able to go no fap was by working out every day hard and eating at a caloric deficit to the point my body wasn't horny to begin with.

I doubt I'd have been able to do it otherwise however a lot of guys now say that just not using porn and only imagination is fine.


A Mod Real Quick
nofap is the weirdest fuckin shit, I think it's masochism. The only way I can see it helping is if you have some problem where masturbating is taking up so much time that it's ruining your life.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with fapping? Unless, yeah, it consumes your life.


Or maybe stifles your sex life or something.

Anyways, writing! I'm no writer but I've started writing recently and it is amazing how good it feels to have a project, be creative and to see my ideas make something real.


Molten Core Raider
Hell, fapping is the best sleeping pill on the planet, and healthier than sleeping pills to boot. I highly recommend it to anyone that has problems getting to sleep at night.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Or maybe stifles your sex life or something.

Anyways, writing! I'm no writer but I've started writing recently and it is amazing how good it feels to have a project, be creative and to see my ideas make something real.
Not sure if this counts but I started writing things down in a sketchbook a couple weeks ago... so while it isn't "creative writing" it's definitely kept me motivated to do things and also helps me remember things a lot better.

I also kept a daily journal when I stayed home with my daughter for a month after she was born and my wife had to go back to work. It was a very fulfilling experience. I still write in it but only occasionally when big milestones happen. I plan on giving it to her when she gets older.


A Mod Real Quick
Hell, fapping is the best sleeping pill on the planet, and healthier than sleeping pills to boot. I highly recommend it to anyone that has problems getting to sleep at night.
It is. If I'm tossing and turning sometimes I'll go bang a louie with the ol' hand gf into the pisser and conk right out


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think it's important to step back and take a look at yourself to try and figure out what aspects of your personality aren't so great. For example, are you one of those people who talks too much and dominates conversations? Are you too shy in social situations? Do you have any unconscious habits like cracking your knuckles? Do you slouch? Do you chew with your mouth open/smack your lips when eating and drinking?

I think some people are incapable of doing this, but if you can, it's a great way to find some of your faults and actively work on improving them.


<Bronze Donator>
Try posting in a manner that doesn't make everyone think your username is quite apt or that you're a pedophile. Huge improvement then.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
- Find an outlet for competitive urges. Could be gaming I suppose, but something physical is better. Softball, basketball, kickball, tennis, boxing, etc etc

- Supplements. Personally, I've had good results supplementing fish oil and vitamin D3.

- Keep a dream journal. I almost never remember my dreams after I wake up, so I haven't really bothered with this, but I have some friends that swear doing this helped them a lot.

- Read the classics. If you haven't already, delve into some classic great literature.

- Read non-fiction. This is my next horizon. I love reading novels and such, but it's still escapism. Reading non-fiction topics challenges you more (depending on the subject of course).

- Find something that resonates with you spiritually. Be it religion, or something else that speaks to your core, find something that really uplifts you spiritually. Many people neglect this aspect of their lives in our modern society.

- Find a good hobby to occupy the time you're not working. Hiking, restoring old cars, riding motorcycles, painting, music, etc etc.

- Travel someplace that not everyone goes to. Everyone always seems to talk about getting time off and heading to Las Vegas or something. Break the mold and go to Cape Town or Trinidad or Tierra del Fuego or some other far flung place (preferably not a warzone unless that's your thing).


A Mod Real Quick
I received some good advice a few months ago that I've tried incorporating. Spend 15-30 minutes a day picking up small messes or taking care of things for the next day (lay out clothes, prepare lunches, etc) each day. It's amazing how clean a place can be if you spend a few minutes everyday picking up the small things.

Also, the morning rush is so much easier when you don't have to worry about ironing a shirt or anything.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
feels so good to exercise w/ people everyday bros.

cold shower is definitely improving my morning routine. easier to wake up to the cold and out of my bed. better morning.


Tranny Chaser
feels so good to exercise w/ people everyday bros.

cold shower is definitely improving my morning routine. easier to wake up to the cold and out of my bed. better morning.
Correlation and causation. Why do 99 good things and 1 stupid thing - and then attribute meaning to the latter? I don't see the wonders of cold showers. If anything, it would motivate me to stay in bed, haha
If it's a ritual you need, why not start the day with 20 pushups or some other routine? Don't stop exercising - that's an absolutely awesome routine you have