Soccer 2017-2018


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
As an England fan, i'm shitting bricks we will lose hahahah....Goes with the territory. Hopefully it will be a decent game.

I hope England loses with penalty kicks since they said they have been practicing them and have already chosen the starting 5 to take them.
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Was that the worst game of the tournament so far?

Of the ones I saw, I think that dubious honor goes to France vs Danemark, because not only was there no goal, there was not even scoring opportunities! (the end of Japan's third was a pure disgrace though).

Sweden played a good match tactically, pressing high to disrupt the early construction of the swiss team and possibly force them to lob the ball ahead and create duels opportunities for the swede midfield. If that did not work, they folded back to have a good low defense, which was made easy by the fact they rarely bothered to defend the wings with two people as they relied on their big defenders to deal with any kind of crosses. The swiss attack fared slightly better than the spaniard in a similar situation, we saw some long distance shots, some crosses, in the air or on the ground, some combinations to perforate the defense, some one-on-one, but as a whole, the swiss went at it too slowly, too carefully and, it should be, a bit clumsily at times. In the end, the swede with a more straight forward game plan once they got the ball got more scoring opportunities, but, luckily for the swiss, they also were a bit clumsy!

It's a type of match that is a bit difficult for the coaches. Nothing is going too well, but nothing is going too poorly, so do you risk making a change? By deciding to be cautious, the swiss coach put himself at the mercy of something stupid and something stupid happened.

It's a bit frustrating, but at the same time, I don't feel so bad about it, because the team did not manage to break out of its shell, to add energy and pace to the game. Maybe it's a consequence of the poor 3rd game in the group phase, maybe missing two players on the right side really crippled our offensive animation as Lang did not move up the wing to combine with Shaqiri as much as Lichtsteiner did, but the end result is here: in the elimination phase, if you don't play a good match, you go home. "Fun" fact, since 1954 (the last time Switzerland went past the round of 16), the swiss team did not manage to score a single goal in the elimination phase of a World Cup out of 60+ shots... good job?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is a clear red card. Very fucking clear. VAR step up already.

What the fuck, are we the only team to receive a red card this entire world cup?


It makes me realize we have yet to see a dog fight, an ugly but super intense match with big fouls, fights always on the verge of breaking, red cards, etc.

This match has potential in this category!
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Dental Dammer
What the fuck. Leave our inventors alone you fucking dirty greasy Columbian cunts.

Some tracksuited cunt from their coaching team shoulder barged sterling on the way back to the tunnel.
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<Bronze Donator>
I don't know how these refs put up with all the bullshit. I would have given out 6 yellow cards to all those fuckers surrounding me and complaining.
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<Gold Donor>
Columbia full on shit houses. They can actually play, not sure why they set up like this. Hope they get beat by 10