Sleep Studies / Sleep Apnea


Trakanon Raider
Did a quick Title Search on "sleep" and nothing came up so posting this here:

Does anyone have Sleep Apnea and gone through a sleep study? After doing so what did they do? Did it help?

My wife complains about my snoring. She also has been saying that at night I'm waking up, sitting up straight, coughing and catching my breath. She said that it's really gotten worse in the last year (which leads me to believe there is a stress factor since I've been studying for the CPA Exam since July). She wants me to go see a doctor and have a sleep study since my snoring has gotten so bad it's keeping her awake.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My father has sleep Apnea and did a sleep study. He got a CPAP from the doctor and gets a full nights sleep now and his blood pressure also lowered to healthy levels. He only went because a friend did the same thing and couldn't stop talking about how great it was. I don't see how it could hurt you. Best to do it now then wait till she cuts your dick off in a snore induced rage


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I do them regularly because I have obstructive sleep apnea. There is no drawback to getting the study done. It's not like you'll get diagnosed with sleep apnea and suddenly be unemployable.

CPAP isn't the only answer if they find you have sleep apnea. Sometimes you just need a mouthpeice to keep your jaw from collapsing back, and sometimes you need medicine because it's a neurological problem. There are also surgical options like removing tonsils if they're still there and I think adenoids. I got a CPAP and had surgery. I still have my CPAP, but I think it's a little bit overkill now. When I travel I just use a mouthpiece I bought off the internet. The doctor doesn't believe the mouthpiece helps and won't let me do a sleep study using it. Alls I know is when I have it in, no one complains about my snoring except my wife (she admits it's a lot quieter), and I feel pretty damn rested.


Got something right about marriage
I have sleep apnea and have a CPAP. I can't wear the damn thing because even with Ambien I'll fall asleep with it on then be awake an hour and a half later and not be able to fall back asleep unless I take it off. I'm sure it would help if I could wear it and sleep with it on but I tried for like 2 months and never was able to.

Fucking sucks too because I never feel well rested unless I fall asleep on my side (and thus don't snore) but when I do that I wake up writhing in pain because I have a separated right shoulder and had rotator cuff surgery on my left. I'm not severely overweight either (I do need to lose about 12 pounds though)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Anecdotal story, friend had sleep apnea and went in for study. Woke himself up so many times per minute he was in the highest category. Got him a CPAP, he started sleeping well. Seemed worth it.

Personally, my wife complained about my snoring. I then lost weight and my snoring went away (more or less). Never got tested officially for sleep apnea. Lots of times weight and sleep apnea are related. Not sure of your situation but worth considering.


Bronze Squire
She also has been saying that at night I'm waking up, sitting up straight, coughing and catching my breath. She said that it's really gotten worse in the last year (which leads me to believe there is a stress factor since I've been studying for the CPA Exam since July).
This part here is a red flag. Sounds like you need a sleep study.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I know I do and I've agreed to go get one at an undetermined time in the future. Just was curious to hear some firsthand accounts of others who have gone through with the study and the Darth Vader masks.

And, yeah, I need to lose some weight as well. Not gonna lie about that.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, I know I do and I've agreed to go get one at an undetermined time in the future. Just was curious to hear some firsthand accounts of others who have gone through with the study and the Darth Vader masks.

And, yeah, I need to lose some weight as well. Not gonna lie about that.
Yea did you gain weight? especially your neck? you know more fat, more skin puts pressure on the already small airway and shit, not joking either.


Trakanon Raider
I've definitely put on a few lbs over the past couple of months. As I mentioned, I've been studying for the CPA exam. I know I'm supposed to keep up with good healthy habits while studying for the thing but it's a lot easier said than done. I also live in Cleveland and the weather's been awful so I haven't been able to get outside at all.

Anyway, not making excuses. It's still my fault and I definitely need to lose a few lbs. I'm not morbidly obese or anything. Just a tad heavier than I should be. Never even occurred to me that it could also make my sleeping worse but it makes perfect sense.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I don't have sleep apnea, but my brother does and he couldn't tolerate the CPAP. He ended up getting some custom made mouthpiece from his dentist that basically pulls his lower jaw forward a bit while he sleeps, which frees up the airway. If you can't do CPAP, it's a good alternative.


<Prior Amod>
For now you can spend a hundred bucks or so on devices that work for some ppl.

