So, I'm dying...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Dunno why this bothers me so much. It's just another random faggot on the Internet. Fucking thing sucks.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Fuck. This sucks, G. My thoughts are with you and your family. You're one of my favorites. I hope you beat the odds.

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
If it gives you some fire to fight with in 2002 I was 300 lbs with a rapidly growing tumor. The tumor caused a bloody clot that passed into my lungs. I was hospitalized for three months. It got to the point where the tumor had grown so large I couldn't breath with 10/10 pain. It took 60mg of morphine over an hour to allow me to breath.
At that point a doctor came in and explained there was nothing further they could do beyond keeping me comfortable. It was just a few days later they sent me down and they drained two liters of necrotic tumor cells/tissue/whatever. That relieved all the pressure from breathing.
I eventually recovered enough to go home. Not before heading back due to severe anxiety attacks. Hooked me up with some Xanax and I managed to recover after a couple years.
So for damn sure keep fighting.


Molten Core Raider
When you stand in front of the Old Man/Lady, you won't be alone, lots of us will think of you... and we're all headed there eventually...give 'em Hell, Gravy. All my best.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
You'll be missed bro. If i had a facebook, I could probably save you by getting everyone to send you prayers. Damn me and my luddite ways.

Oh yeah, and when death comes for you, do not embrace him with open arms. Punch him repeatedly in the throat as he drags you away.

Be sure to arrange for someone to let us know what's going on. If not someone on the forum, then give a family member your login info or something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gravy, you were always one of the good ones. You brought a lot of people joy and friendship. Keep fighting man.


Musty Nester
That reminds me. Do me a favor. Haunt Hodj.

Nothing major. Just little poltergeist stuff like hide his car keys and move his dresser to the other side of the room while he's out of the house.

It would drive him insane. Literally insane. A++ use of ghost powers.


Molten Core Raider
I'm with Iannis. If you're going to go, go with the most +++++++nets you can get by haunting Hodj and giving the big boss the finger from RR.

I may have paraphrased, but I know that's what he meant.


Silver Squire
Fucking sucks. This the result of a genetic condition or bad luck?
My wife was telling me about this earlier today. I'm not medically inclined but I'll try and repeat what she told me (she isn't here to correct me). If I say something incorrect someone will correct me.

A fib is when one chamber is not pumping properly. Specifically the right side of your body and the two chambers end up out of sync. One side, the exit, is doing the proper work but the input side is not. This can be fixed by shock, drugs, pacemaker, removing the blockage etc.. Case like this (afib no blockage) would be something you would consider a pacemaker (bradycardia) / drugs for, so that those chambers pump correctly and you don't end up with heart damage.

Now when you have a heart attack and the muscles actually start dying due to lack of Oxygen that becomes a bigger issue. His ejection fraction is essentially how much blood his heart is able to move out of the left ventricle of the heart to the rest of the body. Normal is 50-70, obviously 8 is very bad and anything below 40 is indicative of heart failure or disease impacting the muscles of the heart. Since we aren't Klingons with redundant organs that is obviously a bad thing.

Cause? Likely genetics and lifestyle. Especially uncontrolled high blood pressure.


Still a Music Elitist
I remember you gave me some shit at Three Kings for wearing a Bengals hat instead of a Reds one in STL territory. I thought that was badass because I would have done the exact same thing to an Internet stranger in that situation. You are exactly like your Internet personality. You'll pull through. Because you're a beast.

I don't know why everyone thought you weren't white.

RR br0s - I have Gravy's number. I'll hit him up tomorrow.


FoH nuclear response team
Gravy, as you can see you do not need to give up. You're the chosen one, call your banners and we will fight with you!


Vyemm Raider
Be with your loved ones with as much time as you have left Gravy. The NFL thread will not be the same without you.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The waiting list is crazy long, even Dick Chaney had to wait close to two years for one.