Sex, Masturbation, and burnt holes in yo dick Thread


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Car analogy inc yay!

My father bought a BMW when I had just graduated high school. He knew I had snuck the old one out a couple times. When he pulled into the driveway and everyone was oooing and ahhing, he pulled me to the side, and said 4 words. He looked me square in the eye. Don't touch this car. Wasn't negative. Wasn't mean. I just knew he meant it.

That's how it was with my son. Don't come home with kids. Don't fuck with these girls. Especially at 14. Like I said, the don't fuck with these girls may have been...silly. Will talk with him tonight and make sure we are on the same page. Not sure what I will say, but I will talk to him.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The day is quickly coming when I'm gonna need to talk to my son about sex and babies. He has 2 younger sisters so he's not unfamiliar with the process of Mama havin' a baby in her tummy... But I also don't want just ignore the conversation. Any of you fathers have any advice/resources to help?
I had the conversation six months ago with my ten year old daughter. I've been in business awhile, and did multi-million dollar negotiations for one of the corporations I worked for. By far, this was the toughest conversation I've ever had.

We had the conversation, but I was embarrassed as hell. I can remember trying to score at 10, so I figure that's a good age.


Musty Nester
Woah. We just had a conversation at work about this Friday.

My son sent a "sexy" pic to some chick. (It really wasn't bad). He's 14 now. She is 17. The girl sent him titties. I nipped that in the bud fast.

That night I straight up told him. No sex. No sex/kids until you graduate college as far as I am concerned. I was extremely stern. I actually grabbed his arm. I made sure he understood why. His mother thought I handled it all wrong. She thought I should talk about the birds and the bees, and not explain to him why these little thots would want to get with him at age 14.

Did I overreact? Probably, but I REALLY want to make sure he understands how serious his life and future is to me, and should be for himself.

People at work heard the convo of me and his mother disagreeing. They thought I should be buying him condoms, not scaring him into thinking all girls are evil. I personally think me buying him condoms condones sex btw.

Buying him condoms DEFINETLY condones sex. Does no one remember being 14?

I think you took the right approach, I don't think it's going to be an effective approach. The boy is up to his gills in morning wood and springing boners while he's walking down the hall. You can't fight that and win.

But you can maybe redirect it. Get him a Brazzers subscription. Or, I've noticed there's a lot more black porn on the internet than there was even a year ago (someone decided THAT was an emerging market). Maybe you tell him, "Look son, I was 14 too. I know what it's like. Learn how to jack your dick. You will never fuck up your entire life by jacking your dick."


Musty Nester
My parents let me fuck my girlfriends in the house, as long as I was smart about it and didn't make it so obvious what I was doing. But there is no way they DIDN'T know.

And I never knocked any of 'em up... but I don't know if that's really a great way to go about things. And I think that was the general attitude to it among my peer group and our parents. Don't ask don't tell. But still, I kinda feel like I mostly got lucky.



<Prior Amod>
Car analogy inc yay!

My father bought a BMW when I had just graduated high school. He knew I had snuck the old one out a couple times. When he pulled into the driveway and everyone was oooing and ahhing, he pulled me to the side, and said 4 words. He looked me square in the eye. Don't touch this car. Wasn't negative. Wasn't mean. I just knew he meant it.

That's how it was with my son. Don't come home with kids. Don't fuck with these girls. Especially at 14. Like I said, the don't fuck with these girls may have been...silly. Will talk with him tonight and make sure we are on the same page. Not sure what I will say, but I will talk to him.
I don't know if you know this...but emotionally, developmentally and pretty much everything else as well....this analogy doesn't even compare to what you are doing/talking about.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm trying to think back when I Was 14. If a girl sent me titties I would be hitting that the second I had a chance. Any guy would. I don't think it would've mattered what anyone said to me.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I don't know if you know this...but emotionally, developmentally and pretty much everything else as well....this analogy doesn't even compare to what you are doing/talking about.
You're thinking too much into it man. My father said don't fuck with that. I didn't. I told my son don't fuck. He wont!

There are no emotions here. We just wanted to fuck at 14. Hormones? Ya. Emotions, maybe? Development if I stretch it. Boy will think with his dick. We all have. I just hope riiiiight before he is about to stick into that jungle of love...he hears me yelling like fuckin Tarzan!! Awwwhahhahaaaaaaaaa! Don't fuck that bitch!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Same result as noodle.

Put condoms where he'll find them and let him know where some morning after pills are in case of an emergency, i think theyre like 30 bucks each so let him know that. It's pretty easy to fuck and not have children. I'd share hpv stats and get him lined up for a gardasil vac if they do that, too.


<Prior Amod>
You're thinking too much into it man. My father said don't fuck with that. I didn't. I told my son don't fuck. He wont!
LoL, good luck with that.

I'll leave it up to you to start the "Unexpected grandparent, what do I do" thread.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Yeah, people shouldn't be embarrassed talking to their kids about sex. The kids will be embarrassed enough. At least, they will be until they interact with you and you are not embarrassed, you're honest, and you don't make it a big deal. Don't get me wrong, I don't make light of the topic, nor do I treat casually. I have different views than many here regarding sex, and I make my views known to my children, and talk with them about issues such as this, and then trust them to make good decisions. They are well informed on the mechanics of sex, on contraceptives, on STDs, and the rest. I'm not going to hide anything from them, and I trust my kids.

Someone suggested to me that I buy my 15 year old girls vibrators to help them with urges. I don't think I'm going to.

