Southland season 5


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else looking forward to this? Not the best show on tv, but good story arcs/semi believable characters. Seems to fly under the radar for the most part, but thankfully like the best roaches has escaped cancellation many a time.



<Bronze Donator>
I really enjoy this show. It's relatively gritty for a cable cop show and I think they do a decent job of showing both sides of a lot of the characters even if it often happens in cliche ways. The "best cop show since The Wire" comments are a little overblown (or maybe they aren't? I don't really watch any others) but I don't think it's too big of a stretch to say that The Wire fans looking for a police drama that's character driven may enjoy this one.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, it definitely has it's share of cliches but somehow they don't seem quite as contrived as other shows. And even with the cliches the writers do a good job of throwing in the occasional "oh shit" moment like Nate's death or the dead girl up in the wheel well. It and the wire are def. very different shows and it's prolly not really fair to compare them, but I like that they use the same season long story arc style of the wire rather than episodic.


reformed lurker
<Bronze Donator>
It's one of the more realistic cop shows out there. A lot of the crazy shit that happens is taken directly from COPS or other LE reality shows.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I've thoroughly enjoyed this since the first season. IIRC someone in the old thread on FoH had an uncle who was LAPD for ~20 years who said it was the most realistic cop show on tv. The storylines aren't super complex or anything, but the writing is pretty solid and it's very well acted.

The vast majority of the extras are current/ex/retired officers


<Bronze Donator>
I've also read some comments by cops on reddit where they've said similar things about the show's realism. Has season 5 actually started or just coming soon?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm amazed at how consistent this show is from season to season. I don't know that there's ever been a bad episode.


reformed lurker
<Bronze Donator>
Last night was fucking intense. This show somehow manages to keep outdoing itself. Cudlitz has been knocking it out of the park lately too


<Bronze Donator>
Only part I've rolled my eyes at in this show was Ben paying off the dude to break into Sammy's house. Thought that was a little dumb. Overall the show is great though.


Molten Core Raider
Fuck that was a messed up episode, the fact that they aren't too afraid to kill off/write major charters out of the show does a good job of adding to tension. The one problem I have with the show is the endless number of foot chases, do cops in LA not carry tasers? When I worked as a FF we got called all the time to evaluate dumbasses the ran from the cops and got tased.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Kind of reminds me of that episode where Sammy's partner got smacked in the head. Only it lasted the entire episode.

Also, with the killing off of characters, they do it mid-season. Most shows would do that for an end of season cliffhanger. This one just does it all the time.


Molten Core Raider
Damn, I like how they have managed to move every character into the moral grey area. Hopefully this isn't the last season cause I thought it was their best yet and they have plenty of fodder for a new season. Show has always had good acting but I thought Cuddlitz (sp?) did an amazing job, and hopefully he gets a little credit for his work esp if it continues without him.


reformed lurker
<Bronze Donator>
I really, really hope we get another season, but it's not looking good. Ben Mckenzie and Regina King have both signed on with other shows. I guess it's possible to do two shows at once, but I don't think that's too common.

Basically this: if you don't watch Southland you are bad and it's your fault this awesome show is going away. Eat a dick.


Molten Core Raider
Then yeah I guess that's it. Was hoping TNT would limp it along just to have a critically highly rated show in their line up, but if that's true it's done. One random thing that's been bugging me about this show, they had the episode with the dead baby and finally the mother tells the true story about being burnt out taking the baby into the bed falling asleep on her side and smothering the kid. The episode ends with Adams purposefully going to sleep on her side, burnt out right next to her son and I thought had some significance, but then everything else with her character for the rest of the series onwards counteracts that. Was I just reading too much into that?