Soccer 2012-2013 3.0


<Gold Donor>
Played one of the worst first halves I've ever seen from an Arsenal side - played really well in the second, but when you look at who Arsenal brought on to give them a spark (Ramsey, Arshavin?!?!) its clear there are simply not enough attacking options at the club at the moment. 1 point from 9 in January - pathetic. Hard to see the road Arsenal have to take to make the top 4 again - getting pretty tight. Can't believe I woke up at 7:00 am on a Sunday to watch that bullshit.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The Spurs/ManU game was pretty good, think Spurs definitely deserved the point if not an outright win with how they played. That's how you have to play ManU, you can't sit back and Spurs attacked all game.


Referee's are having their worst season yet. How Rooney didn't get a penalty when Caulker pretty much just bodied him, is beyond me.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The only one that comes to mind is in the 2nd half and it was clear the defender got the ball before following through on Rooney, granted RedFace is already complaining about the linesman not the fact Jones/Carrick in midfield were completely overrun.

Edit: Just read the piece on Pep wanting Suarez at Bayern next year, probably just bullshit but they do share the same agent which is Pep's brother. It would take a huge bid I would think to make LFC want to give him up, at least one would hope.


I'd be delighted to sell Suarez for a ridiculous amount of money. The moment he stops playing like a god will be the moment he is nothing but poison for the team.


Anyone watch the Barca game? Curious how legit the card was.
Pique was a fucking retard for getting the first yellow. Free kick near the middle of the field, in a pretty safe position with little to no chance of creating danger. What does Pique do? Dances like a fucking retard a few feet from it trying to block the attempt. After the game he went on twitter to bitch and moan about the refs carding him when he gets fouls. I hope Tito slapped him upside the head because he is an idiot and his 2nd yellow was the beginning of the downfall during this particular game.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I'd be delighted to sell Suarez for a ridiculous amount of money. The moment he stops playing like a god will be the moment he is nothing but poison for the team.
First, turn in your LFC membership for even saying something like that. Second, we're talking Ronaldo type money or no fucking way.


If Bayern come knocking, you can bet that Suarez will be gone. Playing for a top 2 club beats a top 15 club all days of the week.


Elerion is right, if the guy gives even a hint that he'd go you should sell him immediately before it became a media circus. If he didn't get his way he'd act up so badly even Tevez would think him a degenerate. So long as he is happy though you would be nuts to sell him, you'd be down with Villa without him atm.


Tranny Chaser
raphael honigstein ?@honigstein
Bayern Suarez/Falcao links seem implausible. However: they are close to signing another young German (after Kirchhoff) so their transfer...

raphael honigstein ?@honigstein
... policy could well change to a Barcelona-style one superstar per year plus talents model. don't think they will try for Suarez, tho


Tranny Chaser
If he didn't get his way he'd act up so badly even Tevez would think him a degenerate.
Doubtful, his behaviour on the pitch is motivated solely by an intense drive/determination to win...hence the handball against Ghana. Off the pitch he's described as completely different to his on field persona. So I think it's unlikely that he would suddenly start acting like Pierre van Hoojidonk if he were unable to get his own way.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Suarez is 25, he should be just about to hit his peak footballing years. I could see moving him on closer to 30 but for right now you couldn't actually replace him unless you buy a player that costs basically the same so the whole thing is stupid.


Aha, I hadn't heard that about his off-field behaviour, I presumed he was the man who refused to shake Evra's in all walks of life. I stand corrected!

And yes, van Hoojidonkey sours me to this day. What a player
Campbell and he had been awesome in what is now the Championship and I was sure that would work well in the PL, after losing the Collymore/Roy partnership they seemed a great replacement but it was not to be. He actually had a lot of good reasons to be upset with the club as the manager and owners at the time had lied to his face but going on strike just made everything so much worse.

Apparently Sneijder is signing for Galatasary! I'm surprised a decent PL side didn't offer him something, unless they did and the Turkish team are paying his crazy money.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
He's getting 120,000 a week from Gala and the tax rate in Turkey for football players is 15%. Pretty easy decision if it's just a money question. This brings up a better point though in that while we've seen Remy and possibly M'Vila move I'm surprised more Ligue 1 players aren't looking to move out of France with the 90% tax bracket once you make over 1m euro's.


Tranny Chaser
He's getting 120,000 a week from Gala and the tax rate in Turkey for football players is 15%. Pretty easy decision if it's just a money question. This brings up a better point though in that while we've seen Remy and possibly M'Vila move I'm surprised more Ligue 1 players aren't looking to move out of France with the 90% tax bracket once you make over 1m euro's.
It's 75% not 90% and it hasn't been implemented yet, one of their Courts said it was "unconsitutional" hence it has to be rewritten before it can be ratified


Tranny Chaser
Apparently Sneijder is signing for Galatasary! I'm surprised a decent PL side didn't offer him something, unless they did and the Turkish team are paying his crazy money.
He was linked to LFC for ages, right up until it had been officially announced that he'd signed for Galatasary. I'm still not sure how genuine any LFC interest was, I suspect not very. He would have wanted massive wages and considering his age it could well have been another Joe Cole.

The LFC interest in Coutinho fits the LFC model of young talent far better.


Tranny Chaser
Aha, I hadn't heard that about his off-field behaviour, I presumed he was the man who refused to shake Evra's in all walks of life. I stand corrected!
He's shaken hands with Evra twice this season, what's your point?

"However, his wife Sofia is adamant that he is a saint off the pitch but the striker himself admits that he has a "Jekyll and Hyde" personality

"Yes, there's an enormous difference in my behaviour," Suarez told News of the World.

"On the pitch I feel like I'm a little bit of a rebel, someone who is always going to do something perhaps slightly mad. I really hate losing. This game is always about winning isn't it?

"I even want to win playing games with Sofia. I can't help it. But everyone behaves differently on and off the field."

His sister Giovanna said: "He is the quietest of all of us" before his brother Paulo and his mother Sandra added: "He barely says a word."


Bronze Knight of the Realm
France's tax rate was ruled unconstitutional because a single person making $1 million would get the 75% rate, while a family of two making $900,000 each would get a significantly lower rate. A new tax scheme will likely have no problems passing again. I have no doubt that more players will flee to avoid that incredible rate though, whenever it gets finalized.

And I'm not surprised Sneijder didn't get any significant offers from England/the first world. He's actually been a pretty mediocre player for most of his career, only when Mourinho was at Inter did he play like a world beater. That, combined with his wage demands would make him a pretty terrible buy, imo.


He was linked to LFC for ages, right up until it had been officially announced that he'd signed for Galatasary. I'm still not sure how genuine any LFC interest was, I suspect not very. He would have wanted massive wages and considering his age it could well have been another Joe Cole.
I believe I saw 110k being thrown around as the offer from LFC but due to the tax issues it would mean that they would have needed to offer him Gerrard type of money to even come close to matching Gala's offer. On top of that he also got a 25k a game appearance fee and 6 mil Euro signing bonus. He already achieved all he wanted in terms of playing at the top, now its all about the money.