Also, has anyone given your son a high five for getting 17 year old titties when he's 14? Dude's a player. (I just)


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm trying to think back when I Was 14. If a girl sent me titties I would be hitting that the second I had a chance. Any guy would. I don't think it would've mattered what anyone said to me.
Truth. I knew damn well I could get the aids and pregnant and caught and everything else and I still fucked. And I like to believe I am reasonably intelligent. Dick does what it wants and fighting it is a losing battle.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I talk to kids about sex all the time. It's easy.


Trakanon Raider
As far as my upbringing goes, I never really did talk about sex with my parents. They're Catholic, but not particularly hardcore about it. I remember at one point when I was around 12-14 (I think?) my mom alluded to us needing to sit down and have a talk about the birds and bees, and then nothing ever came of it. I was thrilled, personally, since that shit is just awkward. But I never really needed my parents to give me a talk about that shit. The sex education I received in school starting in grade 6 was pretty damn comprehensive and covered most anything necessary, as far as I recall. I think they've even moved some of that stuff up to younger ages these days.

My parents did have a policy that if I had a girlfriend over, we were not allowed to be in a room with a closed door. In general though my parents were very hands off with me, whether it was about sex, school/education, playing sports, whatever. They never really pushed me in to much of anything. It was up to me if I wanted to keep playing hockey or try out for a better team; they gave me a bit of a hard time about shitty grades my first year or two of junior high (grade 7-9), if only because my principal met with my mom and showed her my standardized test results that showed I was significantly under performing from where I should have been, but by the time I got to high school I was an honors student so that was fine by them. No pressure to go in to an IB program or anything like that.

I think they just figured I had my shit together, never really got in to any significant trouble, and decided I could figure most shit out on my own. Unfortunately for most of you poor parents, I don't think that description applies to a lot of kids.


Vyemm Raider
I think the lesson for the modern era is "don't stick your dick in crazy."

The thing the kept me abstainate through high school wasn't my parents, the church, or any of that. It was the law. In California, if a male has sex with an underage female (regardless of whether or not the male is underage as well), it's stautory rape. There is a clause that makes it a misdemeanor if there's like 4 years between the two, but it's confusing and I didn't feel like pressing my luck. Here's the kicker: in California, you have up to ten years to report a sex crime. That means that if I'm 18 and a senior in high school and I have sex with my 17 year old high school girlfriend, she has up to ten years to go crazy and turn it into regret rape, or her parents have ten years of deciding whether or not to press charges if they find out. FUCK. THAT.

I think the best you can do is tell him not to bang anyone under 18andto use protection to avoid kids and STDs.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm trying to think back when I Was 14. If a girl sent me titties I would be hitting that the second I had a chance. Any guy would. I don't think it would've mattered what anyone said to me.
Growing up in this era would be so much different than when we were in HS. Hell the first titties sent to me was when I was like 19 or 20 over AIM. It almost seems common place anymore with camera phones and messaging. Kids don't even need to go through the awkward conversation with the chick's father when he inevitability answers the phone when you call her. It almost seems inevitable that kids will fuck around more than our generation simply because it is easier and more accessible. Or possibly things haven't really changed and it is only a handful of mega slutty chicks sending pics. The kind of chick you could score on if you gave her a wine cooler at a house party back in our day.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I have 5 daughters, so yeah I am fucked. As of now they are 17, 16, 6, 4, and 4. The two older ones are from a previous marriage, and the 3 little ones are with my current wife.

I'm not at all comfortable talking to them about it, but thankfully both my ex-wife and wife are. I don't know if my approach to this is wrong, but I simply don't feel comfortable talking to my teenage daughters about sex. Thankfully my ex-wife was very open with my older girls from an early age. They have actually both talked very openly with my wife about it as well, so I figured they are at least covered. The only thing I have told them is to 100% wait until they are ready, do everything to protect themselves, and if at all possible at least try to make it out of high school before having sex. I just feel like kids, especially girls, have enough shit to deal with in high school that adding the complication of a sexual relationship just isn't needed. Do I think they will actually wait? Probably not, but I won't be all upset if they don't. The good news is they are both already on birth control, so I can at least breathe easy there.

Actually, my 17 year old is graduating in a few months, so she may make it out of high school before having sex. I know they are both virgins, at least that is what I am told by my ex-wife and wife, and I don't think they would lie about it. My 16 year old talked pretty openly to me about smoking pot, and I think it was because I was open with her about it for years. I told her she should really cut it out until she is a bit older (I am not about to sit and condone it), but I wasn't coming down on her about it or anything.

So am I doing it wrong by not being comfortable in talking to them? I honestly feel like if I had a son I would have no issue with it. Just a different relationship with a daughter I think.


<Prior Amod>
I think that's normal. My ex wife didn't want to talk about it with my son, which whatever. She said she would talk to our daughter about it. I was okay with that and I think it's normal for parents to think that of their children of the opposite sex.

I feel like I could talk to my daughter about it though if I needed to.


Silver Squire
Well your daughter could learn a valuable amount of information if you weren't verbally constipated about it. Your man view on sex is just as, if not more important and you can help your daughter immeasurably by offering her insight on how guys think and especially on what to expect. Especially at that age when the only experience they have comes from Movies, Disney channel and Internet.

I don't believe the difficulty in talking to them starts with sex though. That is something that many dads have and it starts much earlier. Many men have communication issues.

It's not just sex either nor is it only a girl thing. Parents in general do a shitty job of explaining all the pitfalls they experience in life to their kids. They hide it instead. I guess to appear normal? Don't want to trouble them with real problems and instead let the Disney facade continue? I don't really understand it. Relationship issues, debt issues, job issues, money issues whatever its easier to hide all that under the rug and pretend for some reason.

I guess its hard to have quality time when you only see your kid less than 3 hours a day and most of that is taken up by Dinner, bath and TV.