Sense8 (the Wachowski's)


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Sense8 (TV Series 2015??" ) - IMDb

A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order.
Anyone else watched this? I got bored and DL'd it the other day with pretty low expectations (I didn't know that the guy behind Babylon 5 was involved at the time, and thought it would be another Wachowski trainwreck, but the influence from both is obvious and seems to synthesize well together), but to my surprise found that it was actually really engaging and ended up staying late binging the first half of the series.

On episode 10 now and thoroughly enjoying it - I was expecting a messy Lost/Heroes kind of thing, but instead found that once the cast and their stories are established (which takes a few episodes, with 8 of them) I got really immersed and enjoyed watching their plotlines unfold as they slowly become intertwined.

Anyway, would highly recommend this to you if you enjoy character driven thriller/drama type shows with scifi elements.

(merge if there's another thread somewhere).