Soccer 2012-2013 3.0


Golden Knight of the Realm
This seasons ManUtd team have already let in more goals than when they won some of their championships, they are "just" relying on banging in more goals at the other end. 10-years-ago-RedFace would be rolling in his grave but the current edition obviously believes it's easier to use the current lineup offensively and he's probably (well I guess he knows more than me
) right!
the defense at least got a little better with vidic coming back


Saw the Kompany tackle video this morning after reading a bunch of pundits defending it on the BBC website including Hansen etc and was surprised at how bad it appears to be from first viewing. I can understand why the ref sent him off, it looks like a two footed challenge from a first look and from the referees viewpoint.


Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
It looked to me like Rodgers should have played Henderson instead of Allen, Henderson has the legs to chase the ball whilst Allen just looks like he needs a rest.
How crazy is this in that people are actually wondering why Hendo wasn't on the field which is a complete 180 for the last 18 months where only the size of Carroll's transfer fee stopped people from ragging on him even worse. How much of that is just Allen falling off a cliff or Hendo actually finally coming good? At least every pass from Hendo right now isn't square or backwards. Somewhat reminds me of Enriquez from last year where the first 4 months he looked the best LB in the EPL and then after the new year was just total shit.

As Downing said LFC just needs to act and play like they are the best team on the pitch regardless of the points. I think it was pretty telling when Jones was sent on just to hack at Suarez, been quite a while since I've seen such a negative sub out of RedFace.


Golden Squire
This seasons ManUtd team have already let in more goals than when they won some of their championships, they are "just" relying on banging in more goals at the other end. 10-years-ago-RedFace would be rolling in his grave but the current edition obviously believes it's easier to use the current lineup offensively and he's probably (well I guess he knows more than me
) right!
The other side of the coin being that they have scored more goals at this point of the season than they have in the last 100 years. Obviously this 1-0-9 formation has something going for it!

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Pretty sure RedFace mentioned Vidic and Young both picked up injuries yesterday, no guarantee he'll even be playing next week.


Saw the Kompany tackle video this morning after reading a bunch of pundits defending it on the BBC website including Hansen etc and was surprised at how bad it appears to be from first viewing. I can understand why the ref sent him off, it looks like a two footed challenge from a first look and from the referees viewpoint.
I don't fully buy Hansen's view that "tackling is dead" if these sending offs continues. Before the start of the season the referees were explicitly told to punish two-footed tackles and accentuated dives, so those two offenses are on hold. Either you chill out for a season or go full Gareth Bale and get 5 yellows for diving in one season.

If anything It's a wrong call on the FAs part, referees are just blowing whistles as instructed.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Uhh yeah, and if he missed the ball he had two feet with studs showing going into a shin, ankle or other leg part. Tony Pulis would have been proud.....


Pep signing up for Bayern Munich was a bit out of the blue, especially after his "I want to manage in England" comments yesterday.

Mancini and Benitez will both be sending him thank you texts tonight!

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
It's probably one of the only clubs that could compete with Barca in the CL, pretty smart move IMO. While the Bundesliga is probably the healthiest of leagues out there he really only has Dortmund to contend with for the title and then the rest of the focus can be on the CL with funds to compete with any other European team for the most part. The team is built for a 4-2-3-1 though so it will be interesting to see if he changes that and also how much gas Robben has left in the tank. With GolTV basically going away I've yet to see any german team that were not CL games.


<Gold Donor>
Great move for Pep - will be interesting to see if he's half the coach he (and others) seem to think he is. I think Vilanova is doing better with Barca this season than Pep ever did, but what do I know.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
It's almost amazing how far M'Vila's stock has fallen if the reported bid by QPR is correct at 6.2m pounds. When he was reportedly going to Arsenal the fee was over 20m. If Rennes accepts that offer I don't see why more teams wouldn't jump on it as he has all the physical tools if he just gets his head right. Would love to see him at LFC playing alongside Lucas.


The dumb cunt took out the Stade Rennais U21 team to go clubbing and got a ban for it. He has also performed badly for a long time and is on the bench for his team.

But besides that, he's only 22 years old, a lot can change.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The dumb cunt took out the Stade Rennais U21 team to go clubbing and got a ban for it. He has also performed badly for a long time and is on the bench for his team.

But besides that, he's only 22 years old, a lot can change.
It was the French U21 team and he was banned from French team for it until June of 2014. He's started 15 games this season so I'm not sure what you're talking about. His performances haven't been an issue.


<Gold Donor>
Wilshere with an amazing goal to escape Swansea - Arsenal played great the second half, and should have put it away earlier (would have done too if Walcott was a natural finisher). Glad Wilshere seems content in North London - the team could use 8 more Wilshere's....

Great job Saints! - was watching that on my laptop while watching the Arsenal game... thought the Chavs were going to riot when they yanked off Lampard to put Torres on... lulz. Arsenal/Chels should be fun.


<Gold Donor>
Sounds like more ITK bullshit to me, but I would LOVE it if it were for Gotze as rumored... I have gone cold turkey quitting the twitter rumor stuff regarding Arsenal. It only serves to break my heart... haha. But a MF of Santi/Jack/Gotze (Arteta/Diaby cycling in) sounds good to me. Still doesn't address the striker situation, but I actually rate Giroud higher than most people. Think he's been getting better every game.