There are the pills and spray Snorestop Fast Tabs, 60 Count: Health Personal Care Snorestop Extinguisher, 0.4 Oz -Plastic Case: Health Personal Care

Worked for me for a few days, then nada, basically loosens your throat.

then you can try the "devices" mouthguards and chinstraps, look very BDSM, but what the fuck might work for you, so as long as wife doesn't knife you.

you can also buy and try those "breathe right" strips on your nose, good if you have a deviated septum or you fight a lot and your nose is broke. Stop Snoring Tonight with #1 Anti Snoring Chin Strap Device - This Popular Snoring Aid Comes With Free Sleep Package Included. New Comfort Plus Chin Pad . Proven Snoring Solution TRY RISK FREE! Stop Snoring or 100% Money Back Guaranteed: Health Personal Care

these ungodly chin straps push your whole chin forward and keep it in place, there are cheaper ones that will fail or have like 1/2inch of velcro and come apart, hell this won't work if you have a big head.

Would not recommend them at this point, or even mouth guards, can fuck up your mouth/jaw unless you get this kind Rest Assured Night Sleep Aid Mouth Guard: Health Personal Care

they are adjustable forward and back, also, you dip it in boiling water and then put it in your mouth to mold it to your teeth/jaw, i used this for a few months worked great. Don't forget once you go this route, get the old person denture tabs, heh.

I stopped using it cuz i lost weight and don't snore anymore.

then there are pillows that FORCE you to sleep on your side, as you'll most likely snore 100% on your back, ask your wife if she wakes up angry and if you're either on your back or side, she'll say you're on your back. - Anti-snore Mild Sleep Apnea Pillow, Only Pillow Approved for Snoring Cessation, It Simply Works. -

i think that's about all the research i did months ago. my advice, get the adjustable mouthguard. Buy and try the pills (you have to take them 30min b4 sleep)/spray, breathe right strips (these can be bought at any walmart right now)

and goto the fucking gym and loose that snore weight.

tough love brother, i'm sure you appreciate it.


Vyemm Raider
Did a quick Title Search on "sleep" and nothing came up so posting this here:

Does anyone have Sleep Apnea and gone through a sleep study? After doing so what did they do? Did it help?

My wife complains about my snoring. She also has been saying that at night I'm waking up, sitting up straight, coughing and catching my breath. She said that it's really gotten worse in the last year (which leads me to believe there is a stress factor since I've been studying for the CPA Exam since July). She wants me to go see a doctor and have a sleep study since my snoring has gotten so bad it's keeping her awake.

I did a sleep apnea test 3 months ago because my father has it, I am a big guy and I complained to the doctor about insomnia. My Dr is kind of a bone head, I cant fall asleep (with our self medication, which I was kinda hoping he would give me prescription for, which he didn't because he is old and british.) he recommended a sleep apnea consultant. I am Canadian so I did not have to pay for anything so decided to take the test.

The machine puts a tube up your nostrils (not as bad as it sounds) and a oxygen monitor on your finger. I did one test night, it was not very comfortable but I could see getting used to it. I eneded up not having an issue but the guy (who is a consultant and not a doctor, the data was sent to a specialist for review however) still tried to get me to rent it (most extended health benefits pick up the cost) as a precaution (wtf) I said no.

My father as I said has it and runs a CPAP, he said it has been very helpful and his blood pressure has dropped back to normal. He also retired, so that is a huge factor in BP and stress.


Just a Nurse
Sounds like what Nester is talking about is just a nasal cannula, which are beyond painless -- same with the pulse oximeters that go on the finger. Angelwatch: I wanted to also point you to another potential diagnosis is sleep paralysis. It is typically caused from anxiety and severe stress and will often leave the person who wakes up gasping for breath.

I do not envy anyone who has to wear a CPAP or BIPAP at night. Many of our patients use those and they look so incredibly uncomfortable. =\ Hopefully the sleep study will provide the answers you need.


Got something right about marriage
Sounds like what Nester is talking about is just a nasal cannula, which are beyond painless -- same with the pulse oximeters that go on the finger. Angelwatch: I wanted to also point you to another potential diagnosis is sleep paralysis. It is typically caused from anxiety and severe stress and will often leave the person who wakes up gasping for breath.

I do not envy anyone who has to wear a CPAP or BIPAP at night. Many of our patients use those and they look so incredibly uncomfortable. =\ Hopefully the sleep study will provide the answers you need.
I suffer from both sleep apnea and sleep paralysis and let me tell you... I KNOW when I'm having a night terror and sleep paralysis is occurring because it's entirely lucid 100% of the time and it's creepy/scary as hell.

The scene in the terror is always in my bedroom, I feel like I'm asleep, and being attacked or watched in my bed and am trying desperately to wake up or fight back but cannot move. Slowly I realize it's not real (after having dealt with it for years, now I know) and eventually, after a long struggle of trying to blurt out any kind of noise and wake myself I let out a pathetic little gasp/wimper and I am awake.

The sleep apnea on the other hand... many girlfriends have told me I literally stop breathing for seconds at a time and then gasp for air. This is entirely unbeknownst to me and I never actually wake up. Two very different things.

I've got a lot of sleep problems.


