Star Trek: Discovery


T'was a spelling joke. I actually dont care about what you like.
Yeah better not encourage anyone by making them think you care, the last time someone paid attention to what a Star Trek fan thinks we wound up with "Nemesis" (I seem to recal it was a fan written script). I did just get more respect for the movie however "Nemesis was to have been the first Star Trek film to feature the character of Wesley Crusher (played by Wil Wheaton). His scenes were almost entirely cut from the film, leaving only a brief, silent cameo during the wedding (which itself is only visible in widescreen presentations, as he sits at the far end of the table)." Wesley Crusher needs his very own forever alone meme.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Had one of my friends come over today to drop off some money, he asked about my cat (who is named Riker) and we got on the subject of Star Trek. Sat him down, made him watch Best of Both Worlds and got a new ST convert!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Well I figured since Im the captain of my house, it was only fitting to name my orange tabby (Number One) as William T. Riker. And that full name is what the vet has on their forms for him


Well I figured since Im the captain of my house, it was only fitting to name my orange tabby (Number One) as William T. Riker. And that full name is what the vet has on their forms for him
I named my cat Lexx because as a kitten he destroyed my couch.

I just realized that DS9 had story intermissions the way many anime do and I can only imagine how they came about
"Shit, the script isn't ready what are we going to do?"
"let's keep working on that script and do a mirror universe episode"
"won't that piss off fans?"
"Nah, we'll just dress Kira in leather"

some time passes......

"Shit the script isn't ready again"
"Kira in leather?"
"Kira in Leather! we can milk this for a while, we'll do some tribble shit next time just so they don't catch on"

repeat a couple more time.


reformed lurker
<Bronze Donator>
And when people got tired of Kira in leather they changed it to Kira in leather makes out with Dax. Which I was okay with.


<Prior Amod>
I named my cat Lexx because as a kitten he destroyed my couch.

I just realized that DS9 had story intermissions the way many anime do and I can only imagine how they came about
"Shit, the script isn't ready what are we going to do?"
"let's keep working on that script and do a mirror universe episode"
"won't that piss off fans?"
"Nah, we'll just dress Kira in leather"

some time passes......

"Shit the script isn't ready again"
"Kira in leather?"
"Kira in Leather! we can milk this for a while, we'll do some tribble shit next time just so they don't catch on"

repeat a couple more time.


Which is a shame because Wheaton is a pretty awesome dude in reality.
Wheaton is one of those guys that can pull off being insufferable because he can make it an asset. I love his Tabletop series on Geek and Sundry and it's great when he gets way ahead of himself and starts acting smug just before getting knocked out of the game. I forgot which episode it was but he fully admitted to being a total douche during the game.

Just look at that face! you know he's planning on being an asshole.


No, it's code for "we need to take the computers offline if this plot is going to work".

The just kind of forgot about the sentient computer program "pup" stuck in DS9's computers didn't they? Not that it would have added anything to the story.


Musty Nester
Hey. One time I had an ethernet cable with an obvious short in it and windows troubleshooter told me there was probably a cable that was unplugged somewhere.

Good enough for guvmint work!


Ah the promises of the future! Never once did Scotty, Geordi, Trip, B'Elanna or O'Brien have to call India for tech support.

"Is the warp drive plugged in? Have you tried rebooting the warp drive? Power cycle the device again. It was damaged by Borg, let me transfer you to the correct department; please hold."
Muzak plays in background
"Is the Warp Drive plugged in?"......

The Ancient_sl

They are on a federation starship, who would they call for tech support? The schmups down on planets buying private goods from corporations(does ST even have those) still have to deal with it of course.


They are on a federation starship, who would they call for tech support? The schmups down on planets buying private goods from corporations(does ST even have those) still have to deal with it of course.
I have one rule in life and that is to never argue with a mind flayer.

Does anyone remember the time that Sisko convinced a little girl to destroy her city with bad advice?

Season 1.13 "The Storyteller"

There are two separate storylines and both paint the picture of the destruction that will happen after the episode ends. The O'brien storyline paints the picture of a broken people who were without laws until someone decided to focus their negative energy through an orb fragment which would menace them until they would band together. The invention of a devil and the power of belief saved them from savagery and everything worked out alright in that story. The second story is of a border dispute between 2 bajoran tribes, the young female leader of one of the factions replies to an offer to see the wormhole by saying "I have never seen the wormhole" not the celestial temple which would indicate a lack of religion in that region which would have at least acted as some form of bond between the tribes. The dispute is because a river was diverted during the occupation and that river served as the border and the side that lost land insisted that lines on a map were more important than physical boundaries and the two factions were threatening war over the ordeal. In the end Sisko manages to calm the young female leader enough to make a concession and everything turns out ok... until after the episode ends.

The two factions had been at war, thus the need for a border and they chose the river for a reason. It's a hell of alot harder to stage an invasion if you have to cross a river. Giving those you have a tentative peace with at best a foothold into your territory is a terrible idea. The wording of the treaty was exactly "..the border should forever be the river..." for a damn good reason. The story also implies that the girl's tribe had people already living on that land again because of the occupation and not because they decided to conquer it. They would be disrupting everyone who had settled there during a period of rebuilding after a major war which would just stir up more unrest. The young woman may not have realized what she had done because instead of talking with her advisors she instead got council with an illiterate ferengi and a military brat.

Next episode Kira blows up a mormon farm while the Commander's son conspires to drive up land prices and price gouge the government on a piece of land he acquired from a desperate farmer who didn't know it's value. No, really.