Bronze Squire
I do not envy anyone who has to wear a CPAP or BIPAP at night. Many of our patients use those and they look so incredibly uncomfortable. =\ Hopefully the sleep study will provide the answers you need.
I've been on CPAP for about 6-7 years now, and I love it. I think the biggest pain in the ass is the tubing because I turn in bed quite a bit, but you get used to it. I've got the full face mask and I prefer it over the nose only masks.


<Prior Amod>
I suffer from both sleep apnea and sleep paralysis and let me tell you... I KNOW when I'm having a night terror and sleep paralysis is occurring because it's entirely lucid 100% of the time and it's creepy/scary as hell.

The scene in the terror is always in my bedroom, I feel like I'm asleep, and being attacked or watched in my bed and am trying desperately to wake up or fight back but cannot move. Slowly I realize it's not real (after having dealt with it for years, now I know) and eventually, after a long struggle of trying to blurt out any kind of noise and wake myself I let out a pathetic little gasp/wimper and I am awake.
My wife has gotten to the point that she can scratch my hand, or something like that, you probably know, this takes her a monsterous amount of effort i cannot relate to. I can feel it and up, slowly wake up her body and shes "ok" in 10mins.

maybe twice a year this happens, freaks both of us out, we really don't watch scary movies with sleeping sequences in them.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I have sleep apnea and have a CPAP. I can't wear the damn thing because even with Ambien I'll fall asleep with it on then be awake an hour and a half later and not be able to fall back asleep unless I take it off. I'm sure it would help if I could wear it and sleep with it on but I tried for like 2 months and never was able to.
I recommend you just keep wearing it as long as you can every night. If you never got used to it, maybe put it on while you're watching TV. After over 10 years, I still sometimes take mine off in the middle of the night.

Anecdotal story, friend had sleep apnea and went in for study. Woke himself up so many times per minute he was in the highest category. Got him a CPAP, he started sleeping well. Seemed worth it.

Personally, my wife complained about my snoring. I then lost weight and my snoring went away (more or less). Never got tested officially for sleep apnea. Lots of times weight and sleep apnea are related. Not sure of your situation but worth considering.
I was in the same boat. My initial score was 100 arousals per hour. Weight and sleep apnea are definitely related but it's kind of a catch-22. If you're not sleeping well, your metabolism shuts down and you gain weight, which makes the sleep apnea worse. I gained over 100 lbs in the year I had OSA and didn't go see a dr.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I don't have sleep apnea, but my brother does and he couldn't tolerate the CPAP. He ended up getting some custom made mouthpiece from his dentist that basically pulls his lower jaw forward a bit while he sleeps, which frees up the airway. If you can't do CPAP, it's a good alternative.
I tried to get a custom mouthpiece, but they cost thousands of dollars and neither my medical nor dental insurance was willing to cover it. So, I got ripsnore for like $25 or $50 from the internet and it works pretty damn well. It works like the mouthpieces I wore when I played football, except it goes around both the upper and lower teeth.

The machine puts a tube up your nostrils (not as bad as it sounds)
I forgot about this. We had my daughter checked, and she had to have a tube inserted up her nose and down her throat. I never had to do that, they just attached something that kinda hooked onto my nostrils. I asked the Dr about it and he said the difference was that I reported audible snoring. They only needed the tube down her throat because there was no snoring.


Blackwing Lair Raider
i went to a sleep doctor for my snoring. it could have caused by deviated septum (which i got fixed), or by reflux (too much spicy food etc. burns the esophagus), by a slightly retusive jaw (or whatever its called), or because i was a bit overweight.

in all honesty its because i was too fat. most snoring is because you are fat. not so much belly fat, but visceral fat. the tongue gets fat. your organs get a layer of fat around them. the only real fix is to be lean, but thats hard work so the mouthguards or facehugger machines are the easiest way to go.

also i used to get pretty bad night terrors. was always some fucker outside the window. i started sleeping with a hunting knife under the pillow and it really helped with the waking response. then over some time of being armed and belligerent at the source of the night terror, it just left me alone and haven't had one for years. i do remember one time like 20 years ago my girlfriends and i both woke up at exactly the same time with a night terror, hers was spiders, i was being crushed. i thought it was interesting in a spooky ghost kind of way.


Musty Nester
Apnea isusuallya weight issue. Get the test, if they give you one use the medieval torture device they give you, and burn off a little bit of weight. Mewkus is right, it's not the bellyfat that does it to you. It can also be a posture issue though.

Night terrors sound... terrible! Maybe 2-3 times a year I'll have a lucid nightmare where I wake up before my body does and cannot move. And it takes a supreme effort of will to wrench my body awake. That shit suuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Like it physically hurts. Only seems to happen from the combination of stress and extreme fatigue. I can't imagine being subjected to that as just "oh, that's just something my body does sometimes". I would drink myself into stupors every night and just have a permanent hangover.